According To Our Capacity To Love, In That We Heal

According to our capacity to love, in that we heal

Act as a physician of souls. I will show you how to bind up the wounds of the heart, even the most delicate ones, and how to care for those whom I shall send you, so that you may heal them in My Name by loving them with My Heart.

A Benedictine Monk. In Sinu Jesu: When Heart Speaks to Heart--The Journal of a Priest at Prayer (pp. 4-5). Angelico Press. Kindle Edition.

It is not about performance but allowing the life of Jesus Christ to become our lives. When St. Paul stated “It is not I, but Christ Jesus who lives in me”, he was not talking about some abstract theological reality, but how he existentially experienced the love and power of his oneness, his union, with Christ Jesus. This can only be experienced by allowing the Holy Spirit to heal our hearts, and to fill us with His Gifts.

To truly love, is to accurately see Christ Jesus in those around us, to learn to let go of stereotypes, which can lessen the humanity of others, and can lead us to overlook them, or to judge them in ways that we are commanded not to do.

The closer our walk with the Lord, the deeper the trust, the more He can work through us in ways that are often hidden from our awareness. He works through us, according to our capacity to love, in that we heal.

The Lord works with infinite patience on our souls, accompanying each and leading us each uniquely.—Br.MD