"divide Et Impera.": Genesis 1:1-2:3

As I have been having my eyes opened and given them more light from YHWH, The Great Teacher taught me that in order to understand His Word and follow it faithfully: I must master the week as He has done. In such a short passage of scripture we are taught the old age military axiom: "Divide and rule."

Creation Week...
On the first day (Genesis 1:1-5) God created the heavens, the earth, the seas, time, light, darkness, and spirits. On this day God created a separation between eternity and time; and heaven and earth; spirit and body (v. 1). And He created a separation between Light and Darkness; and, Day and Night (vv.2-4). Finally God created a separation between morning and evening: that is to say the beginning and end of a day which is the time between sunrise to sunset (v. 5). What is important to observe here is that God began His work in the Light and called it good. And He also distinguished between the Day and the Night:

1 Day
Beginning of Day = Morning/Dawn/Sunrise
Middle of Day = Noon/Day/Highrise
End of Day = Evening/Dusk/Sunset

1 Night
Beginning of Night = Moon and stars rise
Middle of Night = Moon and stars Highrise
End of Night = Moon and stars set

As we see above Day and Night are to never be mixed together! This is why Moses writes it as the first day. Of course it is implied that there was a first night as well but, from the beginning Light and Darkness never make up one day: and may God forgive me and others who have been led into believing this great error we adopted from Babylon and Egypt! Therefore we err if we observe a day from sunrise to sunrise; sunset to sunset; midnight to midnight, or day and night: instead we are to observe the day from sunrise to sunset: therefore:

1 Day = Evening (Sunset) and Morning (Sunrise)

In my previous entry I proved that there are indeed 12 Hours in a day and 12 Hours in a night: therefore the time between sunrise and sunset is 1/12 of an hour of the day; and, the time between moonrise and moonset is 1/12 of an hour of the night. It is not until Babylon came to power that they combined the two different seasons of Light and Darkness to make 1 Day = 24 Hours instead of 12 Hours like God intended. The only time that equinox (equal night) and equilux (equal day) becomes possible are when the length of each of the 12 Hours Day are equal with one another; and, when the length of each of the 12 Hours Night are equal with one another. While the reason for the Babylonians and Egyptians for combining the day and night was in order to create uniformity and precision: this led to making grave errors in their calendars and the end of their great kingdoms.

On the second day (Genesis 1:6-8) God created a separation between the waters from the waters (i.e. He split the one body of water into two parts) by placing the sky between them: therefore the water of heaven is greater than that of the earth.

On the third day (Genesis 1:9-13) God separated the waters from the earth in order to distinguish between dryness and wetness. God also created a variety of plant life which differed one from the other in order to know which was which.

On the fourth day (Genesis 1:14-19) God created two great lights and placed them in the heavens to divide the day from the Night and made them for signs, seasons, days , and years, and to be in heaven to give light on the earth: both lights are great but, one was made greater while the other was made lesser (vv. 14-15). Furthermore He made the stars to rule with lesser light (v. 16). This is the first of God's creations which were given authority to rule and have dominion. They are also the first to be given the responsibility to divide the day from the night; the light from the darkness (vv. 17- 18). In conclusion we are to use the lights in the heavens to determine the time during the day and the night. The greater light (sun) is the leader of the days and years: therefore God's calendar is solar: not lunar, astral, agricultural, etc. The rule of the luminaries only extended to the day and night but, nothing else: here a boundary is made for how much power is given to God's creations. Because the luminaries were made one day after new life had sprung from the ground: it is implied that the first season of the year begins in spring and this is when the equilux and equinox occur: the day after this event occurs is when the first day of spring occurs.

On the fifth day (Genesis 1:20-23) God fills the heavens and the seas with flying and swimming creatures. These are the first He blesses to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the waters and the earth.

On the sixth day (Genesis 1:24-31) God creates earth creatures to fill the earth (vv.24-25). Next God makes man in the Image and Likeness of His Family (vv. 26-27). God also gave man the ability to rule over all creatures that are in the heavens, the earth, and the seas, and the earth itself (v. 28). Man and animals original diet consisted of fruits and vegetables only (vv. 29-30). Finally God overlooked everything He created and saw that it was good (v. 31). Here we see man is the last of God's creations to be made and given authority over a part of His creations. What's more profound is the peace and harmony which existed between God and man; man and man; man and animal; animal and animal: there was no evil. We see that God made us to be like Him: we say and do as He says and does each day.

On the seventh day (Genesis 2:1-3) God institutes it as the Sabbath Day and blesses it and makes it holy (i.e. whole): this means that it is the day when there is no night but, only day: where there is only good without evil: light without darkness. There are two blessings in the whole week which connect us to God:

1) Work for six days by being fruitful and multiplying.
2) Resting on the seventh day.

When we do these two things following God's example then we are truly blessed. But in order to attain these blessings we must keep things in their proper divisions which God has appointed: therefore what God has divided let no man unite; and what God has united let no man divide. When we do this as God has done we will be able to rule ourselves, each other, and the things God has given us responsibility over in a manner which will prove to be godly and produce good fruit. Why do we still observe night time after the seventh day has passed? That is because the Sabbath Day we observe today is a sign of what is to come in the future. The true Sabbath Day is to do good works everyday without ceasing and instead to rest from evil works.

In Conclusion...
When we look at the first day when the heavens, the earth, and the waters, and Light and Darkness were all mixed God separated everything from each other and creating boundaries for them. When we follow the progression of the week we see God filling the heavens, the earth, and the seas with life after each were given there proper shape and boundaries. And however large our world truly is: we see that God made it big enough for Him to give us the command to be fruitful and multiply and fill the heavens, the earth, and the waters. Not only did God provide us with a way to determine the time and place, He also provided us with shelter, and food and the perfect climate to live in peace with Him as our God and we as His people. That God is able to divide all things shows that He is able to rule over them as well: and since man is made in the Image and Likeness of God we are to imitate His example throughout the week by being fruitful and multiplying godly offspring during the first six days and resting on the seventh day.