you're not right with God if you forsake church.


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Hebrews 10:25 says "and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Let me ask you, do we need more Church in 2024, or less?, we need more church, and Don't listen to these unsaved false prophet YouTubers who tell you it is ok to commit the sin of forsaking church, Psalms 22:22 "in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee." Hebrews 2:12 “in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee". Matthew 6:33 "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." it's in that order. all these things are added unto you when you seek first the Kingdom, his righteousness not your own righteousness. Even if you're attending church to tick that box, then tick that box, amen? God commands us go to church.

Christians need preaching today on showing up to church, church attendance. Most don't want to talk about it. but the bible says "and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." because so many today are forsaking, even saved believers are forsaking, it's all over social media, telling you to not go to church, forsake church, Youtube people attack church, hate church, say don't go to church. they say church is not a house of God. it's so negative and you will get hit with it. nobody ever says "go to church" it's anti church and negative. and gaslighting. in fact they will say no it's actually a sin to go to church because you're worshipping with people who sin. well good thing Jesus died for sinners, not sinless perfectionists. And then people will be anti-tithe as well, they say don't tithe or give money to the church, when nowhere in the NT did Jesus ever repeal the tithing command.

I know that the devil will hit you, as soon as you leave the house of God, the bad thoughts and excuses start coming in. "so and so was mean to me, so and so from the church hurt my feelings with their words to me, they didn't shake my hand today they must not like me, don't go back" and I confess the devil hits me with this too, it upset me one time, I was sad about it for multiple minutes. that is why I keep my words few in Gods house now really few because I don't wan't to upset a saved believer, a saint, or cause a saint to stumble.

now when it happens and someone in the church does something offensive against me I just forgive and forget immediately. the amount of foolish things and lies the devil says to you. Just Remember Hebrews 10:25 and know God commands us to go to church, you're never in sin for attending church. when someone tells you not to go to church, that's not of God. God didn't tell you that. God says go to church. Look, make all the excuses in your head, then go anyway. Most times I feel really good leaving church, and upbeat glad I went. but other times the devil attacks sometimes its right away. that is why I don't trust my feelings, rather I trust the word of God. and the word of God says go to church. So that's what I'm going to do, and so much more as ye see the day approaching. And I know that I'm doing Gods will by attending the congregation. assembling with Gods people.

the excuses people have for not going to church are endless, and you say "well, there are just too many hypocrites at church" listen there are hypocrites everywhere that's how it is in this fallen sinful world, at some point you have to just say "I'm going to church no matter what because I love God" that is what I did when the anti-church thoughts start coming in I go back to Hebrews 10:25 hit the devil with the word of God clear scriptures. Instead of leaning on my own understanding. I hit the false prophets with clear scripture. Are there bad churches out there yes, there are lose your salvation, works salvation false prophet churches all over the place. make sure it is a faith alone King James church. a scriptural church that God is blessing and actually preaches the word of God. and people read cover to cover bible, not a crazy and strange doctrine false church, or compromising false church. and try not to get offended, or look for reasons to forsake church. and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Just go and worship God and think about pleasing God. Church is a good thing not a bad thing. You are commanded by God to go, and to not forsake because you never know when the Pastor is going to preach a sermon that was meant just for you. Yet you missed it. and listening online is not the same thing. Listening online is good to do also, but that doesn't replace church attendance, it doesn't count as biblical church.

This has nothing to do with salvation, there will be people in heaven who never went to church at all, but that doesn't mean it is good to not go to church. I don't beg people to go to church, I will beg people to be saved by grace through faith, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, the death burial resurrection, faith alone in Christ alone, Jesus paid it all, once saved always saved, free gift of eternal life salvation. I am simply preaching what the bible says, and the bible says you are not to forsake the assembling. and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
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Church is a community of those of the Kingdom who support each other, not an institution. But it is true that political division within the governments of man are separating families and human 'churches'. This of course is not the government of the Kingdom which separates itself from the world man has made in our own image, so it is difficult to ascertain who is of the Kingdom even within man's 'churches'. But it is true, whether it is communal gathering or institutional there are fewer of the Kingdom and more absorbed in the world.
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What does it mean to "forsake the assembly as some do"? What were these pagans doing which was forsaking the assembly?
Pharisees attended some of the assemblies (groups of people) gathered around Christ and asked Him questions, but were they also forsaking the assembly?
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Strong in Him

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Hebrews 10:25 says "and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Let me ask you, do we need more Church in 2024, or less?, we need more church,
Depends on what sort of church it is; if there is any real fellowship there and so on.
Don't listen to these unsaved false prophet YouTubers who tell you it is ok to commit the sin of forsaking church,
Not going to church is not a sin.
I belong to a church and go there most weeks - but if I want time alone with God, or need to think/pray something through and don't want to be distracted by "come and support the church fundraising event where we raise money for ourselves" type notices; I stay away.
God commands us go to church.
No, he doesn't.
We ARE the church.

Christians need preaching today on showing up to church, church attendance. Most don't want to talk about it. but the bible says "and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."
You need to quote the whole verse, and previous verses. It says:
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
So, i) Cling onto, and don't give up, the hope that you have [the Gospel]. These Christians were facing persecution and some of the Jewish Christians were being tempted to escape it by going back to the synagogues, and denying Jesus as the Messiah.
ii) We should be spurring others on to towards love and good deeds.
iii) We should not give up on the habit of meeting together with other Christians.
None of that says "you have to go to church" or "you can only do these things within a church."
in fact they will say no it's actually a sin to go to church because you're worshipping with people who sin.
Who are "they"? I've never heard anyone say this.
And then people will be anti-tithe as well, they say don't tithe or give money to the church, when nowhere in the NT did Jesus ever repeal the tithing command.
I sometimes wonder if people who advocate tithing have ever actually read the OT teaching on it.
In the OT, the tithe was always food - 10% of your crops, herbs etc - which they had to take to the Temple and then they all sat down and ate. The only time money was involved was if you had been so blessed with crops that 10% was too heavy to carry. Then the person could sell it, take the money they got from their tithe to the Temple, buy more food and they all sat down to eat that - not forgetting the priests who did not have allotments, and the poor.
If people are going to obey the tithe as recorded in Scripture, they should take their carrot, spuds, cabbages etc to church, have them blessed and sit down for a thanksgiving meal - not forgetting to invite the homeless chap down the road.
How many churches teach and practice THAT?

Just Remember Hebrews 10:25 and know God commands us to go to church,
He doesn't.
make sure it is a faith alone King James church.
I don't know of any church near me that uses the KJV, and I wouldn't go there if I did.
You are commanded by God to go,
because you never know when the Pastor is going to preach a sermon that was meant just for you. Yet you missed it. and listening online is not the same thing.
You can say that about any church.
How do you know - while you are in your "faith alone King James church" - that someone down the road is not preaching a sermon that you needed to hear?
Do you really believe that God might be saying "I really wanted to call that person to the mission field/Bible college, but they went to another church, heard a different sermon and I didn't have the chance"? If God wants to speak to us about something, he will - whether it's through a hymn, the prayers, another translation of Scripture or a comment over coffee. Or it might be in the quiet of our own homes when we are not "in church" at all.
listening online is not the same thing. Listening online is good to do also, but that doesn't replace church attendance, it doesn't count as biblical church.
When I had M.E I could hardly get to church at all. That's why I joined these forums to at least have some Christian fellowship, ask for prayer, meet Christians from all over the world and have discussions about the faith.
Did I sin by doing that? Of course not. Did I forsake God? No, I do believe I grew closer to him.
There are many reasons why Christians may leave/not want to go to church - sometimes, they are unable to. God is still with them; he knows they haven't forsaken him.

I don't beg people to go to church,
But you have written a thread saying that if they don't go it is a sin, and judging that they are not right with God.

I am simply preaching what the bible says, and the bible says you are not to forsake the assembling. and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

ONE verse in the NT says "let us not give up the habit of meeting together" - which Christians can do without "going to church".
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No, he doesn't.
We ARE the church.
Exactly.. a communal group of like minded people attempting to follow the will of God, rather than our own. Entirely different than adhering to ritual.
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Oct 22, 2019
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with mobility disabilities and no vehicle I'm kinda stuck, I moved across the country so really I don't know anyone for fellowship locally that could offer me a ride, family is all unbelievers.. and.. looking at churches in the area.. I had trouble finding anything decent. It's either hardcore pretribulation dispensationalism where they only teach out of Paul's Epistles exclusively, or Amillennialism where scripture "spiritually" means anything the pastor wants.
I can't trust a dispy church to teach the whole council of God and I can't trust a church that treats everything as allegory to teach it with any real meaning that isn't headcanon.
It's hard not to feel like the only thing I'm missing out on... is singing
which I hate anyway.
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. You are commanded by God to go, and to not forsake because you never know when the Pastor is going to preach a sermon that was meant just for you
The only thing meant for us is God's word. Anything past that is just a personal sermon written by man. If you were really going to a physical church just for that you could spend a lifetime sitting on a pew and only come away with milk in some instances. And if you need to go to church to keep you in line that's a problem in itself. It's good to have teachers but we are to study to show ourselves approved.

Hebrews 10:24 "And let us consider on another to provoke unto love and to good works:"

Hebrews 10:25
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

These verses have nothing to do with going to physical church and listening to a pastor/sermon once a week or so.

Like minded Christians can assemble anywhere and provoke one another to love and to good works, exhort one another and so on. This has nothing to do with going to a physical church. And they don't have to be taught sermons. God's word is sufficient. And one can do that at home as well.

If you feel like you have to go to a physical church so be it but it's also fine if someone has a study group in their home. Or study online with someone, etc. And as I said, anyone can assemble anywhere for encouragement, advice, etc.
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Strong in Him

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Our current church will not accommodate our ASD3 daughter (who randomly bites people), so we must wait until they do (or another compatible church steps up).
That's so sad. :(
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Not going to church is not a sin.
Well for sure you could not call yourself an obedient Christian...
Hebrews 10:25 (KJV)
[25] Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
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Strong in Him

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Well for sure you could not call yourself an obedient Christian...
Hebrews 10:25 (KJV)
[25] Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Did you actually read my post?
We, Christians, ARE the church and we can meet together for fellowship and encouragement without "going to church". Going into a building once a week for a hymn/prayer sandwich is not the only - and not necessarily the best - way of meeting for fellowship.
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Did you actually read my post?
We, Christians, ARE the church and we can meet together for fellowship and encouragement without "going to church". Going into a building once a week for a hymn/prayer sandwich is not the only - and not necessarily the best - way of meeting for fellowship.
Are the brothers and sister in Christ assembling there? If you do not attend, are you forsaking that assembly?
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Strong in Him

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Are the brothers and sister in Christ assembling there? If you do not attend, are you forsaking that assembly?
Not if I meet them in Bible study groups and other places.
i) the emphasis is on fellowship and encouraging and supporting one another.
ii) the Christians at that time were facing persecution and needed to stick together and support one another.
iii) this is not a command that Christians have to "go to church". They didn't have such a concept then - they met in each other's houses, not in a special building. So there is no command that Christians have to go to church, and no sin committed if they don't.
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Rabbis continually met and argued scripture all the time. There were two predominant rabbinical trains of thought in Jesus' day of which Jesus followed one. Church is the people who meet to discuss scripture based upon truth from God. Even this forum is a church.
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