My Rock In The Whirlwind

My Rock in the Whirlwind

No matter your state I am constant,
all things wax and wane in your world,
my love is infinite all-consuming,
never changing, my light that heals your soul.

Your failures are many,
weaknesses profound,
often wandering off you go
like a child lost and afraid,
for deep within is great sorrow
that all of my children carry,
though often hidden
below the anger, sin, addictions
and depression.

Do not fear my child,
just trust,
difficult for you to do
yet it is what I ask.

Inner voices that you hear are yours,
those that scream are in pain,
aspects of yourself still fragmented,
yet my Love my child draws it together,
allowing peace to return once more
for a season and then gone again.

Your only rest is trust in my love,
for the journey in this world is filled with pain,
sorrow and failure.

Your weakness draws my mercy and compassion,
that I have for all, none outside my embrace,
hard to believe, but infinite love is of a nature
that none in your finite world can comprehend
nor understand.

(My response)

My rock in the whirlwind
I often lose touch with the center,
spinning off into chaos and pain,
yet I cling to you Oh Lord
my only rock in the whirlwind.

Dark clouds are low,
my own failures and sins
scream at me in the storm,
flashing lightning and hail
seeking to feed on my despair,
yet I reach out to you beloved,

This is your grace I know,
a pure gift of your infinite love.

I look up to your face beloved,
what else can I do,
for you are the center,
the rock from which I stand,
my only foundation in a world
both inner and outer that shifts,
quakes, changes, is torn down
and builds up again;
yet you are constant.

My life a flash in eternity,
how little I know and understand;
weak often my response,
my soul and body frail;
yet you revive my spirit constantly,
calling me to begin ever anew,
the raging sea never closes over me,
I rejoice in your love,
that is greater than my heart;
all hearts.

I do not believe you will ever let me go.

Lord Jesus, Son of the living God,
have mercy on us all.-BrM