Don't you absolutely HATE leeches?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2011
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I'm talking about human leeches, the kind who want to come and stay in your house just to eat, sleep and use the toilet (I'm trying hard to use polite language), and want to contribute NOTHING. They expect everything to be handed to them, want to eat and stay for free, expect you to use all your hard-earned money on them, and they use none of theirs on you. They want to receive, receive, receive, and never ever give. It's sick, selfish and disgusting, and I'm sure no one would blame me if I'm not exactly polite to such people. Agreed?


Nope, to be honest, I have an open house when it comes down to it, I have no problem at all with people inviting themselves over for an afternoon or two, in fact I'm rather fond of the company, a good friend who moved out of the area, last year often stays for a weekend at a time, with little to no announcement we keep a spare bed, and if I get about to it, he'll be getting a key too before long.

I've bailed friends out of financial mishap with not intention of asking for it to be payback, and with several of my broke uni friends I've taken them to the shops and bought all the supplies they need for the term.

Honestly, money isn't everything, at the end of the month, I get yet another paycheck, bills go in and out, and why shouldn't I spend what's left on those with more need of it than I.
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Unusually unusual, absolutely unpredictable
May 31, 2006
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In Relationship
You should be polite to everybody; being rude gets you nowhere. By all means call them out on their behavior, but even if you don't agree with or respect their behavior, they still deserve to be respected as a human being.
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I'm all for hospitality. I've opened up my residence to friends driving though the country and needing a place to stay. I've offered a ride for friends and acquaintances who needed it, and I've paid for dinners when I knew the person I was with either couldn't afford it or was having some financial problems. There have also been times - once or twice - where I knew a friend was going through some severe financial troubles, and (without requests from them) given financial assistance to them. There's nothing wrong in that regard.

Of course, all these are meant to be temporary. If we're talking about people who rely on everything from other people and expect handouts with no impetus to better their life, then yes that's a leech, and I have a problem with those. There are many kinds - emotional, financial, etc. - but in any case, with those sorts of people I have zero tolerance. Not that I'm going to cuss them out and be mean, mind you, but if they're trying to leech off of me, I might give them a friendly little reality check.
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