Live And Let Live.

I was talking to a very nice lady today about a problem we had with our new house that she said she would fix and whilst sorting this out we got onto other things where I revealed I had a degree in politics.

The subject of homosexuality came up and she was annoyed with the homosexuals who won't shut up. Her motto is live and let live and if they want to do what they do go ahead and do it but don't blabber on about it to all and sundry. She believed that people are free to do what they want without having to tell the world about it.

I responded by saying that was the problem. These militant homosexuals won't let you alone and live as you wish and I gave her some pertinent examples where people had been forced into a corner, fined or jailed or had suffered because they said something that the homosexuals did not like.

She was totally surprised to hear that these sort of things were going on.

One example I gave was in the UK where a longstanding couple who fostered children were banned from doing so because they did not support same-sex marriage and would tell the children in their care that was the case.

Another UK example was the Catholic Adoption Society that closed its doors because it was told that it had to arrange adoptions for homosexuals.

The stupidity of it all is that in most western societies there is a shortage of babies to adopt by married couples so why deprive children of a mum and dad and give them to two homosexuals? Not logical.

Sadly the world is blind to reality. The idea is that as long as it doesn't affect me, why worry.

After the Stonewall riots in America, the homosexuals put out a manifesto which was to destroy everything natural and normal and introduce a decadent society where all sex of any kind was legal.

They later said that same-sex marriage was not the end goal. It was only a stepping stone to destroying heterosexual marriage and making all relationships normal no matter how sordid or perverted they were.

Doesn't affect you? The bible is quite clear on all this. It will affect everyone so burying your head in the sand is not a good idea. As we get nearer to the last days, there will be no sitting on the fence. We will have to be 100% for the Lord or sunk in the quagmire of satanic perversion and control.

Choose you this day whom you will serve.
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