
Active Member
Aug 16, 2005
This is just a sample of a short story i have just finished. forgive the abrupt ending, i am trying to get it published, and don't want to risk having it stolen. sorry if that offends anybody:

Through the Eyes of the Hunter
By Matthew Bryant

March 15, 2005

Kathryn’s Journal

The time is coming. This will be my last entry. I still have plenty of pages left too. It’s weird. I’d always pictured myself filling this notebook up secrets, scandals, and gossip by the end of college. But now… I don’t know.
All this happened so fast. I wasn’t even supposed to be out that night. I was studying for a huge midterm test for Philosophy 101. I had been bombing the class since the semester began. My mom got so upset when I brought home a D, she threatened to take away my car (so not right!). I argued, fussed and cried a little, but when she’s set in something, she doesn’t move. So for four nights I was stuck in my room and in the books. It wasn’t long before my room was one giant note board.
But by on the fifth night, a Saturday, my phone began to ring. It took me a minute to find it under all my notepaper.
“Hello?” I said, finally finding it.
“Party at Josie’s. We’re outside.”
The voice belonged to Kyle, short-time boyfriend. I had met him at this party (Josie’s ironically), and fell for his smooth manner. Mom, however, didn’t like him at all, said he was a bad influence. Deep down, I knew she was right. But even after she forbade me from seeing him, he would call me in the middle of the night, asking to hook up. And I never could say no to him; I didn’t even tell him of all the work I had to do that night; I didn’t even put up a fight. I just looked around the room, and then said, “Be right there.”
Luckily Mom was out on business date or something, so leaving wasn’t hard. What was hard was trying to get home before her. Josie’s parties always ran real late.
Outside sat a blue Escalade, muffled music rumbling from it. I opened the passenger door to see Kyle, the driver, with his hair spiked and an eerie yet cute smile on his face. In the back seat sat Rachel and Lucas, two of Kyle’s friends. Rachel was a pretty blonde girl, but her snotty attitude made her a monster. And Lucas…sometimes I thought he was pure evil. He looked like it. He always had this twisted smile on, like he had done something totally wrong, or was planning to. I didn’t like those two, but never told Kyle that.
We blazed down the nice suburban streets of my neighborhood. Rachel and Lucas had their heads out the window screaming at the top of their lungs. Kyle stared straight, a cool relaxed expression on his face. His hand rubbed the back of my neck. He knew I was a little worried about being back on time. About being caught. Mom had already forbidden any contact with him. But we kept sneaking around. We always planned our alibis out; meeting places were scheduled in advance. Everything planned to the tee.
But this party was last minute. So it was a good chance Mom would somehow catch wind of it, or come home to early. Then I would be in some deep trouble.
“Don’t worry,” he shouted over the music, “you’ll be home way before her.” His voice, despite its rise in volume, was soothing. It always was.
He leaned closer. “Hey, relax. Nothing will go wrong. Nothing is going to happen.” But oh, how wrong he was.

The party was great. The huge lake house was throbbing with energy and loud music. Everybody was dancing. Even those who couldn’t really were out on the floor getting rants and raves. The smell of alcohol hovered in the air. Rachel and Lucas went off as soon as we got there (doing something illegal, no doubt). Kyle and I hung together for a while until his buddy called him to the back for a shot contest.
So there I was, alone at a wild party. A couple of guys asked for a dance, but I turned them down. I don’t know how, but I felt like I was waiting on someone… and it wasn’t Kyle.
Soon a new feeling came along; a feeling of being watched. I could feel eyes peering at me, only I didn’t know from where. It felt like everywhere. I began to walk around, trying to find Kyle, or even Rachel and Lucas. I just needed to be near someone I knew.
I bumped and said “excuse me” maybe a hundred times. And with every guy that touched me I kept thinking is this one? Is the one who’s watching me? I felt like a little girl alone on the streets of the city.
I shuffled my way up the stairs. At the top, a hallway stretched in both directions. I looked right. There he stood. It was for a brief moment, but I saw his face as clear as day. His eyes were heavy, shadowy. Acne covered a good part of his face. His nose was red like he had a cold.
I didn’t wait another minute. I headed in the opposite direction.

So what do you think? and do you know of any good publishing companies