Reasons for Split in the Restoration Movement



The Causes of Division of the Restoration Movement

The history books of the Restoration Movement are Lies!
Two of these books are: “Christians Only”; by James DeForest Murch, 1962, Standard Publishing Co. (Christians); and: “The Stone-Campbell Movement, 1981, College Press (Church of Christ point of view).

The three greatest Bible Commentators of the Restoration Movement were Henry H. Halley (Halley’s Bible Handbook, 1945), and B.W. Johnson (The Peoples’ New Testament, 1891 and: Vision of the Ages, 1881); and: Robert Milligan (Reason and Revelation; 1868).

Mr. Murch mentioned Johnson and Milligan, but not their books, and – not their beliefs. He failed to mention Mr. Halley who was contemporary with him.

Mr. Garrett mentioned Johnson once, and Halley and Milligan not at all. And, he too did not mention Johnson’s books or his beliefs.

So then, these two historians described the Restoration Movement without their belief in prophecy, which was one of the chief causes of their success (back when they had success).

Mr. Murch even failed to mention Alexander Campbell’s New Testament translation, “living Oracles”, AD 1826 (which was another reason for success).

Mr. Garrett did mention, “Living Oracles,” even giving many examples of superior translation of several words, and added that Walter Scott, writer of “Christianity Restored”, in 1836, also used these “superior” words. (But, he did not lament that “Living Oracles” is out-of-print, and the ”superior” words are not in any modern Bible translation. Campbell was the only Bible publisher to translate the Greek word, “baptizo”; and he rendered it, “immerse.” And, this one word was highly regarded as the source of success of the Restoration Movement. But, it is gone today.)

So then, these two “historians” (if we may stretch the word that far) did not mention the “Bible” or the “Prophecy” of the Restoration Movement. What then did they write about?

Preachers, preachers, preachers, preachers, preachers.
And, “Unity, unity, unity, unity, unity.”
And, “Division, division, division, division.”
And, “Restoration, restoration, restoration, restoration.”
And, “Ambiguity, ambiguity, ambiguity, ambiguity,”
And, “Vacillation, vacillation,, vacillation.”

Mr. Murch came down on the side of restorationism.
Mr. Garrett came done on the side of unity.

Mr. Murch documented the “end” of the Restoration Movement, in 1958-59.
Mr. Garrett seemed to believe we still have a Restoration Movement.

Both men were Bible College educated, but neither one referred to the Word of God for answers (as though God had not written about this “end” of the Restoration Movement; see: Rev 20.3, 7-10.)

What did the Lord Jesus Anointed teach? – Unity or Division?
“Do you think that I came to give peace in the earth? Not at all, but I tell you the division. For from [time] of the now, they will be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. A father will be divided against a son, and a son against a father; a mother against a daughter, and a daughter against a mother, a mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law of her, and a daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law of her” – Lk 12..51-53.

“Blessed are you whenever they revile you and they persecute, and they say all evil word against you, lying, because of Me” – Mt 5.11.

“… ‘Whoever desires to follow after Me, he will deny himself and he will take the cross of him and he will follow Me. For who ever desires to save the life of him will lose her, the [one] who ever loses the life of him on account of Me, and the god message, this [one] will save her” – Mk 8.35-36.

“… and the souls of the [ones] having been beheaded on account of the testimony of Jesus and the word of the God, and those who did not fall down to the Beast nor the Image of him, and they did not receive the Mark on the Forehead (Mind) and on the hand of them. And they lived and ruled with [priests – Rev 5.10] of the Anointed the thousand years (AD 1859-1959)” – Rev 20.4.

You Cannot Be Saved Without Sacrificing Many Things; Even Family!

The Lord Jesus desires “division.” Division from family and division from the religion of your youth. Alexander and Thomas Campbell came out of the Presbyterian Church. Abraham came out of “other gods” (Jos 24.15), when he received, “Revealed Religion.” The apostles came out of the religion of Israel into the “Called-out” of Jesus. Martin Luther came out of the religion of his youth. I have witnessed many “converts” come out of the religion of their youth.

You cannot be saved without repentance for your sins, and as John of the Dipping said, “Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance.”

“If anyone loves father or mother more than Me, he is not worthy of Me” – Mt 10.37.

The Restoration Movement is in Captivity.

“And they [Unity people] went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the City having been Extremely Loved (agape) …” – Rev 20.9.

The Lord Jesus Still Teaches “Division.”


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Jun 19, 2006
More sources:

The Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement, Paul M. Bowers, Editor

The Christadelphians in North America, by Charles H. Lippy

Campbellism Examined & Reexamined, by Jeremiah P. Jeter

Cane Ridge: America’s Pentecost, by Paul K. Conklin

American Originals: Homemade Varieties of Christianity, by Paul K. Conklin

A Religious History of the American People, by Sydney E. Ahlstrom

Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement, by James D. Murch

In Search of Christian Unity: A History of the Restoration Movement, by Henry E. Webb

Union in Truth: An Interpretive History of the Restoration Movement, by James B. North

A Distinct History of the Churches of Christ in the Twentieth Century, by Robert E. Hooper

The Search for the Ancient Order, Four Volumes, by Earl I. West

Reviving the Ancient Faith: The Story of the Churches of Christ in America, by Richard T. Hughes

The Restoration Movement, by Bob L. Ross

Campbellism: Its History and Heresies, by Bob L. Ross

Acts 2:38 and Baptismal Remission, By Bob L. Ross

The Perfect Law of Liberty: Elias Smith and the Providential Histry of America,
by Michael G. Kenny

Restoration Roots, by Lynne A. McMillon

The Life of James O’Kelly and the Early History of the Christian Church in the South,
by Wilbur E. MacClenny

A History of the Christian Church in the South, by Durward T. Stokes and William T. Scott

Quest for a Christian America, David E. Harrell, Jr.

The Social Sources of Division in the Disciples of Christ, 1865-1900, by David E. Harrell, Jr.

The Disciples of Christ: A History, by Winfred E. Garrison and Albert T. DeGroot

Journey of Faith: A History of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), by Lester G. McAllister and William E. Tucker

The Stone-Campbell Movement: An Anecdotal History of Three Churches, by Leroy Garrett
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Jun 19, 2006
Which split are you referring to in your OP? The one over how many communion cups, kitchens, sitting vs. standing, authorized times to meet, authorized times to give offerings, whether the minister can be an elder, or musical instruments? In 1906 the split over musical instruments being used in worship services became official. This was mostly because of bad blood leftover from the Civil War, and most don't realize this. Alexander Campbell owned slaves, which is something else many don't know. He was arrested when he returned to Scotland because he was a slave owner in America.

The Northern congregations were considered to be liberal and condescending vs. those in the poor, rural South. In the 1800's ownership of a piano was a luxury. The congregations in the more industrialized, more prosperous areas could afford a piano to go along with their nicer buildings and furnishings. The Southerners, with their more basic form of worship, without the trappings of a fancy building and a piano, became pious over this. Tradition thus became a "commandment," or, in this case, since there was no specific commandment that congregations must use musical instruments, some chose to not use them and went their own way. The Disciples of Christ split and the Churches of Christ were formed, and they kept their tradition of a'cappella music.
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Sep 13, 2006
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Jesus wants division. Then why did Jesus pray that we all might be one as recorded in the Gospel of John.
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