Hi fellow Brothers & Sisters,

Just want to share a short testimony of what CHRIST has done for me.

I have accepted Christ some years ago but later, it
wasn’t years of edifying unto others. I have entered
into wrong relationships before. I have done things
that I shouldn’t. I have wasted my money before. When
I come to my senses, I realised I am really wasting my
life away. The LORD is good and gracious. I myself is
a witness of what HE has done in me; changing and
transforming me.

"Do not remember the former things, nor consider the
things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it
shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even
make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the
desert. I, even I, am He who blots out your
transgressions for My own sake; and I will not
remember your sins (Isa. 43:18-19,25). "

As I reflected upon my life, I remember the above
verses and the LORD keeps HIS Word. The LORD has
restored and given me a lot friends than before. The
LORD has provided for me to share with others. I did a
count of how much money I have share to others. It’s
much more than I have wasted it before. About two
years ago, the LORD impressed on my heart to reach out
to others. I started writing to my friends about
Christ and distributing tracts to others. I always
wanted to go for mission trip but in my heart it was
saying to me “ Why would you want to travel to other
nations where you don’t speak their language? You can
love them right here.” That is the day when I visited the airport and right there, an idea struck me. I believed is from the LORD. I can distribute tracts to those who are coming and leaving the airport. From then, I started to distribute tracts at the airport. Please don’t get my
idea wrong. I am not saying that going for mission
trip is wrong. I believe strongly to do what HE has
put into individual heart. However, HE has answered my
desire, I was invited last September to join the
a crusade organisation for a short term mission trip. Anyway, we went to Thailand to distribute tracts and JESUS film show (CDs) to the Chinese who came from China Mainland. Knowing that such distribution activities are not allowed in China. We worked with some Americans partners and another team who has fled from Pakistan after 9-11 incident.

Praise GOD and thank HIM ! If there is something to
boast about, I can only boast about HIS Love for us.

Recently, I am also encouraged by some message CDs
(Sermons). I have sent it to share with my friends. I
am making some copies to give it away. Would anyone be interested if I send it to you to share with your
friends with no charges at all. As I am blessed by HIS
Word, I just want to bless someone with it.

Thanks for listening. Hope to hear from you.
forget to add in this URL

Please read the first testimony in this URL. How this guy is encouraged and passing the message CDs to others.


Please do not misunderstand. There is no selling or advertising but rather how one can be change by the WORD of our Abba Father.

I am not confident in giving sermons but I realised at least I could pass the "message" to encourage others.

You may ask me the purpose for doing this. I have asked LORD once that what will I regret most if I go to Heaven today or rather what Christians most will regret.

For me what I will regret is that there are people going to Hell. What I really means is I have ask the LORD if there is purpose for every friend HE has given to me.

Below are two of the important points in my life .

1. I told myself to make full use of every opportunity the LORD has given to me to make CHRIST known to my friends and unto others. Ideas - Invite your friends to church, talk or write to others about CHRIST, give out tracts...

2. To love my fellow brothers and sisters. The LORD has told us to love one another. One of the reasons I believe is that we aren't aware that the Holy Spirit is living among our fellow Brothers & Sisters. If we aren't bother or care for our fellow ones, it is as good as we have ignored our LORD. In 1 John 4, the LORD has already said that if we don't our brother ( Bro & Sis ), how can we say that we love HIM.

Therefore, let's share with & encourage someone today ! Pray for others today as the scripture mentioned that as we pray, our heart goes out to them

Really thanks for listening and your patience.

GOD BLess you all and glory to our LORD JESUS !!!
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