Oh, Lord How You Welcomed Me Home!

Goldie Lox

Searching for Something
Aug 10, 2003
Oh Lord! How merciful are your ways, to lead me on your righteous path…
For so many days I strayed so long, but for you I will never turn back!
Your Holiness is so bountiful, your truth my tongue does need to speak,
To give your awesome fortune to the poor, and to give strength to those who are weak!
The close minded may shut me down, but my words will echo in their ears…
And even if what I speak doesn’t affect them today, it may through out the years!
Lord, I need to be your disciple and so I dedicate my life to you.
Lord give my mouth your words to speak, for I know this is what I should do!
I pray when others talk to me, they’ll feel your radiance gleaming from my heart…
And they’ll know your Holiness is within me, for with out you fully, I fall apart.
Lord, I am so unworthy, for tears have made my skin, and I’m plentiful with scars.
But you, oh Savior! Took me in, and welcomed me home, even though I strayed so far!
And like a leaf blowing in the crisp wind, I was so easily moved when temptation set me a road…
That I betrayed your trust, oh Lord! And yet, you still welcomed me home!
Oh, Lord! How you welcomed me home!


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2002
Yes, no one loves us like He does, and sometimes that has to be sufficient if we are working and living in His will.

His love is pure and true, and will never fade, nor will he turn away from us for something "better". Praise Him for he is not like vain and shallow men,but sees to the inside and knows our every need, and thought and hope and dream and will seek to fulfill them all.

We just have to keep our eyes on him!
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