What Should We Do As Christians?

From what I've seen on CF over the years, it seems that we Christians are not exactly doing what we should.

As Christians, aren't we supposed to preach the Gospel, spread the Good News, bring Christ's light to others, help them find Him, lift one another up, help those in need, and treat each other with kindness?

It seems to me that many of us are too busy being defensive, finding fault in others, judging them, making assumptions and accusations about them, deciding for ourselves what is right and wrong, and speculating on things which only God can know.

I am guilty of some of these things myself, I know. We need to improve ourselves before we can improve the world around us. Let's live out our faith with the proper focus.

Ask yourself: Am I doing what Jesus would do? Are my words and actions lifting others up or tearing them down? Am I bringing about peace or stirring up strife?