This entry is in the series "Dove Songs"
Dove Songs
How Excellent Is Thy Name by Mississippi Mass Choir

How Excellent Is Thy Name by Mississippi Mass Choir
Original song composed and written by Dick and Melodie Tunney, Paul Smith

1 O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. 2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. 3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; —Psalms 8:1-3 (KJV)

How Excellent Is Thy Name
Next entry in the series 'Dove Songs': God Is In Control By Twila Paris
Previous entry in the series 'Dove Songs': One Day At A Time By Wanda Jackson