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Where do I draw the line? [about lust]

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Senior Veteran
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Aug 3, 2004
New Zealand
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An interest in the human body is a natural aspect of being a sexually mature human. Lust occurs when a person actively desires or chooses to do something that is clearly wrong. For example appreciating the human form can be acceptable, but using porn to do that isn't.

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Jul 12, 2011
Christian Seeker
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An interest in the human body is a natural aspect of being a sexually mature human. Lust occurs when a person actively desires or chooses to do something that is clearly wrong. For example appreciating the human form can be acceptable, but using porn to do that isn't.


Very well said right here. The only I might add that it is important to keep the "interest" under control. Growing curiosity leads to porn and further sin.
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Oct 7, 2005
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Only when Jesus returns sometime in the future will sinful thoughts be vanished from attacking our feelings of our newish transformed minds and bodies of Christ. You wonder how Jesus, who died in the flesh and rose into a new spiritually perfect body, is able to experience eternal pure joy without sexual feelings of flesh-attacking lust. How none of the damaging emotions, such as depression and disease-causing pain - is never felt with our savior and healer Jesus Christ. Our faith in our Christ seems to come to life whenever we encounter a sinful thought - a sin that Jesus would not experience right now. We as Christians are learning all the time about sin and how Satan can use sin in all kinds of deception, especially financial problems to make us give up our faith in Jesus. We are at war with Satan and victory is ours already because Jesus has defeated Satan in the future. If lust is kept in the fantasy level of imagination then it remains locked spiritually. But somehow Satan's deceiving cleverness will find a way to unlock the imagination and turn it into reality which can have seriously damaging results such as criminal sexual violence where innocent victims have been forced into sexual agreement .:*:.
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Feb 16, 2011
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When you feel convicted about it, that's when you're at the line.

That's a good one.

Genesis 4:7
"If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

It's a simple truth. If you're doing something wrong... you're sinning. Prayers for you man
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Senior Member
Jan 30, 2009
Eppendorf, Germany
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You're experiencing temptation. That means, you find yourself wanting to do something which you know you should not. Remember that being tempted doesn't mean yet that you're sinning. Sin occurs when you give in to temptation. Even Jesus was tempted in many ways, again and again. And we have Jesus' assistance and offer of forgiveness if we fall into sin. Turn to Jesus if you fall into temptation and fix your mind on the good fruits that come by treading righteously. Have some self esteem and know that you are a free child of God. The fleshly things aren't worth it. For all good things worth aspiring to there is a righteous way to gain them. For example, if you desire to have sex, court a woman, love her and ask her to marry you eventually. Sex with a loving spouse is many times better than sex with some loose girl (or boy) that only has her sexual greed in mind. Keep in touch with other believers and ask for their kindness. You must find a path of righteousness for your life or you will not develop real holiness. Pursue wisdom, examine sexuality and how it's supposed to be. Sin promises to be better than righteousness, but it's an empty promise. Listen to the testimonies of those who lived a life of sin - at the end many have found it wasn't worth it. Don't buy the devil's lie. See the value of women and don't desire them. But be merciful to yourself and don't hate yourself for the things of the flesh. St. Paul did the same and God acknowledges the severe problem posed to us by our flesh. Ask God to increase your faith and wisdom and that He may give you His peace. Pray for that regularly, and that God's will be done. Sooner or later God will answer you in some way and help you. Don't hide the problem but let it be in bright delight. It's in the darkness, in isolation and loneliness where we loose the battle. Have self esteem as a christian man. Trust in Jesus!
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King of Stoic Cynicism
Feb 20, 2011
Somewhere away from people
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looking at a woman's body is not a sin. I admire women and they are attractive, but I have refrained from any sexual thoughts because it has caused a humongous problem for me in the past. As for normal people (lol) I think lust happens when you start thinking dangerous and explicitly sexual thoughts about someone and your mind rests there.
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Seed Planter
Jul 19, 2011
My room
Calvary Chapel
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I've fallen deeper into sexual sin. I no longer feel sad when I look at sinful material, though inside I know it is wrong... I don't know what to do.

*You can sear your conscious by willfully sinning and it sounds like
you have nearly done that.

You know what you are doing is bad for you emotionally and spiritually...it hinders your faith walk and messes up your perception of women. Women aren't just sex objects that are only here on earth for man's pleasure.

If the friends you are associating with are telling you it's OK to view porn and that women are just sex objects and it's fine for you to lust etc, you need to get away them because they are a corrupting influence and the devil has used them to render your testimony as a Christian to nothing.

Who can you influence for the Lord when you are steep in sinful behavior and full of lusts etc? Your faith walk has been derailed and the enemy(devil) is laughing because He was shot down a Christian.

You are in spiritually warfare if you hadn't noticed. You are wounded and not knowing what to do about your condition.
Return to the Lord!
A broken and contrite spirit the Lord will not turn away from a person who is truly remorseful because they have willfully sinned and trampled underfoot what Christ died to set you free from....that being the bondage of sin.

I suggest you find a support group that helps men who are hooked on porn.
I also suggest you connect with a Christian mentor who can help you get back on the right path and deepen your faith walk with the Lord.
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