Why are we not really really disgusted by some of our sins ?


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Nov 17, 2023
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So we all sin, even though we are christians.
Just think of the sins you do and ask urself.
Why are we not really really disgusted by some of our sins ?
For men, most men enjoy watching p*rn, it is sin, we should be disgusted by it, but honestly we are not. Why is this ?
Can't God somehow zap our mind after prayer, so we are really really disgusted by it ? Like how most of us are disgusted by eating rotten meat ?
If u are really really disgusted by something u will easily not want to do it no more, not sin no more.



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So we all sin, even though we are christians.
Just think of the sins you do and ask urself.
Why are we not really really disgusted by some of our sins ?
For men, most men enjoy watching p*rn, it is sin, we should be disgusted by it, but honestly we are not. Why is this ?
Can't God somehow zap our mind after prayer, so we are really really disgusted by it ? Like how most of us are disgusted by eating rotten meat ?
If u are really really disgusted by something u will easily not want to do it no more, not sin no more.

Two things.

First, sin makes you stupid. Not just you, but every sinner.

Second, among those actually becoming holy, they have an increasing revulsion toward sin, and even toward small sins. They 'feel' like they are sinning more and are worse sinners than they were before. They do not want to offend our Lord so they strive to defeat sin in their lives.
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So we all sin, even though we are christians.
Just think of the sins you do and ask urself.
Why are we not really really disgusted by some of our sins ?
For men, most men enjoy watching p*rn, it is sin, we should be disgusted by it, but honestly we are not. Why is this ?
Can't God somehow zap our mind after prayer, so we are really really disgusted by it ? Like how most of us are disgusted by eating rotten meat ?
If u are really really disgusted by something u will easily not want to do it no more, not sin no more.

Well, I do not do or watch bad content, but I do feel disgusted with some of my sins. I will explain your question from a scientific and Biblical side. By the way, please read the disclaimer at the bottom of my post, which states that God "zapping" our minds is not in the Bible.

Science POV:
From a psychological perspective, the human brain is wired with complex mechanisms that can desensitize us to repeated stimuli, even if they are morally or ethically questionable. This phenomenon is known as habituation (peer-reviewed open access article link) or tolerance. In the case of watching inappropriate content, men or women may experience arousal and pleasure, which can lead to a reduction in feelings of disgust over time (desensitized). This is not to say that they no longer find it morally wrong, but the emotional response may be diminished.

Moreover, cognitive biases and justification can also play a role in our attitudes towards sin. We may rationalize or minimize the harm of our actions, focus on the positive aspects, or compare ourselves to others who engage in similar behaviors. This can make it easier to continue engaging in sinful activities without experiencing strong feelings of disgust.

Theological POV:
From a Biblical perspective, the Bible acknowledges that all have sinned and fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23). However, it also teaches us that as believers in Christ, we are called to be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). While feeling disgusted by sin is important, it's essential to remember that our primary motivation for avoiding sin should be a desire to please God and live according to His will.

God does not force us to feel disgusted by sin, but He does provide the Holy Spirit to guide us and convict us of wrongdoing (John 16:8). We are called to resist the devil and flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18, James 4:7). The Bible also teaches us that the fruit of the Spirit includes self-control and holiness (Galatians 5:22-23, yes this verse appears everywhere in my posts, as it is important for us all), which can help us overcome our struggles with sin.

In summary, both from a psychological and Biblical perspective, it's normal to struggle with feelings of disgust towards some sins, but it's crucial to remember that our primary motivation for avoiding sin should be a desire to please God and live according to His will. We can lean on the Holy Spirit for guidance, self-control, and the fruit of the Spirit to help us resist temptation and grow in holiness.

Disclaimer: As for God "zapping" our minds after prayer to make us disgusted by sin, the Bible does not provide any verses of this happening. Instead, it calls us to seek God's help and rely on His Spirit to transform our hearts and minds (Philippians 2:13).
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Nov 17, 2023
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Two things.

First, sin makes you stupid. Not just you, but every sinner.

Second, among those actually becoming holy, they have an increasing revulsion toward sin, and even toward small sins. They 'feel' like they are sinning more and are worse sinners than they were before. They do not want to offend our Lord so they strive to defeat sin in their lives.
Yes we try not to sin, but honestly we are not disgusted by some sins naturally, like for example eating rotten meat.
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Yes we try not to sin, but honestly we are not disgusted by some sins naturally, like for example eating rotten meat.
Most of us are habituated to sin, and blinded by it. We don't give a rip about being holy. Those few who are on the path of holiness ARE disgusted by their own sinfulness. The rest of us are 'comfortable'. But shouldn't be.
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Nov 17, 2023
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Most of us are habituated to sin, and blinded by it. We don't give a rip about being holy. Those few who are on the path of holiness ARE disgusted by their own sinfulness. The rest of us are 'comfortable'. But shouldn't be.
My point is, some sins we are naturally disgusted to do it, so we will easily not do it.
Some people struggle with the sin of same sex attraction, I dont have that at all, I find it disgustimg thinking about it, so thats why I without any effort dont sin in this.
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I'm not into self-flagellation nor is disgust an emotion I direct towards myself. Primarily because I'm aware what's right and wrong and when I've chosen to disobey. The goal isn't flogging yourself but recognizing the things that lead you astray or cause you to compromise and addressing them. I don't need a guilt trip or shame for that. Just a willingness to tell the truth.

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Feb 10, 2004

So we all sin, even though we are christians.
That has to be defined more on just what you mean that we all sin. Some people willfully embrace sin or types of sin as a pattern or way of life that they resist even the thought that they need to repent of. Not all are like that.
Just think of the sins you do and ask urself.
Why are we not really really disgusted by some of our sins ?
You really are just projecting here. It's very presumptions for you to assume many aren't disgusted with sins they commit if they are doing such.
For men, most men enjoy watching p*rn, it is sin, we should be disgusted by it, but honestly we are not. Why is this ?
Well you start off by saying MOST men are doing this and sorry but I challenge your assumption that most Christians men do this. You aren't God to be able to know this. One thing is clear though You have said WE meaning you are speaking for sure of your experience. So why aren't you disgusted by it? Well if you engage watching P*rm as you say, are you saying you don't feel any remorse or even have your conscience bother you whatsoever?

If you don't then it's you that needs to ask why is this? You see in the Bible it states it opens one up to a spirit of uncleanness which works to take away your righteousness conciousness.....so are you saying that doesn't bother you?
Can't God somehow zap our mind after prayer, so we are really really disgusted by it ?

3 things. One if one gets deep into fellowship with God's Spirit, and I don't mean just a 5 minute thing a day, but REAL fellowship in the spirit and

2) They do a deep study on the precious blood of Jesus and how God can blot our our sins and treat us with unconditional love by justifying us (treating us just as if we'd never sinned) that 3)

3) Makes us love God even more whereby we DON'T WANT to displease him . Knowing that God is so willing to forgive us and treat us like we're pure and holy without blame before him in love.....we respond with a heart of love and a passion to want to please him.

It's very similar to our natural realm relationships with people. If one is so loving to us WE DON'T WANT to hurt them. We're willing to live for them and die for them. I can see if people really don't understand God's love for them one begins to feel they're in this life for themselves for if he doesn't love me why should I care about sin. God does however love us and he wants us to know that.
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