Transsexuality and Transvestism -- Against God?

Anything wrong with shaving my legs, dressing as women might, & painting my nails?

  • Yes: Men should not bear a resemblence to women.

  • Not necessarily. It depends on what the motivation is.

  • No: nothing wrong with nail polish, shaving, or wearing clothes marketed towards women.

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Aug 28, 2007
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Right, and I will continue to pray for guidance.

It seems, though, that I can be myself, I can remain a man, and do these girly things. Shaving my legs doesn't make me capable of giving birth (sadly) ... but that raises the question: What is being a man? What is being a woman?

Why would you want to give birth?

The question posed is too big to even big on an internet forum. You could be specific if you really wanted to discuss it.
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Aug 11, 2007
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I saw something interesting on TV tonight. This person was born with an obvious genetic disorder, with both male and female parts, but barely a penis, more of a [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] with a small penile head. She has breasts and mainly was female. If you look at pictures, He ( we will say he, because of the penis) looks like a perfect little girl. At 6 years old, the parents decided to fix the condition with surgery, changing into a female, inversion, hormones, ect.. Of course there had to be other treatments as well over time.

As an adult, more males things seemed to happen. Now this person wants to be a man. Since she is considered a she, she is considered gay, because she likes girls.

Now, she wants to be a man. She never felt comfortable as a she all her life. She feels her parents robbed her of her penis and manhood. She says she is not attracted to men and has never been, but is considered gay.

She can't afford what it takes and is left to deal with what life has handed her. She looks somewhat manly now and is often accused of going through a sex change.

That's a touch one...How do you biblically deal with someone is born Male/Female?
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May 25, 2007
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In my defense, I phrased the poll choices the way I did because the space for the question was limited.

It's ok I wasnt fuming about it or anything.

I had to use the poll options to describe the question in a little more detail. Please state what the question and choices should be rephrased as ...

Really, it depends on how you as an inidivudal feel more than anything I guess. My main point is that if someone is transexual, regardless of what is between their legs even at birth they are the gender they desire to be. The body just needs to be corrected to align with that.

To be clear, though, it's not so much about transsexuality is it is about behavior, and what is appropriate in society.

Thats fair enough, personally I have never cared whats appropriate for society, when I transitioned my primary concern was getting the treatment before I killed myself which was a rather more pressing concern than what other people thought. Im not denying it was tough (although my family didnt mind whatsoever and were very supportive) but it was nessecery and once it was (a procedure that takes years) I once again conform to societys norms, my body is just correct now.

For example, I want to walk around the house in my underwear. It's hot, and there is no real need for clothing. However, such behavior is viewed as immodest and inappropriate by my family. Likewise, I want to crossdress and be as a woman (since I can't actually be a woman). And so I'm asking if this is for some reason wrong or inappropriate, and, if so, why. What Biblical basis exists, what is your reasoning for condemning it, etc.

Transexuality is not mentioned in the Bible at all. Im sure it exsisted but sadly for the people back then who suffered from it there was no treatment such as hormones and surgery around. I dread to think what they may have been forced to resort to, to feel comfortable in their skin.

So far, though, I am surprised: Everyone -- both here and at -- has been supportive of me. So I'm going to shave my legs and paint my nails Tuesday. (Not as a rejection of masculinity, but rather as an affirmation of my femininity. I also feel this experimentation is necessary, to see if I really do like it -- or if I was just teased by the thought of it. You know, "grass is greener" kind of thing.)

Sounds like a plan if this is what you feel you should do. It is important to distinguish just how far these gender identity isuues go.

I will say your experiences seem to be different than my own, I never looked at other women and thought I should look like that, never even thought about make-up and things like that. What I thought was a terrible, terrible feeling that I was wearing someone elses skin, which gave me a desire to violently mutilate myself all over, try suicide, self harm and be depressed upon words. Treatment for this helped sort things out, I felt so much better after a few months of hormones, there was still a long journey from there of course but Im glad and proud I managed to go through with it all without becoming another suicde statistic.
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Aug 13, 2007
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You said "when you have children" but you say you will never have a sex change. I haven't looked into current techniques, but I didn't know that a sex changed male could have children..;)....are you serious?
"When I have children," = "When I am a father".

Or perhaps "If they find a way to actually have a successful Sex Reassignment Surgery" (meaning, one that doesn't make you into a sterile pretense of a woman). I wouldn't have said this, except I imagined having a vagina between my legs during the long drive back to school, and felt I'd like it better than what I currently have ... I dunno. I guess it's six of one, half a dozen of the other: I have stupid sometimes-itchy stuff to adjust between my legs, or else I'd have something that leaks and bleeds regularly ....

Now I feel I must explain my bashing of SRS. It stems from me not understanding what a woman is, or what a man is. Or what they're supposed to be. It seems to me that, if I were to have this surgery, I still wouldn't be a woman. I would be a man who had gotten the surgery. I wouldn't have a real vagina; I'd have a fake one. I'd be a man who went through a surgery to have a fake vagina. I wouldn't be a woman. I can grow breasts, right, with the hormone treatment? So I'd have real breasts and a fake vagina, and I'd go from probably-being-able-to-have-kids to sterile-unless-God-intervenes. It's a little hard to define my feelings clearly, but I think that may give you the gist of how I feel about the surgery.

If I woke up tomorrow as a twenty-years-old girl, though ... I think I'd be perfectly happy with that. Currently I'm not really that upset with my gender ... I guess you can say it's just a little disappointment. Kind of an, "Oh well ... getting on with life ..." kind of thing. A daily prayer to have the issue resolved and then getting on with my day, putting it out of my mind.

I meant the former, though. Meaning, when my wife and I are raising kids (or my husband and I adopt them?) .

... hm. I see myself as more likely winding up with a woman than another man. Let's look at that as a good thing. >_>;;
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Aug 13, 2007
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Why would you want to give birth?

The question posed is too big to even big on an internet forum. You could be specific if you really wanted to discuss it.
As I think I said earlier, the woman seems more important than the man.

I'll elaborate more later, but basically, women don't even need sperm to have children. They can have stem cells altered from their bone marrow ... Lesbians can have children, gay men are seemingly hopeless.

And, even if men and women are complementary, I can't help my wife very much at all the first nine months of our child's life. I can't do any more than I would otherwise be doing (loving her as myself, etc).

So as far as life is concerned, women are superior to men. And, as far as the rest of life is concerned, women can do everything men can do.

So women are just flat-out superior.
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