Your God is too safe!


Aug 7, 2009
Zombies. Yes, Zombies.
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Your God is too Safe by Mark Buchannon

An extremely inspiring book about the God that is vs the God that people desire to have.

What we have is a God who asks to go to Ninevah when we don't want to, we have the God who tells us to stand before Pharoah when we say "ask my brother." We serve the God who tells us to go forth to all nations baptizing when we say "I gave at the office". We want the God who shows up to bless our Golf Game or give us happy birthdays. We don't want the God who asks us to step out of the boat onto the water.

But... it is out on the water where we truly LIVE, and it is out on the water where we truly see the face of God that we seek.

After reading this book, I was inspired to get off the fence of merely teaching sunday school and gave myself into ministry.

I would recommend it to anyone who claims the name of Christ but especially to anyone currently involved in ministry.

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