Revelation. Vision 1. Christ The Head. The 7 Stages Of The Body Of Christ.

The 7 Stages of the Body of Christ. (Rev. 2 & 3)

The Lord Jesus Christ, the Head, has planned & is now building together the Body. The 7 cities, Ephesus, Smyrna - Laodicea, represent this Body at different stages throughout the past two centuries. It is a complete overview, beginning at Pentecost & finally culminating when the Body will be `caught away,` to its eternal setting in glory.

(Eph. 4: 13 – 16 1 Thess. 4: 13 – 18)

The Lord addresses each group particularly, giving words of commendation & encourage- ment or chastisement & warnings. We also are called upon to take heed as these trials & deceptions can come to all of us.

Today in the 21st century especially, each of the errors & difficulties are still evident, making discernment of truth & error so important. Christ then counsels each group presenting

Himself, in clarity & truth. The response is but to repent & obey His Holy Spirit.

`He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the called out ones.`

(Rev. 2: 7)

Stage 1 & 2 – The Beginning

From the very beginning of the Body of Christ we read that the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul, warned the believers of the difficulties ahead.

`Therefore take heed to yourselves & to all the flock,.....

For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves

will come in among you,....` (Acts 20: 29)

This is a vivid picture of the persecution many early believers faced. And this has continued right down through the centuries.

Stage 3, 4 & 5 - Deception

Then Christ the Head of the Body (through Paul) warns of false teachers with impure motives & wrong doctrines.

`Also from among yourselves men will rise up,

speaking perverse things,

to draw away the disciples after themselves.` (Acts 20: 30)

Perverse, Gk. Word `diastrepho` meaning to distort, misinterpret & corrupt.

Here we see that certain people from amongst the believers are not looking to the Lord as the Head, but desire to `rise up` & `lord it over ` others. They teach wrong doctrine, `perverse things.` How true that is even today.

Stage 6 & 7 – Culmination

These two groups are in complete contrast to each other. One seeks Christ`s riches of His wisdom & knowledge, while the other group connects with the world`s system & seeks its riches & favours.