
  1. Appliance Tip: Clean your dehumidifier bucket

    Hello folks. Dehumidifiers are a form of technology that can be used to reduce humidity levels in your home or apartment, as well as to be used to dry laundry, if you dry laundry indoors. However, dehumidifier buckets, which collect water extracted from the air, can get mildew on the inner part...
  2. Technology and Language: AI Translation vs. Google Translate

    Hello folks. Digital technology has been improving over the past few decades, and with the recent advances in AI, new use cases for computers have been unlocked. For ages, the go-to app to translating languages was Google Translate, and you needed an internet connection to use it. Nowadays, some...
  3. Artificial Intelligence Writes a Law for a fictional setting

    Hello folks. AI has been making the rounds lately over the past year or so (NPR article from 2023), and it has come to my attention that AI could in theory be used to write laws. So, I tested that out, with the locally installed open source AI (Mistral 7B) on my computer writing a basic law for...
  4. Local, private AI that runs on your computer

    Hello folks. The year is 2024, and AI continues to grasp headlines in the news. Most AI models such as ChatGPT are run on servers, hundreds of miles away from the users. This means that data is not private, and AI could potentially be used to build a profile of you. There is a solution, known as...
  5. How can Christians sing together online?

    Hello! Due to the coronavirus, the brethren at the church I attend can't worship in song together like we could before. If we wanted to do such over the Internet, what app would you recommend? Thanks!