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Jan 21, 2006
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Hi, my name is Jessica. I am 14. Well, here is my testimony, I am actually pretty surprised that I still believe....
Well, my parents divorved when I wasn't even six months. That made things really tough on me from the beginning! As I grew older and started school...well...everything went downhill from there. I had the worst social anxiety you could imagine. I would cry every mornign before school because I was afraid kids would pick on me. I would call my mom every day to pick me up from school because it was so bad. If somebody even looked at me, I thought they hated me and I would burst in tears.
My mom ended up getting re-married along with my dad. My dad had two more kids and then moved all the way across the country -- making it harder for my sister in I to visit. When my mom remarried, we looked up to our new step-dad as our "real" dad. We would even call him "dad" since we had no other father figure to look up to. My mom had another son with him and recently after...our "dad" turned out to be not so...he woke up one morning and told my mom he didn't lover her anymore and they got a divorce.
My sister and I would visit my "real" dad every summer when we could. and as for my mom, we ended up living with my Grandparents and my aunt and four cousins who were also going through a divorce in a four bedroom house. Shortly after, I got pnemonia. This part astonishes me -- I would lay in bed every morning as my family got ready for work/school. and every morning a music video would come on from lifehouse. EVERY morning. Shortly after I found out that they were a Chrisitian band and I figured God was sending to me.
This comes down to the really bad stuff: well, while we were living with my grandparents, my cousin and I went around the block. There was a friendly old man that asked us to go inside, so we didn't want to be rude. So we agreed (I was eight and she was 6) He was very old and only had one leg. When we got in he literally pushed us on his lap and asked us nervously what we wanted to do. (My cousin was wearing a dress and I was wearing jeans) I suddenly felt his hands go down my pants and.....yeah. He put his hands up my shirt and any other place you can imagine. He even kissed us! I finally told him we had to go and the cops worked it out for us. Now, what i am about to tell you hurts me the most.
My sister and I were visiting my dad in Ohio. My step-mom and father had had some difficult times in their marriage. They were poor if you will. Well, they were fighting one time like usual and he hit her and pushed her and slapped her with us in the room! A few days later it happened again and I was the only one (besides them) inside. I over heard this:
Step-mom = Don't push me! (whispering that i couldn't hear)
Dad = What? You guarantee that they will catch me? You guarantee that I will go to jail and never see me kids again?
We cofronted him and he denied it.
Despite of all that happened, It has drawn me closer to God. I believe that he put me through all of that to draw me to Him. and I have as strong of a relationship as ever. I hoped this touched you guys. Thank you for bearing with me. I know it was long! God Bless!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2005
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jesros353 sounds like you have been through a lot I am glad that you are closer to the Lord he is awsome.....Did you ever go for counseling after the abuse happened...I was also sexually abused but It happened to me when I was 13. I applaud you for your courage to share your testimony I am going to post mine as well ....may God bless you !

Love In Christ
Holly Hobbie
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