What do muhammad's behaviors mean to you?


Oct 18, 2009
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How dare you equate the Muslim to Nazi? What do you know of Nazism? You can be anti-muslim and whine about muslims all you want for all i care, but there is a limit. okay?

Nazis are the worst scum on earth, its extremely rude and disgusting to equate someone of Nazism just because you feel like it. Think before you write okay?

Why do you insult Nazis?.Is it Just because you don't agree with their beliefs ?.

What you find offensive about Nazi beliefs?.Do you wish to open a separate thread?.
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Islam Lies to Muslims - Facebook
Mar 11, 2009
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Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: When you put on (a garment) and when you perform ablution, you should begin with your right side. (Abudawud, Book 32, Hadith 4129)

54) When putting on clothing, muslims must start with the Right side. That means Right sleeves and Right pant legs go on first (and go off last). (Abudawud, Book 32, Hadith 4129)
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Islam Lies to Muslims - Facebook
Mar 11, 2009
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Additions to the list so far:
1) "Allah's Apostle put his Right hand on my head and held and twisted my Right ear." (Bukhari, Book 60, Hadith 95)
2) Comb hair to Right side. (Bukhari, Book 65, Hadith 292)
3) "Put on the Right shoe first." (Bukhari, Book 72, Hadith 747)
4) Perform ablution on Right side first. (Bukhari, Book 65, Hadith 292)
5) "When he sat in the prayer, he placed his Right hand on his Right thigh and he closed his fist and pointed his index finger, and he placed his left hand on his left thigh." (Muwatta, Book 3, Hadith 3.13.51)
6) Do not spit to the Right side (Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 513)
7) Shave head starting from Right side (Muslim: Chapter 54)
8) Eat with the Right hand (Muslim, Book 23, Hadith 5011)
9) Drink with the Right hand because satan drinks with the left hand (Muslim, Book 23, Hadith 5008)
10) When going to sleep, place Right hand under cheek. (Abudawud, Book 41, Hadith 5027)
11) When lying down, lie on your Right side (Bukhari, Book 75, Hadith 323)
12) Always pass the cup/bottle/tumbler to the Right (Bukhari, Book 40, Hadith 542)
13) Do not exit prayer from the Right side (Bukhari, Book 12, Hadith 811)
14) Viewing East towards the Kaa'ba is necessary for the context of hadith 703; like Yemenites, it is preferable to live to the Right (or South) of the Kaa'ba. (Bukhari, Book 56, Hadith 703)
15) Consider standing to the Right of your friend out of respect, or, have friend stand to your Right. (Bukhari, Book 11, Hadith 695)
16) If someone commits theft, cut off his Right hand. (Abudawud, Book 38, Hadith 4396)
17) On applying perfume/body lotions, apply over the Right side of the head first, then over the left Before applying to the middle of the head. (Bukhari, Book 5, Hadith 258)
18) Wear jackets/coats turned inside out. Wearing a jacket turned inside out allows the Right jacket arm to go on the left human arm. (Bukhari, Book 17, Hadith 139)
19) When bathing, wash starting on Right side and wash 3, 5, or 7 times. Women, braid hair in 3. (cannot wash 2, 4, or 6 times). (Bukhari, Book 23, Hadith 345)
20) Muslim prayer within the Kaa'ba, must be accomplished between the Right-sided pillars. (Bukhari, Book 26, Hadith 668)
21) Muslims can Laugh only when looking towards the Right side. (Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 313)
22) Muslims must turn their faces to the Right following all prayers. (Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 1529)
23) Muslims must never spit to the Right side but only to the left AND without saliva. (Bukhari, Book 87, Hadith 124)
24) Muslims in prayer must keep Right foot vertical, left foot down and Right haunch elevated. (Muwatta, Book 3, Hadith 3.13.55)
25) Accordingly, muslims are to say peace offerings to the Right of their friends; otherwise the friends should return the peace offerings if they receive it from their left. (Muwatta, Book 3, Hadith 3.14.57)
26) Muslims are to place the Right hand on the left when praying. (Muwatta, Book 9, Hadith 9.15.49)
27) Female slaves are permissable only if possessed using the Right hand. (Muwatta, Book 28, Hadith 28.14.33)
28) Muhammad's own Right hand was used to no avail. (Muwatta, Book 50, Hadith 50.4.10)
29) As a remedy for pains and aches, Muslims must rub the area of pain with their Right hand seven times while repeating a chant. (Muwatta, Book 50, Hadith 50.4.9)
30) For bad dreams, Do not blow (spit without saliva) to the Right, But do blow to the left AND Three times for relief. (Bukhari, Book 71, Hadith 643)
31) When spitting (without saliva), Muslims must place the spit under the left foot and never to the Right. (Bukhari, Book 22, Hadith 305)
32) In prayer, Muslims must never place their sandals on their Right side but on their left unless there is someone to their left. (Abudawud, Book 2, Hadith 0654)
33) A Hadith that illustrates muhammad's religious adherence to Right-sidedness... he said, "When a boy distinguishes Right hand from the left hand, then command him to pray." (Abudawud, Book 2, Hadith 0497)
34) Upon sitting in prayer, Muslims must keep the Right elbow elevated off the Right thigh. No such requirement for the left elbow. (Abudawud, Book 3, Hadith 0725)
35) In prayer, Muslims must make a circle with the Right hand, joining the thumb and middle finger and pointing with the Right forefinger. (Abudawud, Book 3, Hadith 0725)
36) When sitting or standing in rows, muslims must do so on the Right side so as to be blessed by their ilah. This necesitates the absence of muslims on the left of rows. (Abudawud, Book 2, Hadith 0676)
37) When counting the names of their ilah, muslims must do so using only the fingers of their Right hand. (Abudawud, Book 8, Hadith 1497)
38) Signet rings must be worn on the Right small finger, with its insignia facing in, towards palm. This adherence is necessary for all rings. (Abudawud, Book 34, Hadith 4217)
39) muhammad believed that his Right chest and abdominal cavities were opened, washed with waters of zamzam, and filled with wisdom and faith previously carried in a gold basin. No further details. (Muslim, Book 001, Hadith 0315)
40) When washing, muslims must wash the Right side of the head first, then the left. (Muslim, Book 003, Hadith 0623)
41) Muslim men are Not to handle themselves with the Right hand when urinating. (Muslim, Book 002, Hadith 0511)
42) Only entering thru the Right door allows access to paradise. Accordingly, muslims should practice entering thru the Right door when offered a double doorway. (Muslim, Book 001, Hadith 0378)
43) Muslims must Not use the Right hand when wiping themselves. (Muslim, Book 002, Hadith 0511)
44) With tahiyyat, muslims must raise the Right foot (off the ground). Muslims must not sit on their heels because the devil sits on his heels. (Muslim, Book 004, Hadith 1005)
45) In tawaaf, after kissing the black rock, muslims must move to the Right of it. (Muslim, Book 007, Hadith 2806)
46) Invoking talbiyah during hajj, every muslim must consider doing the following with a camel. Mark the Right side of the camel's bump, remove blood from it, tie two sandals around its neck and ride the camel. (Muslim, Book 007, Hadith 2865)
47) Along with shaving the head starting with the Right side (#7), muslims must distribute that hair from the Right side to someone near them. (Muslim, Book 007, Hadith 2993)
48) Along with putting on the Right shoe first (#3), muslims must remove the Right shoe Last. (Muslim, Book 024, Hadith 5231)
49) When lying down for bed on your Right side, every muslim must thank their ilah in prayer for allowing him/her to lie down on the Right side. (Muslim, Book 035, Hadith 6554)
50) Muslims must respond with muhammad's expression, "Let your Right hand be in dust," when another person contradicts him/her. (Bukhari, Book 003, Hadith 132)
51) Muslims must respond with muhammad's expression, "May your Right hand be saved," should they receive seemingly good advice. (Bukhari, Book 60, Hadith 319)
52) This testimony (with no witnesses) relates Right-sided attributes as practiced by angels in hell. The angels of hell make movements to the Right side as muhammad does. (Bukhari, Book 87, Hadith 156)
53) Along with always passing the cup/bottle/tumbler to the Right (#12), muslims must pass it to the Right hand of the next person. As stated in hadith, "The Right hand to the Right hand." (Muwatta, Book 49, Hadith 49.9.17)
54) When putting on clothing, muslims must start with the Right side. That means Right sleeves and Right pant legs go on first (and go off last). (Abudawud, Book 32, Hadith 4129)
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Islam Lies to Muslims - Facebook
Mar 11, 2009
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Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:...... Heraclius then asked for the letter addressed by Allah's Apostle which was delivered by Dihya to the Governor of Busra, who forwarded it to Heraclius to read. The contents of the letter were as follows: "In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful (This letter is) from Muhammad the slave of Allah and His Apostle to Heraclius the ruler of Byzantine. Peace be upon him, who follows the right path. Furthermore I invite you to Islam, .... (Bukhari, Book 1, Hadith 6)

55) The "Right path" is self-explanatory. The letter is from muhammad who performed his Right-sided attributes diligently and always had these attributes on his mind. He says that peace comes to those muslims whose "path" is Right(-sided). (Bukhari, Book 1, Hadith 6)
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Islam Lies to Muslims - Facebook
Mar 11, 2009
United States
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I have ended adding to the list. Though there may be more I have better things to do and other lists to start. Incredibly only one or two muslims have admitted the implications of muh's right-sidedness. Its okay to be silent about it as long as you ponder over this issue.

Additions to the list so far:
1) "Allah's Apostle put his Right hand on my head and held and twisted my Right ear." (Bukhari, Book 60, Hadith 95)
2) Comb hair to Right side. (Bukhari, Book 65, Hadith 292)
3) "Put on the Right shoe first." (Bukhari, Book 72, Hadith 747)
4) Perform ablution on Right side first. (Bukhari, Book 65, Hadith 292)
5) "When he sat in the prayer, he placed his Right hand on his Right thigh and he closed his fist and pointed his index finger, and he placed his left hand on his left thigh." (Muwatta, Book 3, Hadith 3.13.51)
6) Do not spit to the Right side (Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 513)
7) Shave head starting from Right side (Muslim: Chapter 54)
8) Eat with the Right hand (Muslim, Book 23, Hadith 5011)
9) Drink with the Right hand because satan drinks with the left hand (Muslim, Book 23, Hadith 5008)
10) When going to sleep, place Right hand under cheek. (Abudawud, Book 41, Hadith 5027)
11) When lying down, lie on your Right side (Bukhari, Book 75, Hadith 323)
12) Always pass the cup/bottle/tumbler to the Right (Bukhari, Book 40, Hadith 542)
13) Do not exit prayer from the Right side (Bukhari, Book 12, Hadith 811)
14) Viewing East towards the Kaa'ba is necessary for the context of hadith 703; like Yemenites, it is preferable to live to the Right (or South) of the Kaa'ba. (Bukhari, Book 56, Hadith 703)
15) Consider standing to the Right of your friend out of respect, or, have friend stand to your Right. (Bukhari, Book 11, Hadith 695)
16) If someone commits theft, cut off his Right hand. (Abudawud, Book 38, Hadith 4396)
17) On applying perfume/body lotions, apply over the Right side of the head first, then over the left Before applying to the middle of the head. (Bukhari, Book 5, Hadith 258)
18) Wear jackets/coats turned inside out. Wearing a jacket turned inside out allows the Right jacket arm to go on the left human arm. (Bukhari, Book 17, Hadith 139)
19) When bathing, wash starting on Right side and wash 3, 5, or 7 times. Women, braid hair in 3. (cannot wash 2, 4, or 6 times). (Bukhari, Book 23, Hadith 345)
20) Muslim prayer within the Kaa'ba, must be accomplished between the Right-sided pillars. (Bukhari, Book 26, Hadith 668)
21) Muslims can Laugh only when looking towards the Right side. (Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 313)
22) Muslims must turn their faces to the Right following all prayers. (Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 1529)
23) Muslims must never spit to the Right side but only to the left AND without saliva. (Bukhari, Book 87, Hadith 124)
24) Muslims in prayer must keep Right foot vertical, left foot down and Right haunch elevated. (Muwatta, Book 3, Hadith 3.13.55)
25) Accordingly, muslims are to say peace offerings to the Right of their friends; otherwise the friends should return the peace offerings if they receive it from their left. (Muwatta, Book 3, Hadith 3.14.57)
26) Muslims are to place the Right hand on the left when praying. (Muwatta, Book 9, Hadith 9.15.49)
27) Female slaves are permissable only if possessed using the Right hand. (Muwatta, Book 28, Hadith 28.14.33)
28) Muhammad's own Right hand was used to no avail. (Muwatta, Book 50, Hadith 50.4.10)
29) As a remedy for pains and aches, Muslims must rub the area of pain with their Right hand seven times while repeating a chant. (Muwatta, Book 50, Hadith 50.4.9)
30) For bad dreams, Do not blow (spit without saliva) to the Right, But do blow to the left AND Three times for relief. (Bukhari, Book 71, Hadith 643)
31) When spitting (without saliva), Muslims must place the spit under the left foot and never to the Right. (Bukhari, Book 22, Hadith 305)
32) In prayer, Muslims must never place their sandals on their Right side but on their left unless there is someone to their left. (Abudawud, Book 2, Hadith 0654)
33) A Hadith that illustrates muhammad's religious adherence to Right-sidedness... he said, "When a boy distinguishes Right hand from the left hand, then command him to pray." (Abudawud, Book 2, Hadith 0497)
34) Upon sitting in prayer, Muslims must keep the Right elbow elevated off the Right thigh. No such requirement for the left elbow. (Abudawud, Book 3, Hadith 0725)
35) In prayer, Muslims must make a circle with the Right hand, joining the thumb and middle finger and pointing with the Right forefinger. (Abudawud, Book 3, Hadith 0725)
36) When sitting or standing in rows, muslims must do so on the Right side so as to be blessed by their ilah. This necesitates the absence of muslims on the left of rows. (Abudawud, Book 2, Hadith 0676)
37) When counting the names of their ilah, muslims must do so using only the fingers of their Right hand. (Abudawud, Book 8, Hadith 1497)
38) Signet rings must be worn on the Right small finger, with its insignia facing in, towards palm. This adherence is necessary for all rings. (Abudawud, Book 34, Hadith 4217)
39) muhammad believed that his Right chest and abdominal cavities were opened, washed with waters of zamzam, and filled with wisdom and faith previously carried in a gold basin. No further details. (Muslim, Book 001, Hadith 0315)
40) When washing, muslims must wash the Right side of the head first, then the left. (Muslim, Book 003, Hadith 0623)
41) Muslim men are Not to handle themselves with the Right hand when urinating. (Muslim, Book 002, Hadith 0511)
42) Only entering thru the Right door allows access to paradise. Accordingly, muslims should practice entering thru the Right door when offered a double doorway. (Muslim, Book 001, Hadith 0378)
43) Muslims must Not use the Right hand when wiping themselves. (Muslim, Book 002, Hadith 0511)
44) With tahiyyat, muslims must raise the Right foot (off the ground). Muslims must not sit on their heels because the devil sits on his heels. (Muslim, Book 004, Hadith 1005)
45) In tawaaf, after kissing the black rock, muslims must move to the Right of it. (Muslim, Book 007, Hadith 2806)
46) Invoking talbiyah during hajj, every muslim must consider doing the following with a camel. Mark the Right side of the camel's bump, remove blood from it, tie two sandals around its neck and ride the camel. (Muslim, Book 007, Hadith 2865)
47) Along with shaving the head starting with the Right side (#7), muslims must distribute that hair from the Right side to someone near them. (Muslim, Book 007, Hadith 2993)
48) Along with putting on the Right shoe first (#3), muslims must remove the Right shoe Last. (Muslim, Book 024, Hadith 5231)
49) When lying down for bed on your Right side, every muslim must thank their ilah in prayer for allowing him/her to lie down on the Right side. (Muslim, Book 035, Hadith 6554)
50) Muslims must respond with muhammad's expression, "Let your Right hand be in dust," when another person contradicts him/her. (Bukhari, Book 003, Hadith 132)
51) Muslims must respond with muhammad's expression, "May your Right hand be saved," should they receive seemingly good advice. (Bukhari, Book 60, Hadith 319)
52) This testimony (with no witnesses) relates Right-sided attributes as practiced by angels in hell. The angels of hell make movements to the Right side as muhammad does. (Bukhari, Book 87, Hadith 156)
53) Along with always passing the cup/bottle/tumbler to the Right (#12), muslims must pass it to the Right hand of the next person. As stated in hadith, "The Right hand to the Right hand." (Muwatta, Book 49, Hadith 49.9.17)
54) When putting on clothing, muslims must start with the Right side. That means Right sleeves and Right pant legs go on first (and go off last). (Abudawud, Book 32, Hadith 4129)
55) The "Right path" is self-explanatory. The letter is from muhammad who performed his Right-sided attributes diligently and always had these attributes on his mind. He says that peace comes to those muslims whose "path" is Right-sided. (Bukhari, Book 1, Hadith 6)

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