Worldly Entertainment


Electric Nightfall
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Apr 25, 2022
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I don’t really know. Today I put a lot of my old CDs up for sale, cheesy Christian pop and heavy metal both. I basically have grown out of those idealistic extremes and find them too inadequate.

Basically the only music I like listening to these days is electronic instrumental stuff like Vern Carson, The Glitch Mob, and TheFatRat. But mostly I’ve found that I don’t want to listen to anything at all. It’s very quiet here.
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May 30, 2020
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It was all just collected on many playlists on the app. I never download anything there’s no need to. as I said I have a very eclectic style and taste in music but now I’m just not going to listen to any music. I think that’s best.
Secular Music is a stimulant to me so i really should never listen to anything but Christian. Fortunately, i don't have much need for it now. Music it's self.
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May 30, 2020
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Depends on the worldly music. It can be unhealthy to listen to it all the time. Some of it is okay to listen to in moderation, but a lot of the lyrics focus on what your flesh wants, or what they think your flesh wants. Sex, romantic love, nihilism, drugs. I find most worldly music is about this kind of stuff, & so find it mostly unhelpful, discouraging, & depressing. Even the ones that are meant to put you in a good mood. But it really depends on the individual song. Not every song has to be about Jesus for it to be good (tho he is the author of the goodness). Post some here.

I’m guessing your flesh is fighting against you listening to Christian music. There’s definitely times when I just don’t feel like it, but often I find turning it on ends up being more benefical than what I was expecting. There’s a wide range of it. Hymns, more contemporary, uplifting, lyrics that are Christian but aren't designed to be churchy or worshipy. It doesn’t mean you give up ‘worldly’ music completely, just that you recognize there’s definitely music that Christians shouldn’t be listening to, especially all the time.

If you are struggling w/ listening to any kind of Christian music, & are finding problems w/ worldly music, is there other things you can find to listen to, I wonder......?
Music without words?
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I am what I am.
Mar 29, 2024
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When I am at church and the leadership "tells" me that we will now worship, it doesn't matter what the song is, I become paralysed. I just cannot be told when, why or how to worship, I never have and never will and I have tried with all my heart to "fix this" resistance in me. I cannot fully explain it but I have theories. However, when I am by myself and I hear any good song at all I find that I can and do worship God in many ways. And this also is strange to me. The way I worship seems automatic, built in and always bubbling at the surface. If the song or its lyrics bring me down, I cast it aside, I protect my heart. If a love song makes me identify with what it feels like to be abandoned, then I can relate because God has been abandoned. However to protect my heart, I cannot dwell on the pain of abandonment so I can only take so much of that. For the pure quality of a song or piece, I find myself thanking God for the mere talent that a person has. And it matters not who sings it or how much groove it has. It's the same with any art form with me. I thank God for talented actors, sports athletes, musician's, painters, skilled labeler's etc. Not everyone can do this so I have to be very careful not to offend anyone. I live in this body, I love a good beat but never at your expense. It's private, it's wonderful and in everything, If I can privately and honestly give God thanks then I allow it. I mean, who gives men such gifts of playing a instrument or singing or anything for that matter. Every good gift comes from above, from the Father of Lights.
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Feb 10, 2004
So no music at all for some? Not sure that's even a good idea scritpurally speaking. There is an importance to music or we wouldn't see it spoken of as taking place in heaven. And in the early church is anyone has a psalm and it's recorded Jesus and his discioples sang hymn. Of course don't think of like hymns in a context of ones with similarlty in style to many 1800 hymns one see's in a hyman book. David played harp and soothed Saul.....apparently music can have a good spiritual effect upon ones spirit and state of mind.
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Jan 16, 2019
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So no music at all for some? Not sure that's even a good idea scritpurally speaking. There is an importance to music or we wouldn't see it spoken of as taking place in heaven.

There are many ways to commune with God and music is one of them. Much like @linux.poet I enjoy the silence and don't require constant stimulation or entertainment.

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