
Dec 12, 2007
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America was built and became great by exercising God’s principles, but now the US has thrown away those principles. All things contrary to God’s ways are promoted by the politicians and the courts. The whole community used to come together to help their fellow citizens, like in gathering together for home and barn building events or to bring in the crops of anyone in need. They used to act like family as the whole community raised all the children and were not afraid to rebuke them when they were wrong. But today it is all about catering only to the selfish me because I have the right to seek all my pleasures above the rights or concerns of everyone else.

The citizens who demand the country’s legal rights are destroying the country that has given them those rights and freedoms. People from other countries come to America and then demand the country change its laws to cater to their ways because they are a minority who should have special protections and considerations that should trump the rights of all the rest of the people that make up the country. Lies and deceit are used to promote black pride as not being racism, even though white pride is recognized as the racism it is, which further divides brother against brother. Loud minorities demand we should throw away the values of the majority to cater to them including changing the meaning of family and marriage because they say we should not discriminate against them, yet their demand is that the majority be discriminated against in their family and religious values to cater to them. Instead of concentrating on our commonalities we seek only to promote our differences. Instead of a melting pot to common unity, every difference among the people is promoted. Discrimination to separate us out from each other is encouraged instead of concentrating on our commonalities to strengthen and protect our communities. We are not promoting one people indivisible under God.

America is lost. The US is actively engaged in its own destruction. Abiding by God’s principles allowed the US to become a great country and gave the people the freedoms they now have. Throwing away those principles to cater to individual selfish greed is causing the country to fail. Man made legalese deceit and pretense is the force shaping America today. Look around you at all the threats to the US and the world. Bowing down to the democracy and capitalist gods is destroying families, communities, countries and the planet as a whole. I have my democratic and capitalistic rights to seek all my pleasures and profits regardless of whether it causes large numbers of people to suffer or even to eventually die is the religion they follow. This is their freedom guaranteed by our democracy they say. Individual freedom without responsibility is the path America promotes today.

We are not acting like a people unified under a common purpose to promote a better life for us all but are instead acting like greedy selfish individuals. God warned us that if we leave his path to follow our carnal desires then we will fail, but God has no place in America today so we will continue to blindly do as we please right up until the end.