The Lord's Gift

Today I had a difficult day. I was hurting in my soul. I felt the need for comfort. I was not able to see Caleb again today because of how he has to work a late shift. I did get to go to the movies with my mother to see A Wrinkle in Time. It was actually a wonderful movie about fighting evil.
I prayed to the Lord today for comfort and protection. I prayed that the Lord would be with me, my family and Caleb. I prayed for hope in my heart. I was suffering in my soul. The Lord told my heart that I am a Princess of His and that touched my heart and felt like a gift from the Lord. I today feel like the Lord's Princess and I know he loves me. I felt comfort in my heart. He said that He will never leave me or forsake me. He said he knows the past month has been very hard for me but that he sees me and know what I am enduring and that he will help me heal from my torture. He said very soon I will be in heaven with him and I will never feel pain or cry again and that my body will be restored and healthy and my mind will be at constant peace.