Thursday, December 18th, 2008

I still haven't gone Christmas shopping, and I really don't want to.

Would they be fine if I just gave them a card with cash in it?

Anyways, I finally got another fight invite! But I got to go to Toronto on the 23rd to weigh in, then fight on Christmas eve. I don't mind that, but I wonder what my grandma is gonna say when she stops by on Christmas and sees me a little busted up... I'm not too worried about it. I'll probably tell her that I have a fight before I go, but she's never been supportive of this.

My mama is going to Ohio this year for Christmas with Tim. It's gonna be the first year that I don't spend Christmas with her. I love her to death, and it's gonna be a little rough.
Some people ask me how I can love her after what she did to me, but what a lot of people don't know, is that she's not the reason that what happened to me did. It's all that junkies' fault. I've always told mama that if she ever wants to ditch him, I'd be more than happy to let her move in with me and get her a good lawyer, but she just smiles at me.

I'm scared for her.
She's been forgetting more and more, and I'm started to think that she's coming down with Alzheimer's, and all Tim can do whenever she forgets something is yell at her. I'll be talking on the phone, and he'll just freak out about the smallest things that she forgot to do, like put his mail in its designated spot, or turn the heat down on the stove when she's cooking something in a pan. It's getting ridiculous, and I don't know if I can stand by and watch it happen much longer. Don't get me wrong, she doesn't just forget the small things, those are just a few examples. The big things, don't even get me started on how he verbally knocks her down.
Her hearing isn't the best either, she has her dads' ears. I accept that, and so does the rest of my family. We're all patient with her, except the one person that should be the most patient with her, her husband.
She mishears you a lot, and what she thinks you said is usually pretty hilarious and has nothing even close to do with what you just said.

Anyways, I'm gonna miss her this holiday season.
Yeah, I'm a mamas' boy.