One Day You Are going to Die!!


Jan 1, 2006
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That is the title of the mail I received from my pastor and this is the message:

Hello Friends,
I'll bet I caught your attention with the title of this message . . . especially the day before Valentine’s Day when we celebrate our love for the significant person in our lives! However, a recent event has brought the preciousness of life into clear focus. Many of you were able to attend the farewell banquet for Lewis and Betty Rich Saturday evening January 27. During that event a homeless woman came into our church, injured, under the influence, and suffering from being attacked on the street. I believe among others, Nori & Andreea Rac ministered to her by cleaning her wounds and bandaging them up. Her clothes were wet and we went looking for warm, dry ones for her to wear. I appreciated that Latoya Cruz offered to help this lady, by going into the restroom with her to help her change. Someone got a plate of food for her to eat, and in the end, as the banquet was nearing an end, you may have noticed this homeless woman sitting at the head table with another homeless gentleman eating. I don't know what some of you may have said to her in her time of need, or what words of comfort you may have shared with her. Some may have hugged her, or shown compassion in other tangible ways. I appreciate all you did for her, and the spirit of Christ that it was done in. "Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto Me." These words come from Jesus, and the actions you took that night showed the love of Jesus to this woman in a way she probably hasn't felt in years. By the way, her name - - - Francis.
I share this story with you because it touched my heart. I wonder if we might have acted differently (if anything) toward Frances had we known that this night would be the last time most of us would ever see her alive again. I'd like to believe that we would have acted no different. That we would have loved her as we did, met her needs, and showered her with the love of Jesus. Less than a week later, she fell asleep by a campfire trying to keep warm through the night and was consumed by the gases from the fire and died. When her fiancé tried to wake her the next morning and she didn't move, he rolled her over and half of her face was literally burned beyond recognition. More than likely she was wearing the clothes we gave her that night, trying to keep warm, and maybe feeling thankful that someone cared to share with her. I hope that someone took the time to share with Francis the love of Jesus while she was alive. Because now it's too late. She either went to her death knowing Jesus, or she went to a Christless grave. I pray that someone took the time to share with her, and I'd like to believe that someone in our church who ministered to Francis that night took that opportunity.

I always ponder the brevity of life at times of funerals, memorial services, or other happenings that remind me that life is short and not to take it for granted. The Bible shares with us the fact that everything in this world will pass away, and only the things we do for Christ will last. Where are we putting our treasure, here on earth where moths and rust corrupt? Or are we placing our treasure in heaven? The Bible reveals that where our treasure is, there is where our hearts will be. So I ask you to look at your heart. It will show you where your treasure is. If it is in the right place, then praise God. If your heart isn't right, then praise God He will help you change your heart!
We never know when we serve someone here on this earth what will come from that contact. If we focus on the Lord and following Him, then serving others will come naturally and He will take care of the future both for us and those we serve.
Thanks again for your service and love to Francis. I am proud of each one in this church who minister for Jesus, each in your own way, to share and show the love of Jesus to those in our community
Thank you.


Tall73's Wife
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Sep 24, 2005
United States
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Thanks for sharing this. I just found out a couple of days ago that a guy that my husband had talked to a few times had suddenly died. He was only 52 and had just retired and wasn't sure what he was going to do with his life. He had been struggling with an alcohol addiction and wanted to know how he could become a Christian, but he didn't think that he could pray to God on his own; he thought that he had to have a pastor pray for him. My husband even talked to him about whether he knew what would happen to him if he died, and had no idea. He was studying with my brother-in-law and was making some progress toward accepting Christ. It really made me sad to hear that he had died.
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