
  1. P

    relaxing piano music

    Hi there, I recorded some piano music based on Christian songs and melodies. I hope you enjoy!
  2. P

    music for healing

    My wife passed away a few years ago, and I recorded this music for her. It's not much, but was something to help her as she passed from cancer, and something that made me feel more at peace. I hope it might help anyone else going through these tough times.
  3. Weekend hangout and reset

    Hello everyone. Good day and Gods blessings be with you all. It has been another week. We have made it. I hope we are all doing well. My encouragement and prayers go with you if you are worn out from the week. I hope we all find some renewing and refreshing in the Lord this weekend. Lets chat...
  4. Music for Chilling Out

    Grab your headphones, chillout music lovers! I'll start with this track. It's one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've ever heard. And I'll follow it up with this track, which I will not even attempt to describe.
  5. Chit Chat

    I am extremely anxious right now and don’t know what to do, soon I’ll be offline for probably at least an hour. Does anyone feel like talking? Some things I like are yugioh, Chinese pop (as well as Korean and vocaloid), and five nights at freddy’s, but this thread is for anything, if you want to...