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Don't settle for less than God's best!
Nov 3, 2004
in the palm of God's hand
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Often I have heard people ask the questions, “What is the truth about God? Why do we all have different interpretations of scriptures? When people vehemently disagree with each other, are they afraid to admit that they could be wrong in their interpretations?”

What is the truth about God? Learning what is *true* about God is no different than learning the truths about relationships with friends, families, etc. Relationships are experienced, not read. Meaning, as each of us have a personal relationship with God, we will (in time) learn and really know who God is and His will for us. I believe it's not something we can instantly grasp just from reading the bible. Yes, the bible has great testimonies of other's walk with God and what God has said and did through them. However, reading something and personally experiencing something are two entirely different things. Therefore, to know the true heart of God is to personally experience it in our own walk with Him.

Why do we all have different interpretations of scriptures? Because we are all at different points of our walk with God (Baby Christians, Young Christians and Seasoned Christians), naturally our outlook and maturity levels will vary accordingly as well. And, in some cases, our views may vary dramatically.

In efforts to bridge this gap of understanding, it is helpful if we practice being patient, tolerant and compassionate towards others. Therefore compassion, love and understanding are what will help our fellow brothers and sisters grow in Christ...not arrogant, judgmental, scripture-throwing, and accusatory attitudes.

When people vehemently disagree with each other, are they afraid to admit that they could be wrong in their interpretations? It’s not that people are afraid to admit that they could be wrong in their interpretations. On the contrary, I truly believe each person feels justified and valid in his/her own opinions and interpretations. It still has to come down to where each person is in his/her own walk with God. Everyone is at different points of understanding of the true heart of God. In time, as each person grows more mature in Christ, he/she will have a more complete understanding of who God is...thus the interpretations will match that belief as he/she grows. So it's not a matter of right or wrong, it's a matter of perspective.

Dear God,

Help us to be more compassionate of others and lean on your understanding and not our own. May your love and forgiveness touch our hearts so that we may learn to love deeper as Christ has loved us.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray,
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