Will getting chickens ruin my life? Here are 7 questions answered for the curious and concerned...


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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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Sometimes, when I have the pleasure of taking a leisurely trip to the grocery store all by my lonesome, I wander wistfully down the dairy aisle and dream of the good ol’ days, when deviled eggs appeared at every potluck and home cooks whipped up frittatas and lemon meringue pies with innocent abandon. That is, when eggs were under a dollar a dozen.

And then I thank my lucky stars that I have chickens.

Do you have chickens? If not, I bet you have thought about getting some. Six-dollar-per-dozen egg prices will do that to you.

But conversations with chickenless friends have taught me that while the prospect of cheap, nutritious eggs appears attractive, the process of providing for and raising hens appears daunting. The common concern seems to be that raising chickens is a fool’s errand, which will leave you standing in a giant pile of chicken manure with nothing but angry neighbors, an empty wallet, and a fox-emptied coop to show for your efforts. In this view, chickens might very well ruin your life.

But will they really?

In reality, while the initial setup period requires a few days’ labor and moderate startup costs, there is nothing easier than raising chickens thereafter. Mature, well-housed hens require almost nothing from you and provide many benefits, including but not limited to eggs. In my ideal world, almost everyone would have chickens. They are just that wonderful.

Continued below.