Latest Endtime News for the USA!

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Mar 6, 2007
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Is there peace? What does the LORD say concerning America and His judgment to come!

What is My history? When you read the history of the house of Israel and My interaction with them, do I look like a LORD that likes peace in a rebellious house? If I were to dictate a prophetic warning to My prophet do you think I have the right to say what is on My mind and share some things that I hate?

Should I be a LORD that changes when My Holy Bible says that I am the same yesterday, today and forever? Would it be possible for I the LORD to change in the season of grace since My Son came to earth? What does the LORD say to those who chant peace, peace, peace to to the world that is being seduced by prophets that chant it one after another in this prophetic warning?

Am I angry with these prophets that claim I will not judge the West and Babylon the city of the harlot? Should I sit back on My throne and smile while men invade foreign countries for selfish motives and then turn and tell the world that I told them and led them to war and will bless them? Should I sit back and sign the checks that finance the ministries that raise up prophets that speak lies to the world and lead them into error?

Should I confirm the lies of the prophets that chant peace peace peace like a mantra?

Or should I take the opportunity to say what is really on the horizon for the great United States of America who lies to the world and seduces the world, and sell pornography to the world through their film industry and kill babies like it is going out of fashion, who finance wars and build the weapons that destroy nations and cities?

Should I bow to Babylon also, the great lying city who sits proud and erect selling her wares of war, pornography, loose morals and watered down Christianity to the world? Should I let the lies continue that say that I the Almighty would never raise My hand to the country that was founded by Godly men?

Should I restrain My wrath from a wicked people? Should I speak lies Myself and try and soothe the evil ones with lies from My tongue that drip like honey and is sweet to the mouth, but bitter in the stomach or should I confirm scripture and spew the lukewarm church out of My mouth?

What should I do and say in this prophetic warning to the USA?

You wicked inhabitants of the USA church seem to believe the lies of your big and powerful prophets. You misguided fools seem to think Babylon in prophecy is Babylon of ancient times. You the great harlot think you can run the world and attack ancient Babylon with My permission and with weapons of war you light up a city with planes and bombs in front of the world and think that you in some way are doing the people of the world a favor.

You support a film that sees My Son beaten and crucified and moan and cry and say that My Son suffered so much for your sins, then you go on sinning like His blood wasn't precious to Me and doesn't have the power to save you from your evil. You make idols of yourself and you love to eat from the Kings table, yet do not deny yourself nor take up your cross, but you prostitute yourself in front of the whole world and dress in your purple robes and blame the evil in the world on Rome. You think that the Babylon in prophecy is IRAQ and you think the great harlot is the church of Rome and you sell your lies to the whole world and make money from your free enterprise.

Am I the LORD of hosts angry with the United States of America?


I am angry with you Babylon and I am angry with your Christian church in the USA, you great harlot, and I will see you both destroyed.

I am furious with you and I will not hold back My wrath, My hand will not turn the way your prophets prophesy, even if you repent the prophecies have been written in ink in My Holy Bible and I will destroy the harlot and the city of Babylon.

Behold My prophecy declares complete ruin to the wicked church and the country it's wickedness sustains. The countries you seduce with your lies, they also will fall, and the countries you deny your grace, they will rise and become superpowers. The poor third world will rise and the rich west will fall into the sea and never be heard from again. The lies will stop and the prophets that seduce you will burn in hell for eternity. Those that have lost their lives for Me will be saved and those who have tried to save their lives will burn in hell for eternity!

Babylon burned one day after two planes took down the twin towers in the great city of evil and the whole world looked on in horror. I fulfilled a part of Revelation chapter 18 that day and still the nation did not repent. Everybody in the world looked on and wept and their was a false repentance that didn't last long until George Bush decided to make some war on the terror and the mighty man that brought it to the great city of evil.

The LORD says, I am the Bin Laden you seek, in His prophetic word to Babylon and the harlot!
Not many people placed the blame on the One that ordered that attack on the twin towers! What foolish men you are? How blind you are, the blind leading the blind! Blind guides, a blind nation seducing the world with your war on terror!

And like faithful converts to your perversions the whole world swallow the lie. The Muslim people are the enemy and you are the heroes that will take on a fight to destroy the terrorists at all costs and you will clean up the mess.

But not all the world is seduced by your mighty President, the so called man of God, the so called man that I am going to admit to heaven? Behold I am against your mighty leader and your stinking nation! My wrath will not turn until Babylon is lit up in flames and it will burn as a memorial to Me and My wrath!

The great harlot will be taken off her throne and the evil men and women who do evil in My sight all day long and worship me on Sundays will be cut off from the land and they will be a sign to the whole world that I do not permit disobedience forever!

Come out of her My bride! Flee from the great prostitute that seduces the world! I am the LORD of heaven and earth, My words are strong and My fire is going to burn for a long time and My anger is kindled against your lukewarm church and I will vomit it out like My prophecy in the book of Revelation. Away with your purple robes and your riches and your lies, My hand is raised and nothing can stop My judgment as My Holy Bible has already prophesied your destruction.

There will be no peace, no lasting peace in the world until Jesus Christ reigns on earth and any person that tells you that there can be is lying to you!

So am I saying that the USA is Babylon, the great city NEW YORK, and the prostitute the Christian church in this prophetic warning to the West?


You are evil and I am going to fulfil My WORD and I am against you the great harlot, the great prostitute. If you are My bride, you need to flee from the lies and come out from within her great deception. You need to flee from the prophets, the apostles, the teachers and the shepherds that lie to you and say that I am going to bless the great United States of America!

Yes, your lying prophets will speak against My servant and My word here, yet He is My prophet, and like any true prophet, he has no reputation to lose in publishing this!

I sent the invitation to My friends and My West and they have all made excuses and wanted to live it up in luxury and eat fine things and make their flesh happy, and so now throughout India and China and Asia, My bride is preparing herself and keeping her oil in her lamp as a white wise virgin. Your oil in the West is running short and the wedding bells are ringing and the Groom is on His way. The third world may make you extra money to buy your wine, they may make your clothes cheaper, and your cars and all that makes you happy, but these merchants will not be selling you oil to fill your lamps.
You are worthless in my sight and my wrath for Babylon burns in my true prophets stomachs

You have your pity and you wave it all around in front of the world. You seduce the world with your great doctrines of demons and spread your net far and wide. You go into nations that don't believe in Me and preach a gospel that is corrupted and not My Sons. You have the hide to say you are going to heaven, and then you try and preach the prosperity gospel in India among My converted ex Hindus. You pervert all My ways and water down all My words, you call the Muslim nation evil and yet it is their religion that keeps My bride blameless through persecution. My young, pure and persecuted church has only one fear greater then the persecution they get from other religions and ideologies, and that fear is that they might live long enough to experience the hypocrisy of the Western churches.

You will wash the outside of your churches and inside you are full of dead man's bones. You tithe your grain and mint and herbs and your money yet you deny the homeless, the gays and the prodigals a seat in your church. You welcome the businessman and give him the seat right at the front and when the dirty stinky homeless man walks into your church, you not only snub him and give him the lowest seat, but you deny that He is My prophet with a message from me!

My prophetic word to the USA church today is that you are of your fathers house!

You preach that the Pharisees in Israel in My Son's life on earth were fools and you know very well that My Son was telling the truth when he told those leaders of the Law that they served Satan, yet you think that honoring Me with mere lip service and all this talk about My grace will stop Me from saying you are of your father's house and indeed your culture you permit the great Satan that the muslims rightly call you!

You fight Saddam and bring him to trial for war crimes and in your hypocrisy you overlook the millions of babies that are killed in the wombs of your young women. You despise the people who practice witchcraft and condemn them to an eternity in hell, yet you allow prophets to channel demons and you eat up their lies like they are gods. The young girl doing spells is condemned and yet you cast your spells and false doctrines all over the world through Television, books, tapes, and visiting speakers and ask the world's Christians to buy all the secret knowledge of God that you possess. You say that a girl praying to Satan or asking a spirit guide for his favor in granting her wish is evil, then you shout great long winded prayers at Me and tell me to command My holy angels to go to war on behalf of you and your lusts. As if I needed you to direct My angels to do anything!

You condemn the witch to hell with her love for earth, animals, and mankind, and then you destroy the earth with your industry, kill the animals in your lust, and sell war and weapons to the nations to kill each other. You think that going to church on Sunday makes you holy and righteous in My sight. You condemn and fear the modern witch that says she doesn't trust in your God, and though you say you have My power and authority you shrink in fear when one of these witches come to serve your God in your temple.

You'll let a man into your pulpit to preach who is not pure and not sanctified but a good clean looking person . Then you deny the homeless the front seat in your church and you show partiality to the poor and yet you expect Me not to show partiality and you envy someone who serves me faithfully and I shower them with blessing more then you.

My prophetic prophecy to the United States of America says repent in sackcloth and ashes

I am not sure if you really know what is is to repent. You think a prayer saying sorry is true repentance and then you turn back to your sin and do it all again. I won't give you the grace to conquer sin when you won't turn from that sin!

I refuse to condemn the world and judge the peoples that don't know My son when you who are supposed to know Him can't even find true repentance. Why don't you stop sinning!

Lucifer was filled with pride and I banished him from heaven. He sinned once and lost Me forever and ever! Sodom filled with riches and pride and in one day I destroyed them forever! Saul consulted a medium once and I took the Holy Spirit off him and took his life from him! Many people in the Bible did one sin and were killed for it and yet you think you can break My Holy Laws and think I will pardon you forever!

You don't need Me to quote scripture to you in My prophetic word but let Me expound some scriptures and bring clarity:.

12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” 14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. 15 But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.

and try and recognize who the liars outside the gate are from this:

1 John 2:
3 Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. 4 He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

Can I ask you whether you will be found outside the city as one of these liars?

Do you keep the commandments of the Law and do you keep My Son's commandments? Or do you lie?
Let's look at a few shall we?

Luke 12:
16 Then He spoke a parable to them, saying: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. 17 And he thought within himself, saying, ‘What shall I do, since I have no room to store My crops?’ 18 So he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down My barns and build greater, and there I will store all My crops and My goods. 19 And I will say to My soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.”’ 20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’ 21 “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”
If you are really in the last days and My Son is coming back in this generation why are you storing up treasure for yourself?

You're a fool if you are! Your prophets and teachers are lying to you!

This word from the LORD was given to the Prophet Matthew Robert Payne. You can read more of Matthews prophecies by simply doing a google search for: "Matthew Robert Payne"
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