unsaved stepfather bitter at God

Sep 25, 2013
Marital Status

Just a quick introduction about myself. Im newly saved (4months) and have since been intensively reading and studying the Bible as much as possible.
My lifestyle has also completely changed. I have turned my back on secular society and intend to continue to learn and walk with God.

Im trying to witness to family members about what I have learnt thusfar and the positve impact it has had in my life. I dont feel as yet confident to witness to strangers as my knowledge is still fairly basic. (cant quote scripture to back up what Im saying) Learning the word is like waking up from a deep slumber lol.

I had a brief conversation with my step father who is unsaved, and told him about Christianity and God. He told me that since his mother passed away at an early age(in her 40s) he has no interest in seeking any relationship with a God that could have done such a thing. He seemed to be quite bitter with God.

I didnt want to push the issue but went home and had a think about how I could approach this situation.

Im thinking of maybe sending him an email explaining that Gods original intentions for man was to have life everlasting and it was only through the fall of adam and eve that death entered into the world. As for the early death of his mother Im not sure how I can explain that in a biblical manner. I know that God has a reason for everything he does but how can my bitter step father except that?

He could not understand how his mother could pass away so early yet evil men could live to an old age.

What would you advise would be the best course of action to explain how these things happen in our lives?

This is pretty tricky and would appreciate your help, God bless you all

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God is salvation
Mar 14, 2012
Marital Status
First of all, you're trying to approach things from a logical point of view. There is indeed a logical answer to the problem of evil and suffering.

I can't do a better job than Dr. Craig


It's a pretty complicated theological issue and the answer really took us centuries to arrive at. This despite the apparent length is possibly thee best summation available.


However you're not dealing with a logical problem, this is a deeply emotional issue. It's not that the father doesn't believe in God... he does and he hates him!

The only possible way you could approach him is through the cruxifiction, I often find it useful in this situation.

You're playing a dangerous game here however. Sometimes you have to wait for the fruit to be ripe, before you try and help to pick it from the tree.
You trying this now while he's this angry, you might do him more damage than good. Possibly permanent damage.
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Sep 24, 2013
Marital Status
I can't say much. I'm also a new Christian (also about 4 months) and I have no clue what to say. I can tell you this though:

Asiyreh is right. You ARE playing a dangerous game. I have to advise you to be very careful with what you say. Because if you the exact wrong thing, it can completely mess it up.

I don't mean to scare you, but be warned that this, in my opinion, is the trickiest, hardest... task. Just be REALLY careful okay? I'll be praying.

God bless
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Jun 18, 2005
Marital Status
I would ask him if his mother would be happy with him having a futile feud with God. We are all going to the same place, death. Is it so tragic some of us get there faster than others? Maybe its a blessing to be rid of mortality and no longer have to look after our bodies.
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Sep 18, 2013
Marital Status

Just a quick introduction about myself. Im newly saved (4months) and have since been intensively reading and studying the Bible as much as possible.
My lifestyle has also completely changed. I have turned my back on secular society and intend to continue to learn and walk with God.

Im trying to witness to family members about what I have learnt thusfar and the positve impact it has had in my life. I dont feel as yet confident to witness to strangers as my knowledge is still fairly basic. (cant quote scripture to back up what Im saying) Learning the word is like waking up from a deep slumber lol.

I had a brief conversation with my step father who is unsaved, and told him about Christianity and God. He told me that since his mother passed away at an early age(in her 40s) he has no interest in seeking any relationship with a God that could have done such a thing. He seemed to be quite bitter with God.

I didnt want to push the issue but went home and had a think about how I could approach this situation.

Im thinking of maybe sending him an email explaining that Gods original intentions for man was to have life everlasting and it was only through the fall of adam and eve that death entered into the world. As for the early death of his mother Im not sure how I can explain that in a biblical manner. I know that God has a reason for everything he does but how can my bitter step father except that?

He could not understand how his mother could pass away so early yet evil men could live to an old age.

What would you advise would be the best course of action to explain how these things happen in our lives?

This is pretty tricky and would appreciate your help, God bless you all


Your stepfather has to be ready to receive the Word or it will fail. I feel that you can best help him by example I think he's going to resent it if you send him emails.

Your stepfather must seek his own peace with God he must seek God out himself and I firmly believe when he is ready he will do this. It's not unusual for someone to be angry with God when their mother is taken at an early age. The best thing you can do is put your stepfather into God's hands, pray for him and God will speak to him but first he must listen.
God bless you!
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Nov 13, 2010
United States
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Just a quick introduction about myself. Im newly saved (4months) and have since been intensively reading and studying the Bible as much as possible.
My lifestyle has also completely changed. I have turned my back on secular society and intend to continue to learn and walk with God.

Im trying to witness to family members about what I have learnt thusfar and the positve impact it has had in my life. I dont feel as yet confident to witness to strangers as my knowledge is still fairly basic. (cant quote scripture to back up what Im saying) Learning the word is like waking up from a deep slumber lol.

I had a brief conversation with my step father who is unsaved, and told him about Christianity and God. He told me that since his mother passed away at an early age(in her 40s) he has no interest in seeking any relationship with a God that could have done such a thing. He seemed to be quite bitter with God.

I didnt want to push the issue but went home and had a think about how I could approach this situation.

Im thinking of maybe sending him an email explaining that Gods original intentions for man was to have life everlasting and it was only through the fall of adam and eve that death entered into the world. As for the early death of his mother Im not sure how I can explain that in a biblical manner. I know that God has a reason for everything he does but how can my bitter step father except that?

He could not understand how his mother could pass away so early yet evil men could live to an old age.

What would you advise would be the best course of action to explain how these things happen in our lives?

This is pretty tricky and would appreciate your help, God bless you all


Jer 10:23 KJV
(23) O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

one of the things that brings us to God in the first place is a realization that we aren't smart enough to know what to do; that we need to be led by God. once we've received spiritual rebirth, it's all too easy to fall back into a mode where we see a problem, decide what must be done, and ask God to bless it. instead, we need to learn how to perceive God's leading and follow that instead of our own judgment.

there is much debate in the Christian community of why bad things happen; until you know what God says about this in the Bible then you aren't yet prepared to minister to someone else who believes God 'allows' bad things to happen. this should help:

The Believer's Authority - Audio Teaching - Andrew Wommack Ministries

God knows your stepfather's heart, and He's the only one who knows when your stepfather will be willing to receive Truth about why bad things happen; trust God to help him through others for now and focus on finding the answer yourself in His word through fellowship with Him.
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Senior Veteran
Feb 15, 2004
Salvation Army
Dear tonyRebornInChrist. The best way to help your stepfaher to accept God
is by example. God is Love and God wants Loving children/sons and daughters. Let your stepfather see how very much you Love God, and perhaps he will find out for himself that we have a Loving Heavenly Father. Keep bringing your stepfather to God in prayer, and show him how very much you Love and Trust God. Jesus our Saviour will give us his Love and Joy, and the Holy Spirit will empower us with His Love, also. Jesus told us to: " ask and ye
shall receive," ( Matthew 7: 7-10) then thank God and share all Love and Joy
with all around you, including your stepfather. Keep asking for Love and Joy, then thank God and share all Love and Joy with all around you: your stepfather included. Prove God`s Love to all you know and all you meet.
Try and be a sign-post to God. Help your unsaved stepfather to see our Heavenly Father as He really is.
Love is a Christian`s great weapon, with Love we will overcome all enmity and wrong belief. You will find that people will treat you as you treat people.
Show your stepfather again and again that God is Love and God Loves us, and Love does Not Kill. I say this with love, tony. Greetings from Emmy, your sister in Christ.
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The Lord is my Refuge
Mar 11, 2012
Marital Status

Just a quick introduction about myself. Im newly saved (4months) and have since been intensively reading and studying the Bible as much as possible.
My lifestyle has also completely changed. I have turned my back on secular society and intend to continue to learn and walk with God.

Im trying to witness to family members about what I have learnt thusfar and the positve impact it has had in my life. I dont feel as yet confident to witness to strangers as my knowledge is still fairly basic. (cant quote scripture to back up what Im saying) Learning the word is like waking up from a deep slumber lol.

I had a brief conversation with my step father who is unsaved, and told him about Christianity and God. He told me that since his mother passed away at an early age(in her 40s) he has no interest in seeking any relationship with a God that could have done such a thing. He seemed to be quite bitter with God.

I didnt want to push the issue but went home and had a think about how I could approach this situation.

Im thinking of maybe sending him an email explaining that Gods original intentions for man was to have life everlasting and it was only through the fall of adam and eve that death entered into the world. As for the early death of his mother Im not sure how I can explain that in a biblical manner. I know that God has a reason for everything he does but how can my bitter step father except that?

He could not understand how his mother could pass away so early yet evil men could live to an old age.

What would you advise would be the best course of action to explain how these things happen in our lives?

This is pretty tricky and would appreciate your help, God bless you all


Its natural to want to witness to him because of your love for God and for your stepfather, and because you are a new Christian too..

I think you should pray for him though, thats a more effective weapon at this stage. You don't have to say or 'drum' anything into his ears at this time cause people who feel that way need time, and the touch of God to bring the truth to them. They don't understand what they say and its easy for them to blame God for many wrong things that happen in their lives, but God does understand as well and can/does help people like that at the right time by removing the veil covering their eyes regarding the truth.

The one verse which struck me and which will probably be best to use to minister to such people would be when Jesus said

John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

That summarizes it all really.
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Sep 24, 2013
Marital Status
Its natural to want to witness to him because of your love for God and for your stepfather, and because you are a new Christian too..

I think you should pray for him though, thats a more effective weapon at this stage. You don't have to say or 'drum' anything into his ears at this time cause people who feel that way need time, and the touch of God to bring the truth to them. They don't understand what they say and its easy for them to blame God for many wrong things that happen in their lives, but God does understand as well and can/does help people like that at the right time by removing the veil covering their eyes regarding the truth.

The one verse which struck me and which will probably be best to use to minister to such people would be when Jesus said

John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

That summarizes it all really.

Yeah, this is one reason why I think this is one the hardest challenges. You can't do it on a dime. It takes time and with time, it can be EXTREMELY stressful. I'll be praying :)
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