Understanding the Coming Great Tribulation


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Nov 25, 2017
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To properly understand the Signs of the end Lord Jesus gave us, we have to pay close attention in His Word. That is my intention with this. Some of you reading this will discover, if you stick to the actual Scripture, that many preachers today are not teaching this as actually written. Most of them would probably get fired by their organizational denomination if they tried to properly teach it. So here goes...

What do you hear about the coming "great tribulation" at your Church? Are you hearing how it will be all out slaughter and war and chaos, and even world war three, and a total breakdown of society like all the popular apocalypse movies put out by communist Hollywood? Maybe walking dead zombies too? Are you into Tim LaHaye's Left-Behind book series and movies? do you really believe that stuff, something like 13 books? What about Hal Lindsay's popular books, like The Late Great Planet Earth?

It is sad and a mockery of God's Word that such works by those men have become so popular among the gullible who are not taught the actual Scripture from our Lord Jesus and His Apostles on being prepared to make a 'stand' for Him through the coming "great tribulation". Christ's Church during the "great tribulation" is going to be the last line of Christian soldiers that are expected to make a spiritual 'stand' for Christ against the coming beast of Revelation. Some of Christ's soldiers during the tribulation are to be delivered up to councils and synagogues to give a Testimony for Christ against them by The Holy Spirit speaking through them (Mark 13:9-13).

That is how Satan's little empire he tries to setup here on earth at the end will begin to come tumbling down. So why... would any of Christ's servants want to try and escape that coming duty for Him? Only a believer that has been listening to and heeding one of Satan's crept in unawares at the pulpit teaching falseness to 'fly away' and 'escape' would be so weak minded in fear of making that 'stand' for Jesus on the "evil day". Gird up your loins brothers and sisters, because Lord Jesus gave us all power over the enemy (Luke 10). And that means spiritual power, just so you know to not go out and riot. God is allowing this coming "great tribulation", and making a stand with the Gospel armor on and our loins girded up with His Truth is how those in Christ are to act during that coming event.

1. The coming time of "great tribulation" will be a time of world peace.

Read that as many times as you need to let it soak in, because that is what God's Word teaches about that future tribulation time here on earth. Forget all the Hal Lindsay and Tim LaHaye books and movies; that ain't happening.

In 1 Thessalonians 5, Apostle Paul, speaking of the last day, the "day of the Lord" that will come "as a thief in the night", gave an example from the prophets of how when 'they' (the deceived) say, "Peace and safety", then "sudden destruction" will come upon them. God through His Old Testament prophets showed that the last day of this present world, the "day of the Lord", will come suddenly at an instant. That is where Lord Jesus and Apostles Paul and Peter got the idea about the "as a thief in the night". The prophets even gave examples like one in hunger as if dreaming of a great table of food, only to wake up to find he's still starving. God also used the idea of that last day destruction being like taking a bottle full of liquid, turning it upside down suddenly, and all the liquid empties out making a blup, blup, blup sound. Our Heavenly Father uses some really amazing expressions in His Old Testament prophets about that final day of this world, the "day of the Lord".

So what about that "Peace and safety" the deceived will be saying just prior to that last day of "sudden destruction"? Why... will they be saying that peace about the time of great tribulation just prior to Christ's return? I thought the "great tribulation" was to be a time of all out chaos and war?!? So what gives? If it's not, then why did Lord Jesus call it a "great tribulation" that has never been before in the history of the world, nor ever will be again? (Matthew 24:21; Daniel 12:1).

That prophecy about the very end being of a false kingdom using world peace was prophecy in Daniel...

Dan 8:23-25
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full,
a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and
he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

25 And
through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

The time of "great tribulation" will be a time of "Peace and safety" like Paul said. In Rev.11:9-10, once God's two witnesses are killed with their dead bodies left laying in the street of Jerusalem, the nations are going to rejoice over their death and send each other gifts! like having a party! So does that sound like that time is a time of war? No, it represents a time of "Peace and safety". That above false king will give you anything you want, if you bow in worship to him in place of The Christ.

That is about the final Antichrist for the very end of this world, just prior to Christ's future return to end the "great tribulation". Much is written about that Antichrist, or "dragon", or pseudo-Christ, or "man of sin", or "that Wicked", or that "another beast", or that "another Jesus", or "that old serpent", or "little horn", or "vile person", or "Abaddon" or "Apollyon", or "angel of the bottomless pit", or "Lucifer", or "Satan" (all the same one).

The "great tribulation" will be great because it will be a spiritual test in TWO WAYS:

a. for the deceived --
, they will fall away to worship Satan himself disguised as The Messiah of The Bible, of the Koran, of the blank, blank, blank, whatever spiritual avatar one's religion promotes. Satan will claim that all of them are about him, that he is God. This is why it will be a "great tribulation" upon the deceived, including those who believe on Lord Jesus that fall away to believe that "strong delusion" that God is sending upon the whole world. If you have instead put your trust in men, and not in God and His Son by His Word, then you deserve to be deceived by Satan coming as The Christ.

b. for Christ's very elect -- Who only will understand that coming miracle-worker will NOT be Lord Jesus, but a false Messiah? it will be a time of tribulation upon our patience, testing our Faith in waiting for Lord Jesus to return to destroy Satan with the brightness of His coming (2 Thess.2). We will even see some of our loved ones that are deceived fall away to worship Lucifer as The Christ when he appears here on earth working miracles, not aware of who he really is. Revelation 13 & 17 says the whole world will wonder at that beast because of the miracles he will do, raining fire down from heaven in the sight of men. Because Christ's faithful saints will REJECT that coming false-Messiah, the devil himself here on earth in plain sight, we will be persecuted and hated by all men, even our own deceived brethren! (Matthew 13:9-13). Now Lord Jesus told us that so we would be 'prepared' in our hearts and minds for that, and to not allow it to affect our Faith and patience in waiting for Him all the way to the end, and even suffer death for Him if it comes to that (Matthew 10:28).

Matt 24:6-8
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass,
but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

All those above events are not... the time of "great tribulation". Instead, those are Signs of the "beginning of sorrows". That is the time we are in at present. Wars are still going on today, earthquakes in various places, pestilences, and famines. So CONTRAST THIS with...

... the time of "Peace and safety" for the "great tribulation" that will come next.

What will 'signal' the start of the "great tribulation" then?? This event in Jerusalem in our near future...

Matt 24:15-16
15 When ye therefore shall see
the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

That is about an IDOL abomination placed inside a new 3rd Jewish temple in Jerusalem for the end. That is what the coming false-Messiah will do, and then demand all to bow to the "image of the beast" to worship him (Rev.13). And those who refuse to bow to that image are to be killed. Don't fear flesh death, Lord Jesus said.

The Daniel prophecy is shown also in Rev.11 regarding an existing temple in Jerusalem for the end, with those who worship therein. For that "abomination of desolation" event to occur, there MUST be a standing Jewish temple, and old covenant sacrifices started up again. Today's orthodox Jews in Jerusalem already have the materials ready to build their 3rd temple, and start up old covenant sacrifices. Some of the ultra-orthodox Jews have already been sacrificing on a hill overlooking the temple mount on passover. Those are signs of how close we are to the this time of "great tribulation", so it's not a time today to be messin' around listening to the false prophets in many pulpits today that are NOT preparing Christ's faithful for these coming events.


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Nov 21, 2008
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To properly understand the Signs of the end Lord Jesus gave us, we have to pay close attention in His Word. That is my intention with this. Some of you reading this will discover, if you stick to the actual Scripture, that many preachers today are not teaching this as actually written. Most of them would probably get fired by their organizational denomination if they tried to properly teach it. So here goes...

What do you hear about the coming "great tribulation" at your Church? Are you hearing how it will be all out slaughter and war and chaos, and even world war three, and a total breakdown of society like all the popular apocalypse movies put out by communist Hollywood?

It begins with the persecution of Christians in the first century.
It goes beyond that to the millions of Christians killed in the dark ages.
It will include the laws in Rev 13 calling for the "Death" of anyone that does conform to the worship of the beast and his image.
In its ultimate form - it will include all the 7 plagues of Rev 16.

John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

John 15:18 “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you as well; if they followed My word, they will follow yours also. 21 But all these things they will do to you on account of My name, because they do not know the One who sent Me.

1260 years of dark ages mentioned in Rev 12.
many millions of Christians slaughtered over centuries.
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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To properly understand the Signs of the end Lord Jesus gave us, we have to pay close attention in His Word. That is my intention with this. Some of you reading this will discover, if you stick to the actual Scripture, that many preachers today are not teaching this as actually written. Most of them would probably get fired by their organizational denomination if they tried to properly teach it. So here goes...

What do you hear about the coming "great tribulation" at your Church? Are you hearing how it will be all out slaughter and war and chaos, and even world war three, and a total breakdown of society like all the popular apocalypse movies put out by communist Hollywood? Maybe walking dead zombies too? Are you into Tim LaHaye's Left-Behind book series and movies? do you really believe that stuff, something like 13 books? What about Hal Lindsay's popular books, like The Late Great Planet Earth?

It is sad and a mockery of God's Word that such works by those men have become so popular among the gullible who are not taught the actual Scripture from our Lord Jesus and His Apostles on being prepared to make a 'stand' for Him through the coming "great tribulation". Christ's Church during the "great tribulation" is going to be the last line of Christian soldiers that are expected to make a spiritual 'stand' for Christ against the coming beast of Revelation. Some of Christ's soldiers during the tribulation are to be delivered up to councils and synagogues to give a Testimony for Christ against them by The Holy Spirit speaking through them (Mark 13:9-13).

That is how Satan's little empire he tries to setup here on earth at the end will begin to come tumbling down. So why... would any of Christ's servants want to try and escape that coming duty for Him? Only a believer that has been listening to and heeding one of Satan's crept in unawares at the pulpit teaching falseness to 'fly away' and 'escape' would be so weak minded in fear of making that 'stand' for Jesus on the "evil day". Gird up your loins brothers and sisters, because Lord Jesus gave us all power over the enemy (Luke 10). And that means spiritual power, just so you know to not go out and riot. God is allowing this coming "great tribulation", and making a stand with the Gospel armor on and our loins girded up with His Truth is how those in Christ are to act during that coming event.

1. The coming time of "great tribulation" will be a time of world peace.

Read that as many times as you need to let it soak in, because that is what God's Word teaches about that future tribulation time here on earth. Forget all the Hal Lindsay and Tim LaHaye books and movies; that ain't happening.

In 1 Thessalonians 5, Apostle Paul, speaking of the last day, the "day of the Lord" that will come "as a thief in the night", gave an example from the prophets of how when 'they' (the deceived) say, "Peace and safety", then "sudden destruction" will come upon them. God through His Old Testament prophets showed that the last day of this present world, the "day of the Lord", will come suddenly at an instant. That is where Lord Jesus and Apostles Paul and Peter got the idea about the "as a thief in the night". The prophets even gave examples like one in hunger as if dreaming of a great table of food, only to wake up to find he's still starving. God also used the idea of that last day destruction being like taking a bottle full of liquid, turning it upside down suddenly, and all the liquid empties out making a blup, blup, blup sound. Our Heavenly Father uses some really amazing expressions in His Old Testament prophets about that final day of this world, the "day of the Lord".

So what about that "Peace and safety" the deceived will be saying just prior to that last day of "sudden destruction"? Why... will they be saying that peace about the time of great tribulation just prior to Christ's return? I thought the "great tribulation" was to be a time of all out chaos and war?!? So what gives? If it's not, then why did Lord Jesus call it a "great tribulation" that has never been before in the history of the world, nor ever will be again? (Matthew 24:21; Daniel 12:1).

That prophecy about the very end being of a false kingdom using world peace was prophecy in Daniel...

Dan 8:23-25
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full,
a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

The time of "great tribulation" will be a time of "Peace and safety" like Paul said. In Rev.11:9-10, once God's two witnesses are killed with their dead bodies left laying in the street of Jerusalem, the nations are going to rejoice over their death and send each other gifts! like having a party! So does that sound like that time is a time of war? No, it represents a time of "Peace and safety". That above false king will give you anything you want, if you bow in worship to him in place of The Christ.

That is about the final Antichrist for the very end of this world, just prior to Christ's future return to end the "great tribulation". Much is written about that Antichrist, or "dragon", or pseudo-Christ, or "man of sin", or "that Wicked", or that "another beast", or that "another Jesus", or "that old serpent", or "little horn", or "vile person", or "Abaddon" or "Apollyon", or "angel of the bottomless pit", or "Lucifer", or "Satan" (all the same one).

The "great tribulation" will be great because it will be a spiritual test in TWO WAYS:

a. for the deceived --
, they will fall away to worship Satan himself disguised as The Messiah of The Bible, of the Koran, of the blank, blank, blank, whatever spiritual avatar one's religion promotes. Satan will claim that all of them are about him, that he is God. This is why it will be a "great tribulation" upon the deceived, including those who believe on Lord Jesus that fall away to believe that "strong delusion" that God is sending upon the whole world. If you have instead put your trust in men, and not in God and His Son by His Word, then you deserve to be deceived by Satan coming as The Christ.

b. for Christ's very elect -- Who only will understand that coming miracle-worker will NOT be Lord Jesus, but a false Messiah? it will be a time of tribulation upon our patience, testing our Faith in waiting for Lord Jesus to return to destroy Satan with the brightness of His coming (2 Thess.2). We will even see some of our loved ones that are deceived fall away to worship Lucifer as The Christ when he appears here on earth working miracles, not aware of who he really is. Revelation 13 & 17 says the whole world will wonder at that beast because of the miracles he will do, raining fire down from heaven in the sight of men. Because Christ's faithful saints will REJECT that coming false-Messiah, the devil himself here on earth in plain sight, we will be persecuted and hated by all men, even our own deceived brethren! (Matthew 13:9-13). Now Lord Jesus told us that so we would be 'prepared' in our hearts and minds for that, and to not allow it to affect our Faith and patience in waiting for Him all the way to the end, and even suffer death for Him if it comes to that (Matthew 10:28).

Matt 24:6-8
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass,
but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

All those above events are not... the time of "great tribulation". Instead, those are Signs of the "beginning of sorrows". That is the time we are in at present. Wars are still going on today, earthquakes in various places, pestilences, and famines. So CONTRAST THIS with...

... the time of "Peace and safety" for the "great tribulation" that will come next.

What will 'signal' the start of the "great tribulation" then?? This event in Jerusalem in our near future...

Matt 24:15-16
15 When ye therefore shall see
the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

That is about an IDOL abomination placed inside a new 3rd Jewish temple in Jerusalem for the end. That is what the coming false-Messiah will do, and then demand all to bow to the "image of the beast" to worship him (Rev.13). And those who refuse to bow to that image are to be killed. Don't fear flesh death, Lord Jesus said.

The Daniel prophecy is shown also in Rev.11 regarding an existing temple in Jerusalem for the end, with those who worship therein. For that "abomination of desolation" event to occur, there MUST be a standing Jewish temple, and old covenant sacrifices started up again. Today's orthodox Jews in Jerusalem already have the materials ready to build their 3rd temple, and start up old covenant sacrifices. Some of the ultra-orthodox Jews have already been sacrificing on a hill overlooking the temple mount on passover. Those are signs of how close we are to the this time of "great tribulation", so it's not a time today to be messin' around listening to the false prophets in many pulpits today that are NOT preparing Christ's faithful for these coming events.
Daniel 7:17-23

When Jesus returns ... He returns in FULL GLORY .... with the heavenly hosts and power of the Father (a consuming fire) ..... nobody on earth can survive this except for the saved (taken to heaven) ...... the 1st resurrection (of the saved) happens and are taken to heaven ..... all else are destroyed on earth The beast (anti-christ) a ruling religious power at the time (the papacy-the little horn), the dragon and the false prophets are slain as well. The earth lays desolate for the 1,000 years. Nobody can withstand the full glory of God .... this is why God has always veiled himself when dealing with mankind personally ..... also, one of the reasons why Jesus came in the form of a man .... so He could testify (give the truth) about Himself in person.

.... but this is not the final end.

Daniel above tells us how/where the main beast and other beasts comes about/from..... main beast arising from other beasts (from 4 other kingdoms)

Revelation 12:1-5

The attack of the dragon against the Child took place when Herod tried to kill Jesus (Matt. 2:13) and through the temptations to which Jesus was exposed during His ministry (Heb. 4:15). Though the dragon is a symbol of satan (Rev. 12:9), he (satan) will use human instrumentalities whenever possible, just as he used pagan Rome (one of seven heads).

The false prophet is apostate protestants (mainly America) who have been deceived by false teachings of the papacy and have joined with her (various teachings from Catholicism) and also from false theologies put forth by the jesuit order in an attempt to completely destroy protestantism. The jesuit order was formed for this very purpose (counter reformation) and largely because of this is why there are so many denominations and various theologies/interpretations among "so called" protestants ..... the jesuit order works by introducing great deceptions (has been doing so for a long time) .... the jesuits prime directive is to put the catholic church in complete power over the earth .... and they don't care how .... they will lie, cheat, steal and kill and deceive in an effort to meet that end ... and they have been and are doing so in the most deceiving manner. (Many - maybe most people don't even see it) they are lead astray by various "ism's".

All the world will follow the beast .... it's not a forced issue .... it is through great deception. This idea another earthly temple will be rebuilt is a deception .... the Lord does not dwell in temples made by man .... He ministers from the heavenly temple and will continue to do so until His return. At that time judgement has taken place and there is no reason for Him to rule on earth.

As far as modern day Israel is concerned ... we are taught (all believers - including believing Jews) are all one in Him ..... neither jew nor greek ... nor male or female. Anyone can come to Him now and until His return .... no matter who they are. All covenants are fulfilled in Christ ... including the covenant made with the Israelites on Mt. Sinai. EVERYTHING needed for salvation has been fulfilled in Christ. Until His return EVERYONE is in decision mode ..... follow the lamb .... or not. Choose this day whom you will serve. Be a sheep or be a goat.

It is true modern day Israel do seek to build a temple ... that is because they (orthodox jews) do not believe Jesus is messiah. There is a mosque built over the temple site ..... this is no accident .... nor coincidence. It is desolate ... and will remain so.

Jesus left the jewish temple desolate and it will remain so until His return.

Luke 13

34O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those sent to her, how often I have longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling! 35Look, your house is left to you desolate. And I tell you that you will not see Me again until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” (who comes in the name of Jesus)

your house .... not my house ... His house is in heaven ... the heavenly sanctuary.

Study his word diligently for yourselves and pray for understanding. May the Lord guide us. Amen.
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Nov 25, 2017
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The coming event of God's two witnesses killed in Jerusalem after their 1260 days of prophecy, and their dead bodies left laying in the street, can ONLY be for the very end of this world. Here's why...

Rev 11:8-10
8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.

And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

When God's two witnesses are killed in Jerusalem, and their dead bodies left unburied in the street of Jerusalem, the nations are going to SEE IT. Exactly HOW?

It's called SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY. Mobile communications. That's how.

Could that have happened at any other... time in history? No, of course not, because satellite technology is a manifestation of the 20th century!

So it really doesn't take a whole lot of common sense to understand in God's Word what era a prophecy is to take place, because God always includes prophetic parameters that point close to the era.
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David Kent

Continuing Historicist
Aug 24, 2017
Ashford Kent
United Kingdom
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The coming event of God's two witnesses killed in Jerusalem after their 1260 days of prophecy, and their dead bodies left laying in the street, can ONLY be for the very end of this world. Here's why...

Rev 11:8-10
8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.

And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

When God's two witnesses are killed in Jerusalem, and their dead bodies left unburied in the street of Jerusalem, the nations are going to SEE IT. Exactly HOW?

It's called SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY. Mobile communications. That's how.

Could that have happened at any other... time in history? No, of course not, because satellite technology is a manifestation of the 20th century!

So it really doesn't take a whole lot of common sense to understand in God's Word what era a prophecy is to take place, because God always includes prophetic parameters that point close to the era.
Their dead bodies lied in the Metropolis, The Great City, ROME. Candlesticks are churches, Revelation 1:20, where they represent the entire church. In Revelation 11. They represent the church in its depleted state under papal pogroms. 2 to 3 witnesses being the minimum number under the Law. Jesus has
had a minimum witness thought the middle ages till...

There was a time when the church seemed to be defeated. There were a few Hussites at the end of the 15th century who lost contact with you other groups such as Waldenses and Lollards and sent ambassadors all around but found no other witnesses.

Eventually the Hussites were defeated and there was silence,

It seemed that Rome had won. At the council held at the time, it was announced that the heretics had all been defeated. The council represented delegates from all Europe (All nations). The witnesses were dead. The Pope and the delegates all exchanged gifts. The Pope gave the king of Spain a golden egg. The Pope died soon after this.

Exactly 3½ years later, (3½ prophetic days) Luther pasted his 95 theses to his church door. The council was still going on. The new Pope announced that the "heretics have come alive in Luther.
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Nov 25, 2017
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Their dead bodies lied in the Metropolis, The Great City, ROME.
That above is a sign of a bearing false witness against God's written Word.

Rev 11:8
8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt,
where also our Lord was crucified.

So since when was Lord Jesus Christ crucified in ROME???
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David Kent

Continuing Historicist
Aug 24, 2017
Ashford Kent
United Kingdom
Marital Status
That above is a sign of a bearing false witness against God's written Word.

Rev 11:8
8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt,
where also our Lord was crucified.

So since when was Lord Jesus Christ crucified in ROME???
He was crucified outside Jerusalem, but in the Roman Empire, by Roman's..
Revelation 14:8. We have the great city again, called Babylon.
And another angel followed, saying, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Babylon elsewhere is identified as Rome.
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Well-Known Member
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Nov 25, 2017
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He was crucified outside Jerusalem, but in the Roman Empire, by Roman's..
Revelation 14:8. We have the great city again, called Babylon.
And another angel followed, saying, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Babylon elsewhere is identified as Rome.
The Rev.11:8 Scripture is pointing to JERUSALEM specifically. The walls outside the gates of the city are still part of the city of JERUSALEM.

To lie and say it was ROME is such a false fabrication that one saying that might as well say that Washington, D.C. is located on the planet Mars, showing how out-of-touch with reality they are.

David Kent

Continuing Historicist
Aug 24, 2017
Ashford Kent
United Kingdom
Marital Status
The Rev.11:8 Scripture is pointing to JERUSALEM specifically. The walls outside the gates of the city are still part of the city of JERUSALEM.

To lie and say it was ROME is such a false fabrication that one saying that might as well say that Washington, D.C. is located on the planet Mars, showing how out-of-touch with reality they are.
You accusing me of lying, that is not nice.

Revelation is a continuation of Daniel's prophecies, or more correctly the prophecies contained in the book of Daniel. Revelation has to fit into the last kingdom in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7, which refers only to the Ronan Empire.
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David Kent

Continuing Historicist
Aug 24, 2017
Ashford Kent
United Kingdom
Marital Status
The Rev.11:8 Scripture is pointing to JERUSALEM specifically. The walls outside the gates of the city are still part of the city of JERUSALEM.

To lie and say it was ROME is such a false fabrication that one saying that might as well say that Washington, D.C. is located on the planet Mars, showing how out-of-touch with reality they are.
There a number of times in the prophecies where the last days , time of the end are mentioned and futurists automatically assume it is the very end rather than the end of the period it is speaking about
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David Kent

Continuing Historicist
Aug 24, 2017
Ashford Kent
United Kingdom
Marital Status
That above is a sign of a bearing false witness against God's written Word.

Rev 11:8
8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt,
where also our Lord was crucified.

So since when was Lord Jesus Christ crucified in ROME???
Who crucified Jesus? ROMANS.
What city used Crucifiction as punishment? ROME.

When Herod died his son Archaleus took the kingdom. He was so bad the Jews begged Caesar to take direct rule. At first they declined but soon after the deposed Archaleus and took direct rule and installed a governor. At that Judah became part of Rome.
Jesus was crucified outside the city walls not on them, but in Greater Rome. Its religion was Baylonian/Egyptian it was known for its sodomy, and still is. In the last world war, although the Pope supported Hitler they fell out when Hitler began arresting Roman priests for sodomy. In 1936, it was reported that there were 8,000 priests arrested for sodomy.
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David Kent

Continuing Historicist
Aug 24, 2017
Ashford Kent
United Kingdom
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In 1870, Henry Grattan Guinness was on a 3 year preaching engagement when the Prussians invaded Paris and leaving when it was surrounded buy a "Ring of fire" and went down to Spain, just as the Republican government had started go drive a new road through what appeared to be a low hill what they found was that was the killing grounds of the Inquisition.

He authoured a book entitled The City of the Seven Hills. He wrote

"Twenty-one years ago, standing breast-deep in
the ashes of the martyrs when the Quemadero, or
burning place of the Inquisition, was accidentally
laid open at Madrid, I wrote the first penned lines
of this poem (pp. 1 19-123). Later on I visited the
vales of Lucerna, Angrogna and Pra-del-tor, the
scenes of the awful massacres described on pp. 51, 52.
Never shall I forget my subsequent interview with
the Inquisitors in their " Holy Office " at Rome—
the suggestive precincts, the proud and portly chief Inquisitor
in his Dominican attire with cowl and cross ; his
domineering tone and stentorian voice ; his rigid right hand
and hear again the semper eadem of his reply to my
inquiry, whether Rome had in anywise changed her
persecuting principles ! His stern reply was "Rome never changes
As she was in her youth so she today, so she ever will be".

The lines on the Catacombs
and the Coliseum were written on the spots to which
they refer, and those on St. Peter's under its im
posing dome. The confessional scene was sketched
in St. Mark's, Venice, and the victims of the Mexican
Inquisition are drawn from what I saw in that
country. It was in the city of Mexico that I pro
cured the photograph re-produced on page 160, and
I am glad of the opportunity of publishing it in this
volume. My knowledge of Popery and its practices
is not derived from study merely. I have preached
the Gospel in Roman Catholic countries, in Ireland,
France, Spain, and Italy......"

He gathered up some of those remains and in a later book, ROMANISM AND THE REFORMATION, which wars a series of lectures that he had given. He opened a package and told the attendees that on that table were some of the remains.

Did those martyrs and the millions of others not go through great tribulation? Did it end there? Of course not. In Spain when Franco got into power, apart from Republicans and communists, Christians were put to death. During the WW2 many Christian's, particularly Serbs. After the war there were massacres of Christians in Colombia. I remember reading a book where on on page there was a photo of a large Catholic church in an eastern European communist state built with funding from the communist government, although they claimed to be persecuted by them. Tho photo is titled FREEDOM 1948.
On the opposite page is a photo entitled DENIAL OF FREEDOM 1948. It was of a ruined non Catholic church which was one of 48 Christian churches dynamited thatyear by Cathlic Action.

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Presbyterian Continuist

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Mar 28, 2005
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To properly understand the Signs of the end Lord Jesus gave us, we have to pay close attention in His Word. That is my intention with this. Some of you reading this will discover, if you stick to the actual Scripture, that many preachers today are not teaching this as actually written. Most of them would probably get fired by their organizational denomination if they tried to properly teach it. So here goes...

What do you hear about the coming "great tribulation" at your Church? Are you hearing how it will be all out slaughter and war and chaos, and even world war three, and a total breakdown of society like all the popular apocalypse movies put out by communist Hollywood? Maybe walking dead zombies too? Are you into Tim LaHaye's Left-Behind book series and movies? do you really believe that stuff, something like 13 books? What about Hal Lindsay's popular books, like The Late Great Planet Earth?

It is sad and a mockery of God's Word that such works by those men have become so popular among the gullible who are not taught the actual Scripture from our Lord Jesus and His Apostles on being prepared to make a 'stand' for Him through the coming "great tribulation". Christ's Church during the "great tribulation" is going to be the last line of Christian soldiers that are expected to make a spiritual 'stand' for Christ against the coming beast of Revelation. Some of Christ's soldiers during the tribulation are to be delivered up to councils and synagogues to give a Testimony for Christ against them by The Holy Spirit speaking through them (Mark 13:9-13).

That is how Satan's little empire he tries to setup here on earth at the end will begin to come tumbling down. So why... would any of Christ's servants want to try and escape that coming duty for Him? Only a believer that has been listening to and heeding one of Satan's crept in unawares at the pulpit teaching falseness to 'fly away' and 'escape' would be so weak minded in fear of making that 'stand' for Jesus on the "evil day". Gird up your loins brothers and sisters, because Lord Jesus gave us all power over the enemy (Luke 10). And that means spiritual power, just so you know to not go out and riot. God is allowing this coming "great tribulation", and making a stand with the Gospel armor on and our loins girded up with His Truth is how those in Christ are to act during that coming event.

1. The coming time of "great tribulation" will be a time of world peace.

Read that as many times as you need to let it soak in, because that is what God's Word teaches about that future tribulation time here on earth. Forget all the Hal Lindsay and Tim LaHaye books and movies; that ain't happening.

In 1 Thessalonians 5, Apostle Paul, speaking of the last day, the "day of the Lord" that will come "as a thief in the night", gave an example from the prophets of how when 'they' (the deceived) say, "Peace and safety", then "sudden destruction" will come upon them. God through His Old Testament prophets showed that the last day of this present world, the "day of the Lord", will come suddenly at an instant. That is where Lord Jesus and Apostles Paul and Peter got the idea about the "as a thief in the night". The prophets even gave examples like one in hunger as if dreaming of a great table of food, only to wake up to find he's still starving. God also used the idea of that last day destruction being like taking a bottle full of liquid, turning it upside down suddenly, and all the liquid empties out making a blup, blup, blup sound. Our Heavenly Father uses some really amazing expressions in His Old Testament prophets about that final day of this world, the "day of the Lord".

So what about that "Peace and safety" the deceived will be saying just prior to that last day of "sudden destruction"? Why... will they be saying that peace about the time of great tribulation just prior to Christ's return? I thought the "great tribulation" was to be a time of all out chaos and war?!? So what gives? If it's not, then why did Lord Jesus call it a "great tribulation" that has never been before in the history of the world, nor ever will be again? (Matthew 24:21; Daniel 12:1).

That prophecy about the very end being of a false kingdom using world peace was prophecy in Daniel...

Dan 8:23-25
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full,
a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

The time of "great tribulation" will be a time of "Peace and safety" like Paul said. In Rev.11:9-10, once God's two witnesses are killed with their dead bodies left laying in the street of Jerusalem, the nations are going to rejoice over their death and send each other gifts! like having a party! So does that sound like that time is a time of war? No, it represents a time of "Peace and safety". That above false king will give you anything you want, if you bow in worship to him in place of The Christ.

That is about the final Antichrist for the very end of this world, just prior to Christ's future return to end the "great tribulation". Much is written about that Antichrist, or "dragon", or pseudo-Christ, or "man of sin", or "that Wicked", or that "another beast", or that "another Jesus", or "that old serpent", or "little horn", or "vile person", or "Abaddon" or "Apollyon", or "angel of the bottomless pit", or "Lucifer", or "Satan" (all the same one).

The "great tribulation" will be great because it will be a spiritual test in TWO WAYS:

a. for the deceived --
, they will fall away to worship Satan himself disguised as The Messiah of The Bible, of the Koran, of the blank, blank, blank, whatever spiritual avatar one's religion promotes. Satan will claim that all of them are about him, that he is God. This is why it will be a "great tribulation" upon the deceived, including those who believe on Lord Jesus that fall away to believe that "strong delusion" that God is sending upon the whole world. If you have instead put your trust in men, and not in God and His Son by His Word, then you deserve to be deceived by Satan coming as The Christ.

b. for Christ's very elect -- Who only will understand that coming miracle-worker will NOT be Lord Jesus, but a false Messiah? it will be a time of tribulation upon our patience, testing our Faith in waiting for Lord Jesus to return to destroy Satan with the brightness of His coming (2 Thess.2). We will even see some of our loved ones that are deceived fall away to worship Lucifer as The Christ when he appears here on earth working miracles, not aware of who he really is. Revelation 13 & 17 says the whole world will wonder at that beast because of the miracles he will do, raining fire down from heaven in the sight of men. Because Christ's faithful saints will REJECT that coming false-Messiah, the devil himself here on earth in plain sight, we will be persecuted and hated by all men, even our own deceived brethren! (Matthew 13:9-13). Now Lord Jesus told us that so we would be 'prepared' in our hearts and minds for that, and to not allow it to affect our Faith and patience in waiting for Him all the way to the end, and even suffer death for Him if it comes to that (Matthew 10:28).

Matt 24:6-8
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass,
but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

All those above events are not... the time of "great tribulation". Instead, those are Signs of the "beginning of sorrows". That is the time we are in at present. Wars are still going on today, earthquakes in various places, pestilences, and famines. So CONTRAST THIS with...

... the time of "Peace and safety" for the "great tribulation" that will come next.

What will 'signal' the start of the "great tribulation" then?? This event in Jerusalem in our near future...

Matt 24:15-16
15 When ye therefore shall see
the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

That is about an IDOL abomination placed inside a new 3rd Jewish temple in Jerusalem for the end. That is what the coming false-Messiah will do, and then demand all to bow to the "image of the beast" to worship him (Rev.13). And those who refuse to bow to that image are to be killed. Don't fear flesh death, Lord Jesus said.

The Daniel prophecy is shown also in Rev.11 regarding an existing temple in Jerusalem for the end, with those who worship therein. For that "abomination of desolation" event to occur, there MUST be a standing Jewish temple, and old covenant sacrifices started up again. Today's orthodox Jews in Jerusalem already have the materials ready to build their 3rd temple, and start up old covenant sacrifices. Some of the ultra-orthodox Jews have already been sacrificing on a hill overlooking the temple mount on passover. Those are signs of how close we are to the this time of "great tribulation", so it's not a time today to be messin' around listening to the false prophets in many pulpits today that are NOT preparing Christ's faithful for these coming events.
Those who are saved by the grace of God through their faith in the finished work of Christ will be raptured and will be witnessing the time of Tribulation from the "mezzanine" without actually being involved in it. Those who take a conservatively literal view of Scripture lean toward Pre-Trib because they see ample evidence of it in Scripture. Those who tend more to the liberal allegorical side of Scripture tend to take the Mid-Trib or Post-Trib views. According to those who take Scripture seriously, the Rapture will trigger the beginning of the time of Tribulation, because once the bride of Christ has departed from the world, the restraint that has been in force to keep evil back will be lifted, and world events will rapidly start to take place.

But you don't have to believe me. Do your own homework in the Scriptures to see what the Scriptures actually say about it. But I am convinced through my own research into Scripture that the Rapture will take place before the time of Tribulation, and if I am alive, I will be an observer not a participant. In actual fact, the Rapture could happen at any time. All God is waiting for is the time of the Gentiles to be fulfilled when the last Gentile person will receive Christ as Saviour. God knows how many Gentiles are destined to be saved, and when the last one is saved, then the Rapture will happen. We don't know when that will happen. It could happen today, tomorrow, or in five minutes time. This is because there are no indications leading up to it, while in the actual coming of Christ to the world, there is a series of events that have to happen leading up to it.

So this is important for everyone who is thinking about receiving Christ as Saviour - they should make their decision sooner than later because they don't know when the Rapture could happen, and their delay could end up in their being left behind when millions are reported around the world as strangely missing.
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