Intimacy Of Jesus Christ

Intimacy of Christ Jesus

“In the Host, My heart is beating as it did on earth, as it does in heaven. There are not many hearts of Christ. There is only one.”(He and I by Gabrielle Bossis) Pauline books

For Roman Catholics, the Eucharist is the center point of our lives. Christ Jesus, present fully in the Eucharist. Today for many, that is still a scandal, it is too intimate to comprehend and perhaps for many something fearful. Unconditional love is longed for and feared by our species. For love of that sort, infinite love is stronger than death and will do all that is necessary to woo and heal the much-loved… and each of us is beloved. Created in the image and likeness of God; something often forgotten, to our sorrow. Leading to actions that are destructive. To see Christ Jesus on the cross points to that reality. For there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one's friends, even if the love is not returned, or can’t be by hearts finite, fearful, and angry.--BrMD