Douglas Hendrickson

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Sep 27, 2015
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You can's help it - you just keep on doing it don't you? Throwing out speculations, speculations of what I supposed said without any quotes even.
(As though it is likely I ever said anything like what you so abusedly like to suggest I said.)
A simple example is your suggestion I don't think anything immaterial exists. I would never claim anything like that and certainly wouldn't do so here.

You speak of "casting dispersion on the Trinity Doctrine ..." as though I had denied the Trinity.
Try learning English - I think that is where the real problem exists.

I would have though you would welcome the opportunity to defend your beliefs and perhaps convince me of their truth. Since you do believe you have the truth, and that I do not, it seems?
Personally I would like to see a good defense of what you probably consider, "The Christian Position." I am giving you the opportunity to present one - in fact I would truly appreciate it if you could!
What I see so far is pretty much only you misrepresenting what I have said, I guess to try to make it appear very questionable, anything I might say. To make it appear I don't ever say the truth, to smear me as much as possible!

UNLESS YOUR POSITION IS DEFENSIBLE, IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT MY POSITION IS. That is, IF your position is defensible, probably mine which you see so different is not very defensible - and all it will take for our conversation to be useful for both of us is for you to show me what exact claims you want to make (beyond "there is a human being at the moment of conception"), and the grounds for making them.

I do not here claim a certain position is true - I only have noticed a few arguments and ideas without arguments, and have certain views on them which I have shared. You don't want any criticism and only want to criticize, I suppose. Is that it?
Far as I can see in your case, there is NO HOUSE TO THROW STONES AT. Only a few stones "lying abound."
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WHAT THIS POSTER HAS ACTUALLY POSTED ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT (& posts clearly against/opposed to the Trinity Doctrine]:
[links to each quote are in light blue following the quote - click to go there for the in context full quote - note I tended to pick only quotes where the context is clear to me - there were more that were quotes which were borderline hints]

"God" is not only "Holy Spirit" - the two terminologies should not be considered as pointing to the same identical reality.” CAN HOLY SPIRIT OPERATE INSIDE A WOMB ?

"God" is not "Holy Spirit" somewhat like a forest is not only "wood." “I was trying to point out that "God" includes all of these elements ("persons" they are usually called), and is NOT "Holy Spirit" alone; the concepts "God" and "Holy Spirit" are NOT SYNONYMOUS.”
“Just in general, does it not give a rather hairy, rather "difficult" characterization of the Holy Spirit if it has to operate in a womb?” "A HUMAN LIFE BEGINNING AT CONCEPTION"

"... Holy Spirit that is an Individual Person ... ," is a pretty grandiose idea all right!" "I doubt it is anything that corresponds to anything in Scripture, however.” "A HUMAN LIFE BEGINNING AT CONCEPTION"

“Holy Spirit being the mind, spirit, intellectual "under standing," including motivation and all the rest of spirit ...” "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee," I think this sounds like an erotic exotic ecstasyWho is the Father of Jesus?

taken on the Holy Spirit of God. (God is a Spirit,"...."‘maleness relates to THE SPIRIT OF GOD which is loving.” Neutering God for Women's Rights

“filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb."....."The breath being directly from God” Do aborted babies go to heaven?

“I don't think that anyone ever had the Holy Spirit, or even more so, the Holy Ghost, in the womb.” "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

“ What is NOT common sense is to suggest a human being is a person just like the Trinity has persons.” Do aborted babies go to heaven?

"Would this be the Second Coming, Christ of Holy Spirit Father God?” What is THE Holy Spirit? Versus other spirit.

“In "Holy Spirit" the "holy" must mean something. And pretty much it is to indicate an element of God, a "person" of the Trinity, is it not? But how does it operate? What is THE Holy Spirit? Versus other spirit.

“Does the Holy Spirit itself (whatever that means) love or experience joy? I rather doubt that is a very good way to view things. A person can be those things, a person can be godly.” What is THE Holy Spirit? Versus other spirit.

“Holy Spirit
incarnated God as a man (Son Jesus). He the Father became incarnated as the Son.”
“Please notice how we are to refer to God - true worshippers worship THE FATHER ...”
“Perhaps the fact spirit and truth seem to be separate here means one should more emphasize that the spirit is THE SPIRIT OF LOVE AND LOVING, to be pursued in truth?” “There are many spirits in the world, so God is not just any spirit, but the Spirit of True Love. I would suggest that the Holy Spirit is based in the image of all true love, male and female.” Neutering God for Women's Rights

“elements of God”......“Is it not contrary to the spirit of Spirit [couldn't resist it] and Holy Scripture that Spirit is anything directly involved in flesh, with which spirit is contrasted?” Who is the Father of Jesus?

“The Holy Spirit's Father (note the captial F), may be everyone's (spiritual) father.” “Thing about it is, Holy Spirit is spirit (at least!)Who is the Father of Jesus?

“Need "of the Holy Ghost" mean anything more than was spiritually very correct, "actions" very much of and for God?” Who is the Father of Jesus?

[adding 3/24]
“That "part" is usually called a "person." Perhaps you don't know what "part" means?” HAS THE CHURCH ALWAYS BEEN CORRUPT ?

"In response to you claiming God is Holy Spirit, something like that (again, you do not actually quote me nor your self, only give your misrepresentation),which seemed to be you claiming God and Holy Spirit were the same thing, I gave an illustration of how something may be part of something else. Holy Spirit is "part" of God, not (all) God.” HAS THE CHURCH ALWAYS BEEN CORRUPT ?

“What is it about, "God is not Holy Spirit, somewhat like (a) forest is not only wood," that you don't understand? I think probably you are failing to notice the "only."
God is more than Holy Spirit (especially should a believer in Christ know THE SON OF GOD is art of God, (part of God that is!),”
“I think you should notice that, that GOD IS MORE THAN HOLY SPIRIT.”

{added 3/26}​
“In trying to understand what is love, and what is truth, to begin to apprehend SPIRITUALITY and the ways of God, I have come to the point of considering that how best to understand IT ALL is to begin with the idea that God's love is sex. If we are to truly understand the Love of God, perhaps that is it.”
MOVED:Is there a Biblical Principle/Perspective with regards to nudity?
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Roman Catholic convert from Southern Baptist
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You can's help it - you just keep on doing it don't you? Throwing out speculations, speculations of what I supposed said without any quotes even.."
[3/24 adding original colored text to avoid being accused of misquoting]

"What actually happens, dear sir, is that what was once a fetus breathes the breath of life and becomes a living soul."Abortion Discussion

the idea there are invisible persons indicates how ridiculous the pro-life claims generally are.”
"... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

"THE BREATH OF LIFE, meaning being a living "MAN" (human being) for God,
"... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."
Do aborted babies go to heaven?
"Point is he was not a living SOUL (person) until he had the breath of life - i.e., was breathing.
"... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

"at birth and not before there is a person." "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

""The baby itself" (funny terminology) must mean the real baby, which to the best of my understanding only exists after birth. It very much involves recognizing what happens at birth and how a baby or human being cannot exist without being an actual animal member of the species." "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

"So what does "unborn human" mean? It means "unborn human flesh." Should Christians call FETUSES "BABIES"?

"By pointing out there is human life in the womb, and failing to point out that is NOT the same thing as "a human being,"..."of course there is LIFE in the womb (why abortion is necessary to kill it) and of course that is living human cells, but so too is the gangrened arm"
"... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."
"Tumors that are human flesh and alive are NOT living persons (souls)."
"... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."
'if someone thinks it is a great virtue that the fetus has life, and is human cells, the same applies to the cancer (which might be in the same place, i.e. the womb)." "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

"the important point is that what is growing in the womb IS ALIVE, I certainly do not deny that. There is the life you quote Lev. in favor of - but the point is that rats too are alive, and cancers too have life that is sustained by blood flow." "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

"You can say the fetal life is a human being, but that does not make it so. It is like the life of a tumor that can be cut off." "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."
" I certainly do NOT say a fetus is the same as a cancer; it is is only "the same" in the sense it is human life." ..."
You claim the fetus is "human life." Well so too is the cancer, so you are not saying anything more than what could be said of the cancer. In that sense is is trivial. Human/Pig Embryos (Chimeras)

“Please note and learn for once: "human life" (as in your claim "human life begins at conception") is NOT a human being, does NOT mean the same thing, and even includes the cancer tumor.” ... “I.e, "human life" is indeed present at all stages of gestation in the womb. "Human life" means it has what the tumor has!”
Human/Pig Embryos (Chimeras)

Not all human life is good - so one should be careful to avoid defending that. Because without further qualification, i.e. as "human life," it includes cancer tumors and perhaps even war. "Thou shalt not destroy human life" is a FALSE PRINCIPLE.

"To answer your question, at birth is when it becomes a human being. "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

"With "IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO ABORT BABIES. There is never a baby in a womb!"........."In case you don't know it, the big lie (repeated at every opportunity) is that the fetus is a baby"
Abortion Discussion

"I certainly do NOT say a fetus is the same as a cancer; it is is only "the same" in the sense it is human life. " Human/Pig Embryos (Chimeras)

"Yes, "a human life" is human life. But "human life"[for instance in the womb] is not (necessarily) a human life.The cancer is not a human life, but it is undoubtedly human and alive, i.e. human life." Abortion Discussion

"So, hopefully you get the point of this, the cancer cells, the cancer IS human life, just like fetal cells, the fetus IS human life." Abortion Discussion

"A great delusion has been foisted upon the earth by those who constantly spout the untruth that a fetus is a baby." Abortion Discussion

"Or in other words, the contents of the womb is never itself a baby (human being), just like the acorn is never itself a tree." Abortion Discussion

But there can be human life which is a cancer or a parasite in the womb---right????" ,,"There is never a baby in a womb!"
Abortion Discussion

"It is like the life of a tumor that can be cut off." "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

It is not necessarily reprehensible at all to kill "life" that is not a human being, e.g. rats and pigs and mosquitoes. And human fetuses.” Abortion Discussion

"Your argument very much supports the truth that it is very parasitic and not it's own person.” "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

"Its life, it is alive, so it must be at least a tumor accompanied by polio virus!" "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

"Well, you can say "it's not really a parasite." Perhaps that will make you feel better about its "humanity." "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

"If it never breathed, it would probably be considered BORN DEAD. That is, never had a human being life." "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

"There is no person until there is a human being (same thing), and there is only a human being, a new person, a new member of the species, an actual animal being, at birth." "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

"It is not true that what is in the womb (not a baby) is "exactly the same as the baby out of the womb." Abortion Discussion

"It's major falsity is the second point, that "the unborn in a woman's womb are human beings." Abortion Discussion

"there exists an actual animal (human) being only after birth." Abortion Discussion

"It's interesting that the fetus is NOT a parasite for the very reasons that were they to apply might prove the "pro-life" case. That is, it is not an independent living organism, the member of a species, not an actual animal like what are properly called parasites are." "... breathed into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE..."

“ First, on "electrical impulses of software working in a computer," the electrical impulses are all in the realm of body, material or physical types of things."
"On the other hand, the software of the computer ("mental instructions") is part of the "working mechanism." "Electrical impulses are the operating of the hardware; they are switched by the software - a computer is all switches!"
"There are the switching operations, and all the instructions that dictate their states and sequences. We have no knowledge of there being anything in the computer that is the counterpart of mind; human consciousness must be pretty much what you call "mind, will, emotion," and nothing like that is known to be in a computer or generated by a computer."
"I think we are still looking for what is the best understanding of soul, the SELF that seems to include all these elements.” Who is the Father of Jesus?

“there can be NO SPIRIT OF JESUS LIFE in the womb, i.e. no life that (in itself) counts for eternity. No adoption (8:15), nothing like that. And certainly no Holy Spirit presence.” Do aborted babies go to heaven?

“What is the soul, what does it look like,” CAN HOLY SPIRIT OPERATE INSIDE A WOMB ?

Without consciousness surely there can't be anything like spirit, for instance.” CAN HOLY SPIRIT OPERATE INSIDE A WOMB ?

“I don't think any kind of spirit makes sense as being found within a womb, let alone Holy Spirit.” CAN HOLY SPIRIT OPERATE INSIDE A WOMB ?

“it is not as Spirit that the works of creation continue, it is as nature and the life found in nature.” ....“Thus the question is not "Where can God be?", but "Where can Holy Spirit be?"
“It is mostly about conceiving - it is nothing about the nature of what is in a womb, or what God (as Spirit, or not as Spirit) could be doing there. in” CAN HOLY SPIRIT OPERATE INSIDE A WOMB ?

“So, you equate God with life, or at least say all life is (only?) the operation of God?

“I Cor. 12 tells us of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
How can any of that be in a womb?” ...."If, according to verse 7, "the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man...",
does that not strongly suggest (at the very least) that there could not possibly be a "man" or human being in the womb? Could there be any of these manifestations in a womb? Doesn't seem possible.” CAN HOLY SPIRIT OPERATE INSIDE A WOMB ?

“So is something like, “he leapt because of the mystery that was there. She sensed the coming of Mary, he the coming of the Lord — the woman knew the woman, the child knew the child,” is this not EXTREME MYTHOLOGIZING, MAKING UP STORIES?
And is it not how much of Christianity has treated such accounts at those in Luke 1? HAS THE CHURCH ALWAYS BEEN CORRUPT ?

“And if there is human spirit, and if there is motivating spirit, does not much of it spring therefrom?” MOVED:Is there a Biblical Principle/Perspective with regards to nudity?

“I don't think it works that way; there is no person ever in an egg, imho, not even in a human ovum. Not even half a person.”
“Perhaps too big a deal is made of conceiving, many wanting to claim there is a person once there is a conceptus. My mind reels at the idea of invisible persons - with at least a fetus there is some flesh to be compared to what we normally recognize as persons.”
Who is the Father of Jesus?

““Point is, we can very correctly speak of what is in the womb as "human," the cells are human cells just like the cells of a human cancer are human cells. That is what we know for sure, what you and I should certainly be able to agree on.
The point of contention is whether it is a human being, a person, so to call it "a human" or "the human" in the context of this discussion is to ASSUME your conclusion rather than prove it.”
“BIRTH IS NOT SOME MIRACULOUS TURNING, as though some hidden essence were added (how you use soul maybe?”
“A thing one might notice about this is that AS ITS SELF, AS A FETUS, the fetus is of no value to anyone, not wanted by anyone. As a fetus.
ONLY BIRTH GIVES IT VALUE - birth, that event you try to say does not mean much, is the thing of greatest value for the pro-lifer, the one thing many are MOST CONCERNED to see happen.”
Do aborted babies go to heaven?

Hillsage said said:
No spirit = no body life
"These are not equivalent and certainly not the same thing.

No doubt when there is no body life there is no spirit.

But I don't think one can maintain it the other way, that when there is not spirit there is (by defintion?) no body life.

People are said to be dispirited, but probably more to the point, consider the guy in a coma - still bodily life (and NOT brain dead I guess?); I would wonder on what basis you might say "there is still spirit there," if you were inclined to? "
Who is the Father of Jesus?

“ (The fetus is rather like a plant of course, implanted in the womb.)” Do aborted babies go to heaven?

"soul = 'non corporeal mind, will, emotions'."
Who is the Father of Jesus?

"The soul is possibly a lot of things -”
“something like the "self,"
“Personally I think the best understanding of the soul, the best way to use that term, is in relation to the genitals, but that is rather way out there and probably would not be appreciated by most these days”
“I doubt there is human spirit or human soul before conception or even before birth. A human soul requires a human being, in my humble opinion.”
Theological Considerations of Personhood

“So not much of a proof for there being souls in the womb, especially considering that Adam (man!) only was (is) a living soul when given the breath of life. The breath being directly from God.”
Do aborted babies go to heaven?

“Hence what is ignorant is the "a new formed unique human life.
THERE IS HUMAN LIFE (and it has unique DNA), but if you want to argue about the zygote, that is certainly not a human being, so I would not refer to "a unique human life" in the womb, since there is none.”
Do aborted babies go to heaven?

“BTW, there is NO life that begins at conception. That is pretty obviously so, since all the LIFE found at conception comes from the sperm that is alive and the ovum that is alive, and those alive cells form one alive cell with the same life. It is not like God does some flash of lightning or something at conception and suddenly there is "the beginning of life," life there when there was none before. That is not how it works. Sorry. “ Do aborted babies go to heaven?

"A human life" is a human being; they are one and the same. So of course breathing does not distinguish them. It distinguishes the "merely human," that is, consisting of human cells, from the human being, first existing at birth. Do aborted babies go to heaven?

“It is about where Spirit can exist- it seems pretty clear to me that for flesh to have spirit, be of spirit, requires consciousness.” CAN HOLY SPIRIT OPERATE INSIDE A WOMB ?

“I WOULD NEVER CALL WHAT IS IN THE WOMB "A HUMAN LIFE," because strictly speaking it is not true.
I am pretty sure there is NO HUMAN BEING prior to birth.” Do aborted babies go to heaven?
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Douglas, Why do you put limits on the Holy Spirit, with these question re: what the Holy Spirit can and cannot do inside a womb?

Scripture states that John Leapt for Joy in the womb of Elizabeth, when he heard Mary's greeting, this was the workings of the Holy Spirit, in John. So truth is Both John and the Holy Spirit were leaping for Joy at Mary's Greeting. How so both? Well, the one who makes one Leap for Joy, also Leaps for Joy! Amen

Douglas, the question you should be asking is, why don't you leap for Joy, and is not the Holy Spirit not in you, for not leaping for joy, when you read: Luke 1:15? I do should not all Christians leap for Joy, when they read Luke 1:15.

Douglas, you stated: (I think it rather plainly talks of Holy Spirit "from" womb times, i.e. after birth.) Douglas, you think to much, thoughts that are not from the Holy Spirit.
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Roman Catholic convert from Southern Baptist
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Douglas Hendrickson said:
Throwing out speculations, speculations of what I supposed said without any quotes even.."
It was never about what someone "supposed said" it was about many things said elsewhere proving what I first began to speculate about in these abortions threads. Speculation that is clearly supported as true given all those posts.
So at a week later now and obviously it is difficult for someone to continue deny the numerous errors clearly believed and a desire to "teach" other Christians those self manufactured errors by throwing stones at traditional and orthodox Christian beliefs.

Just so it is clear, my earlier "speculations" in this thread are obviously not speculations at all. The only reason to keep starting all these pro abortion threads is to continue to spread these erroneous ideas while mocking the beliefs of Christians grounded in the foundations of the consistent teachings of the Church.
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Roman Catholic convert from Southern Baptist
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To sanctify is to make clean.

Perhaps we should actually talk about actually SANCTIFYING WOMBS.
(Not here of course!)
In context of a womb and a person inside there being in a right relationship with God, yes sanctification could be viewed as a cleaning process in that infant's relationship with God is being perfectly aligned with a real Person moving on him.

Understandable suggestion about cleaning what is basically just "nothing" for a poster believing there in nothing but a space with flesh in it. No person present until that flesh is part of a breathing body literally leaves nothing else to clean. A flesh we are asked to view no differently than a wart, or tumor or gangrenous arm or caner if not desired. Am not sure what sort of "cleaning" of warts or tumors or cancer...etc one would imagine a Christian thinks sanctification involves - I guess in a healing sense but it is still not a personal relationship being discussed.

So is the suggestion that we could go to another thread and talk about a cleaning feature/element of God that can be viewed as a sanitizing of wombs?

Is that sort of like saying Planned Parenthood can be viewed as carrying out the "divinely desired" murder of persons as a process of a "feature" of God sanctifying a womb?
If so something just seems very wrong, distorted, backwards and sideways about such thoughts, at least for most Christians. Very obviously not all. Hopefully no one actually teaching other groups of Christians these things.
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