
I want to be Olive Tree
Apr 27, 2004
Seoul, Korea
I have been giving much thought to something: that is
the thought of seeing Jesus. Not of seeing Him in the
flesh, but rather, of seeing Him with the eyes of
faith. To be fully encompassed by His presence and of
meeting him on the road to Damascus. I believe there
is a type of Christianity before seeing Him, and a
Christianity after seeing him.

He will enamor the one who stands in His presence. In
His presence all the rules and regulations will fall
by the wayside, while being fulfilled. The keeping of
them would fall short of what He requires. In His
presence His fires would come to burn out of our
hearts those lesser fires that burn for the world and
its pleasures. In His presence, all the laws and
pharisaic clutter will be cast out with the bond
woman. (Galatians 4:30). His presence changes our
need to keep rules into longings to please. After
seeing Him, we will want no one else, and nothing in
this world will ever again stand between us. In an
instant, He will lift us up into the heavenlies, where
our hearts will be consumed with His love. We will
feast on Him and find that he fully satisfies, yet
continue to desire more. The things of this world;
its values, its promises, its pleasures, will look
tarnished and nauseating after seeing the King of
Glory. We will be filled as His presence overwhelms
us, it will spill onto those that we meet.

His life is our desire and we will gladly go to the
cross to have it. Once we see Him, we will have
peeked out of this little box into the vastness of
eternity. Our joy and peace will not be intimidated
by any circumstance or situation. His word will dance
with life; resonating His truth into our souls. Our
desire for His life will be unquenchable. Where
before looking upon Him, we would distance ourselves
from His lordship; seeing it as harsh and
unreasonable, now we will be prostrate before Him.
That which had argued for independence will whimper
away, breathing its last breath.

All that is in us will well up inside proclaiming Him
as Lord of lords and King of kings. Once we see Him,
we will find the coldest place of our soul warmed by
His presence and His love. We will find that
untouched hidden place where we ourselves dare never
go, being exposed by His presence. Our allegiance
will be set! WE ARE LOVED fully and completely!

There is that Christianity where we have yet, with our
hearts, to look upon His face. We are still like
wanderlusts who study the geographics and watch the
documentaries, but never dare to travel to the
countries. Its the Christianity that travels the
Christian Road but never goes beyond the well trodden
path. We join in with a common chorus of words that
have been sung with lips but not hearts. It is a
Christianity in which one struggles to reconcile a
life that consents to the right things but has yet to
find the power to live them. It is a Christianity
where one still sees Jesus stuck on a flannel board
and yet has never experienced a childlike faith. It
is a Christianity that had gotten ahead of itself in
words but fails way behind in heart. It is a life
lived in frustration knowing that there should be
more, but comes to quick in agreement with the masses
that settle for so much less. It is a Christianity
that proclaims and feasts but only feeds itself. It
is one who is on the Road to Emmaus but is yet to see
the Christ who speaks.

Oh, how I need to see Him! With everything within me
to seek Him so that I can be found by Him. Let this
be the clarion call of my heart! Let me dare not
think that I have seen You already. Let me not think
that I have arrived, until my cheek rests against Your
bosom and Your heart awakens me. Let me not stop at
the starting line, but go forward into Your life, in
to Your grace, into Your heart. Let me see You so
that my kaleidoscope of affections and interests come
together in pin point precision fixed on You Lord.
Even my desire to desire You must be provided by You.

When we see Him, He will not be what we expected and
no words will describe what we see. We will not be
able to chart a course for others to follow, only He
can lead us to that place that is Himself. We can
only proclaim that He is the way ... go with Him.

Dear Lord I need to see You!

Robert Perry