Theology and Science, cousins?


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Feb 6, 2002
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"Please, tell me just what instrument is used to measure the mass of a proton and the corresponding sense that it "enhances.""

Hmm...Pm me and I'll go hit the text books. If you really want to know why don't you look at the diagram of the machine used? Its really funny how you always want someone else to do the work for you though.
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Jun 4, 2002
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i do not understand how people who believe in a God, a creator, would argue from a scientific perspective at all... theology and science are definitely cousins because they are both created by man... maybe even brothers... but God is not limited to man's theology, neither is he limited to mans science... both beliefs of which were derived from within a reality created by something outside of this box.

take a mouse, put him in a maze... with cheese at the end and let him loose. this maze becomes the mouses world... and there are paths that are layed out... some lead to the goal, some do not. now this mouse starts to get smart... he figures out a way to chew through one of the walls... next he figures out how to climb over the wall... pretty soon this little punk is owning the maze, and he has owned his world, always gets his cheese. he has broken all the rules, bends them to his will and has his way with his maze and all the while never notices the observer from on high looking down at the mouse shaking his head... the mouse mastered his maze, with scientific reasoning.

there is more to this world then what is seen. in fact, you have to ask yourself what good observation and reasoning do for you at all. does your focus distract you from what really is real? do you spend all your time trying to master this reasoning of mans?

one thing is for certain, in both scientific and theological arenas... both are based on mans interpretations of what is real and the more man believes he has gained some form of understanding, the farther he seems to drift away from the truth.

the bible even talks about another being having been faced with a decision, he chose to believe what he thought was real... he believed that he could master his world, become more then God was... and he was damned to this world. choose this same path and you also could be damned to live in this world. maybe you already have?

God gives man the unique ability to damn himself to what he believes in, what he puts his faith in... to give man what he wants. one thing is most curious to me though... that is how man's view of reality seems to change the closer to death he becomes.

maybe this is just a reminder to those who have already chosen their path... not to save you, just to remind you of the path you once chose.

i must admit, man seems to be far better at deciphering the truth then saving each other from it's end.
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Mar 21, 2002
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Originally posted by LouisBooth
"Please, tell me just what instrument is used to measure the mass of a proton and the corresponding sense that it "enhances.""

Hmm...Pm me and I'll go hit the text books. If you really want to know why don't you look at the diagram of the machine used? Its really funny how you always want someone else to do the work for you though.
Yeah, it's really funny how I always want people to do their own work. If you want to convince people that you're correct and not just some arrogant shmo who just asserts without a leg to stand on, you'll generally have to present a convincing case instead of arrogantly asserting.

There's no need to go into a detailed description unless it relates directly to your argument of instruments enhancing our five senses. And why don't you present this argument to everyone who reads this thread, or even this forum? If you're correct, I certainly wouldn't want people thinking that you can only be correct when private messaging. Since this particular forum is for science, your argument won't be off-topic.
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has the Right to be wrong
May 28, 2002
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has the Right to be wrong
May 28, 2002
Hank01 - "Ah, I think I understand you now. I am my own stumbling block promoting science. LOL" Hank01End

Blackhawk01 - i have no idea what this means. Except if you mean that I believe you are a skeptic and then you can't say science is certain because no knowledge is certain. - Blackhawk01End

I am a critic and sceptic to religion. It has no premise to search for truth, it simply states this is the way it is. Take it or leave it. The reason I am a sceptic to any science, while searching for truth it allows for the simple fact that we really know nothing for certain. It premise is scepticism. Yet, I am getting off-topic.

Blackhawk01 - Okay. They are cousins then. Tehy are both ways of gaining certain types of knowledge that other forms can't arrive at. You can't use science to tell me if God exists. You can only use it to support your philosophical views. Likewise philosophy would not be the tool I would use to determine if evolution is true or not. But it does help science in certain ways so I can know if it is true or not.

Theyjust all work together to formulate what we think of as knowledge. We use philosophy, theology, history, science... in different ways in concert so we can make judgements on what we believe. None of these are better than the other because each serve its own function. Philosophy is probably the most widely used because it affects all others. That is what I mean that they are at least all cousins. - Blackhawk01End

That's why I do agree ;)
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