John 7:18

One of my memory verses is John 7:18 "He that speaketh of himself, seeketh his own glory." I keep this in mind in the battle of spiritual pride. Well, after responding to a post here on CF, I see that there is an exception to these words. Generally they are true, and it was the Lord Jesus that said them, but like many of the verses in Proverbs, there are exceptions.
The other day I wanted to (I hesitate to say this) but I wanted to say something to someone to "correct" them on something. (Who am I to be correcting people? James 4:11-12. I am not judging or condemning, but trying to help.) Some people don't take or like correction or being corrected, Proverbs 12:15. So as to hopefully not turn this person off by what I was going to say, I wrote it in a way that instead of making it sound like I was directing the correction to them, I made it sound like I was saying it as applying to myself, speaking of myself. I wasn't seeking my own glory (Jn 7:18), but was trying to give helpful information without shining the spotlight on the writer of a blog I felt could use some touching up. I have plenty of my own flaws, and so if you care to point them out to me, I can try to correct them, and improve my self for His glory. Wishing you all well.
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