Contradictions and Conflicts of Uniformitarian Geology and Evolution….


I just follow Christ.
Nov 10, 2003
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That last post (by Edmond) had a good quote. Especially important was the bit about how Uniformitarianism ADDED slow processes to the acknowledged localized flood/delta/mudslide etc. effects.

I guess my main problem with this thread was the OP. It seemed to draw some conclusions based on a misunderstanding of Uniformitarianism, and there were some logical leaps that I did not follow.

@Edmond: Could you please restate your point in this thread? Simply pointing me back to a previous post won't do, as I've reread the thread and I'm still confused. What, precisely, are you claiming and how did you come to that conclusion?
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Regular Member
Mar 2, 2004

Edmond, your posts are wandering all over the place but you have not addressed the point I was making.

Your implicit description of uniformatarianism and the geologic column do not present uniformatarianism as it was nor as it is.

What I am saying is that this quote of yours:-

Edmond said:
If a consistent and uniform geologic column (geologic record) and its sedimentations exist world wide, then the meteorological conditions that caused that result had to consistent and simultaneous in order to cause such uniform global depositions.

is crap – to put it mildly. Yet your argument in the thread starter appears to rely on this misconception that geologists argue for a:-

1) “consistent and uniform geologic column”?
2) with sediments that “exist world wide”?
3) and that such shows that the conditions which caused this had to be “consistent and simultaneous”?

Now 1), 2) and 3) together are complete nonsense.

You have not addressed this point at all. Your last post to me failed to address it.

So how about addressing it? This should not be a hard thing to do! Tell me, how does the last quote you gave me address my assertion that your implicit definition of uniformatarianism is nonsense? Just concentrate on this one point.

Regards, Roland
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Active Member
Aug 5, 2005
From "Principles", Chapter 23, page 409:

After describing the effects of modern observed earthquakes and volcanoes, Lyell writes:

"Yet with a knowledge of these terrific catastrophes, witnessed during so brief a period by the present generation, will the geologist declare with perfect composure that the earth has settled into a state of repose? Will he continue to assert that the changes of relative level of land and sea, so common in the former ages of the world, have now ceased? If, in the face of so many striking facts, he persists in maintaining this favorite dogma, it is in vain to hope that, by accumulating the proofs of similar convulsions during a series of antecedant ages, we shall shake the tenacity of his purpose..."

Now Edmond, does this sound like Lyell thought the earth was shaped solely by "slow and steady" processes?

Once again, Edmond, I encourage you to actually read what Lyell wrote in "Principles". Go to the link I previously posted, and download any of the chapters on running water, earthquakes, or volcanoes. Try chapters 11 and 23, for starters.

Then come back and we can discuss what Lyell actually said.
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