The Hypostatic Union


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Life and living are concerned about the possession of a physical body, and as the Lord Jesus has always been the One-of-a-kind Son of God, He now and will ever also be the One-of-a-kind divine Human (theanthropic, as the writer shows); all of which results greatly in additional glory and joy for Christ and the Father—via Their Holy Spirit of course!

As we were created in God’s image, so has His Son permanently taken on the addition of our form of physicality in order that we may see the degree of nearness we are to Them. The Son—divine, sinless and human; His saints—human and eventually sinless! No closer can we be to the Father and His Son than for His Son to be forever-human with us. Christ’s life ever in us (Col 3:4) and God’s Spirit residing with us (Jhn 14:16; Rev 22:1); that we may be one with and in Them (Jhn 17:11, 22)—now and forever more!

The Hypostatic Union

The Lord Jesus Christ was not only an equal member in the Godhead before His incarnation, but He retained that reality in “the days of His flesh” (Heb 5:7—the Son being deity can do all things, as being born a divine babe, then grow and remain divinely human. So great expression of love in such a willingness of humility!—NC). But the experience of the incarnation by which two (lives) natures are united in one Person belongs only to the Son (I’m of the preference conceiving that Jesus is two forms; Son of God and human, but only one nature, divine. Conversely, believers are two natures but one form, human. The nature after Adam’s humanity is sinful; the nature after Jesus’ humanity is divine, which divinity is incommunicable with the created, e. g. man and angels)—NC).

The Father and the Spirit are seen to be associated and active in all that concerns the Son; but it was the Son alone who took upon Him the human form and who is, therefore, through glorification, a Kinsman in the human family; and as complex and difficult as it may be to our human minds, the original Trinitarian unity abides as perfectly after the incarnation as before (cf. John 10:30; 14:9, 11).

By means of the incarnation the Lord Jesus assumed a complete and perfect humanity (with exception to the infirmities of the body that He endured for us—NC). This He did not possess before, and its addition to His eternal Deity has resulted in the God-man which He presently is. Though His Deity is (has always been—NC) eternal, the humanity was gained in time. Therefore, the theanthropic Person—destined to be such forever—began with the incarnation.

It is also revealed that though the assumption of His humanity was first a condescension and afterwards a humiliation (Act 8:33; Phl 2:8, 9), through His death, resurrection and ascension He acquired a surpassing glory (the addition of being the Head of the Father’s children—NC). There was a joy which was “set before Him” (Heb 12:2), and, because of the obedience manifested in the Cross, God “hath highly exalted Him” (Phl 2:9). Reference is thus made to a glory and joy exceeding every glory and joy that had been His before.

A glorified man whose humanity has not been renounced is in heaven. As such ministers on behalf of His own who are in the world, and as such He is seated upon the Father’s throne expecting until, by the authority and power of the Father committed unto Him, His enemies shall be made the footstool of His feet (Heb 10:12, 13), and the kingdoms of this world are become “the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ” (Rev 11:15). Therefore, it is to be recognized that the theanthropic Person is very God and very man, and that His humanity, perfect and complete, is as enduring as is His Deity.

The truth that is so evidently taught in the New Testament is that undiminished Deity—none other than the second Person, whom He eternally is—has been incorporated into His Being that perfect humanity which He acquired and ever will retain. Of these two natures (lives) it may be affirmed from the evidence which Scripture provides, that they united in one Person, and not two; that in this union, that which is divine is in no way degraded by its amalgamation with that which is human; and, in the same manner and completeness, that which is human is in no way exalted or aggrandized above that which is unfallen humanity.

It is only natural to suppose that the divine nature would be injured to some extent if combined with that which is human, and the human nature would be exalted out of its precise limitations if combined with the divine. The teaching of the Scriptures serve to save us from such natural conclusions. The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ is unimpaired by its union in the one Person with that which is unfallen human nature, and the unfallen humanity retains its normal limitations. The confusion and uncertainty that would follow if these natures were subject to problematical alterations are beyond estimation.

- L S Chafer (1871 – 1952)

Excerpt from MJS devotional “None but the Hungry Heart” for September 18 (which addresses what I believe is not a commonly known problematic issue in contemporary Christendom and still has delayed many in the growth of their faith in the last few centuries, i.e. admixture of law and grace—NC).

“The Reformation, for all of its rise from Rome, to this day has never really gotten off the ground” (-Miles J Stanford).

"Almost all the theology of the various ‘creeds of Christendom’ dates back to the Reformation, which went triumphantly to the end of Romans Five, and, so far as theological development or presentation of the truth was concerned, stopped there. Therefore, you must not regard yourself as bound to accept all that legal doctrine of sanctification, which has been and still is predominantly, the sine qua non of orthodox belief." - William R Newell (1868 – 1956)

"The contrast is painful in the extreme between the uniform language of the New Testament about Christians as thus called to worship in liberty and joy and nearness to the Father, and that of liturgies ancient and modern; and this because the results of redemption soon became merged and hidden in Jewish forms, and the law was recalled to the place of the Holy Spirit, and man in the flesh intruded wholesale into realms which belong only to those solemnly accredited as God’s Church, the Body of Christ.

"The liturgies of ritualism merely fall back upon the feelings of man, with a slight tincture of Gospel and a large infusion of law. There may be sublime language and glowing ideas, chiefly borrowed from the Old Testament; but in substance they are utterly beneath spiritual or even intelligent Christian use."

– William Kelly (1821 – 1906)
None But The Hungry Heart



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"The Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, being very and eternal God, of one substance and equal with the Father, did, when the fullness of time was come, take upon Him man’s nature, with all the essential properties, and common infirmities thereof, yet without sin; being conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the womb of the virgin Mary, of her substance. So that two whole, perfect, and distinct natures, the Godhead and the manhood, were inseparably joined together in one person, without conversion, composition, or confusion. Which person is very God, and very man, yet one Christ, the only Mediator between God and man." WCF 8.2

Theological Primer: Hypostatic Union by Kevin DeYoung
The Divine and Human Nature of Christ by Herman Bavinck
Hypostatic Union: How Two Natures Constitute the Person of the Mediator by John Calvin
The Names and Natures of Christ by Louis Berkhof
Of the Union of the Two Natures in Christ by William Perkins
The Mystery of Godliness: God Manifest in the Flesh by John Calvin
Two Natures: Jesus Christ is Fully Human by J. I. Packer
Jesus Christ’s Two Amazing Natures by Joel Beeke
The Union of God and Man in Christ by Joel Beeke
Does Jesus Have One Nature, or Two? by R. C. Sproul
How Could Jesus Be Both Divine and Human? by R. C. Sproul
Doctrine of the Kenosis in Philippians 2:5-8 by Alva Mclain
The Classical View of Hypostatic Union by Sam Storms
The Divinity and Humanity of Christ by Thomas Brooks
Of the manner of Christ's John Flavel
"How did Christ, being the Son of God, become man?" by Matthew Henry
How did Christ, being the Son of God, become man? by James Fisher
Two Natures Inconfusedly, Indivisibly, United In One Person by R. Scott Clark
Thinking through Christology by Juston Taylor
Christological Heresies? by Third Mill
God and Man in one Person, our Savior by Theodore Beza
The Admirable Conjunction of Diverse Excellencies in Christ Jesus by Jonathan Edwards
What Is the Hypostatic Union? by David Mathis
The Hypostatic Union: Its Construct and Importance for the Believer by Mike Bolling
Early Christological Heresies (.pdf) by Paul Fahy
Christ’s Two Natures Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (.pdf) by Paul Fahy
The Hypostatic Union by Troy Lacy
Truly God, Truly Man: The Council of Chalcedon by Nick Needham
The Definition of the Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D)
Belgic Confession on the Two Natures
Ecumenical Councils: A summary

The Fountain of Life: a display of Christ in his glory (eBook) by John Flavel
Christ Set Forth (eBook) by Thomas Goodwin
The Heart of Christ in Heaven (eBook) by Thomas Goodwin
The Glory of Christ (eBook) by John Owen
The Lord of Glory (eBook) by B. B. Warfield
Spiritual Union & Communion (eBook) by A. W. Pink
The Virgin Birth by J Gresham Machen
On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius
Cur Deus Homo (Why God Became a Man) by St. Anselm
Christ: A Complete Saviour or the Intercession of Christ and Those Who Are Privileged in It (eBook) by John Bunyan

The Person of Christ: Incarnation & Hypostatic Union (MP3) by John Murray
The Hypostatic Union (MP3) by Derk Thomas
The Hypostatic Union (MP3) by Camden Bucey, Jeff Waddington
The Creator-creature Distinction in the Hypostatic Union (Vimeo) by Bucey, Waddington
Episode 8.2: The Two Natures of Christ (MP3) by the Jerusalem Chamber
Hypostatic Union (YouTube) by James White
The Doctrine of the Incarnation (MP3) by D. A. Carson
The Two Natures of Christ by Curt Daniel
THE 1689 ON CHRIST (8.2A) (MP3) by Doctrine and Devotion
THE 1689 ON CHRIST (8.2B) (MP3) by Doctrine and Devotion

Jesus the Son of God by D A Carson
Dialogue on the Two Natures in Christ by Peter Vermigli
The Word Enfleshed by Oliver Crisp
What is the Incarnation by William Evans
The Son of God and New Creation by Graeme Goldsworthy
The God Who Became Human by Cole Graham
The Person of Jesus by J. Gresham Machen
The Christian’s Pocket Guide to Jesus Christ by Mark Jones
The Person of Christ by Donald MacLeod
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Sep 8, 2017
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Yeah we had a thread about something along those lines. Whether or not you believe Jesus is fully God and fully human.
Hi and appreciate your reply! Yes, this subject will always be showing itself due to its significance confirming that "Jesus Christ came in the flesh," without which belief salvation is not possible, it being one of the prerequisites of faith (1Jo 4:2, 3; 2Jo 1:7). For Christ to expiate our sin through faith He must be incarnated. Plus, He could not share in the same bodily from as we will be apart from this truth. God's blessings to your Family!
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" So that two whole, perfect, and distinct natures, the Godhead and the manhood, were inseparably joined together in one person, without conversion, composition, or confusion.
Hi and thanks for the reply--lots of good information! I believe that there should be a clarification on the word "nature" though. Some understand it to relate the body and some to the essence that moves individuals in their doings.

My understanding is of the latter because I do not see the body as an entity because it has no concept of reasoning like the mind has, which is moved by the type of nature it has, because the body is just a thing, subject to its entity. Though I see no real problem with considering the body an entity, it nevertheless to me seems inaccurate for this issue, and is why I see it as I stated it in the first paragraph of the OP.

God's blessings to your Family!
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Still an evangelist
Aug 31, 2017
British Columbia
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The Lord Jesus Christ was not only an equal member in the Godhead before His incarnation, but ...
The Lord Jesus Christ was NOT an equal member in the Godhead before His incarnation!
Technically, at least.

Why confuse the issue ... when the word simply says ...
the Word came from heaven and "the Word became flesh" (John 1:14).

Jesus was NOT in heaven pre-Incarnation ... but the Word was!
Jesus was born of Mary and the Holy Spirit to become the unique "God-man".
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The Lord Jesus Christ was NOT an equal member in the Godhead before His incarnation!
Technically, at least.

Why confuse the issue ... when the word simply says ...
the Word came from heaven and "the Word became flesh" (John 1:14).

Jesus was NOT in heaven pre-Incarnation ... but the Word was!
Jesus was born of Mary and the Holy Spirit to become the unique "God-man".
Hi BC! Always appreciate your replies and comments because I think you always make interesting points, but not sure I understand your point here though concerning Christ's relation to the Godhead.

First I think there must be what one might think what Godhead means, which to me is everything that relates to Divinity, which has ever been and always will be solely attributed to those in the Trinity. It's clear to me that Scripture confirms that The Three Divinities have always been in one accord (Jhn 10:30).

They have the same essence but different positions, the Father being the "greatest" (Jhn 14:28); which alliance for all Three can never change (unless we not discussing the same issue).
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Still an evangelist
Aug 31, 2017
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... not sure I understand your point ... concerning Christ's relation to the Godhead.
Was Jesus, "the God-man", in heaven before the Incarnation?
No, but the Word was!
Jesus was born of Mary and the Holy Spirit to become the unique "God-man".
I.E. Jesus was NOT the exact same "being" as the Word.
I.E. We cannot call Jesus a Spirit-being, but the Word was.
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Was Jesus, "the God-man", in heaven before the Incarnation?
No, but the Word was!
Jesus was born of Mary and the Holy Spirit to become the unique "God-man".
I.E. Jesus was NOT the exact same "being" as the Word.
I.E. We cannot call Jesus a Spirit-being, but the Word was.
I think I see more of what you may mean, and thanks for the additional clarification of your opinion. I think the significance here is that in His assuming a physical body He did not change in any way when He as the Word became the Son (Jhn 1:14). Being born as the Son of God just added to His "glory" that He had just as the Word of God. The Word of God is the Son of God without any diminishing of His Deity as the Word of God (if that's what your trying to relate to).
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"The Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, being very and eternal God, of one substance and equal with the Father, did, when the fullness of time was come, take upon Him man’s nature, with all the essential properties, and common infirmities thereof, yet without sin; being conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the womb of the virgin Mary, of her substance. So that two whole, perfect, and distinct natures, the Godhead and the manhood, were inseparably joined together in one person, without conversion, composition, or confusion. Which person is very God, and very man, yet one Christ, the only Mediator between God and man." WCF 8.2

Theological Primer: Hypostatic Union by Kevin DeYoung
The Divine and Human Nature of Christ by Herman Bavinck
Hypostatic Union: How Two Natures Constitute the Person of the Mediator by John Calvin
The Names and Natures of Christ by Louis Berkhof
Of the Union of the Two Natures in Christ by William Perkins
The Mystery of Godliness: God Manifest in the Flesh by John Calvin
Two Natures: Jesus Christ is Fully Human by J. I. Packer
Jesus Christ’s Two Amazing Natures by Joel Beeke
The Union of God and Man in Christ by Joel Beeke
Does Jesus Have One Nature, or Two? by R. C. Sproul
How Could Jesus Be Both Divine and Human? by R. C. Sproul
Doctrine of the Kenosis in Philippians 2:5-8 by Alva Mclain
The Classical View of Hypostatic Union by Sam Storms
The Divinity and Humanity of Christ by Thomas Brooks
Of the manner of Christ's John Flavel
"How did Christ, being the Son of God, become man?" by Matthew Henry
How did Christ, being the Son of God, become man? by James Fisher
Two Natures Inconfusedly, Indivisibly, United In One Person by R. Scott Clark
Thinking through Christology by Juston Taylor
Christological Heresies? by Third Mill
God and Man in one Person, our Savior by Theodore Beza
The Admirable Conjunction of Diverse Excellencies in Christ Jesus by Jonathan Edwards
What Is the Hypostatic Union? by David Mathis
The Hypostatic Union: Its Construct and Importance for the Believer by Mike Bolling
Early Christological Heresies (.pdf) by Paul Fahy
Christ’s Two Natures Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (.pdf) by Paul Fahy
The Hypostatic Union by Troy Lacy
Truly God, Truly Man: The Council of Chalcedon by Nick Needham
The Definition of the Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D)
Belgic Confession on the Two Natures
Ecumenical Councils: A summary

The Fountain of Life: a display of Christ in his glory (eBook) by John Flavel
Christ Set Forth (eBook) by Thomas Goodwin
The Heart of Christ in Heaven (eBook) by Thomas Goodwin
The Glory of Christ (eBook) by John Owen
The Lord of Glory (eBook) by B. B. Warfield
Spiritual Union & Communion (eBook) by A. W. Pink
The Virgin Birth by J Gresham Machen
On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius
Cur Deus Homo (Why God Became a Man) by St. Anselm
Christ: A Complete Saviour or the Intercession of Christ and Those Who Are Privileged in It (eBook) by John Bunyan

The Person of Christ: Incarnation & Hypostatic Union (MP3) by John Murray
The Hypostatic Union (MP3) by Derk Thomas
The Hypostatic Union (MP3) by Camden Bucey, Jeff Waddington
The Creator-creature Distinction in the Hypostatic Union (Vimeo) by Bucey, Waddington
Episode 8.2: The Two Natures of Christ (MP3) by the Jerusalem Chamber
Hypostatic Union (YouTube) by James White
The Doctrine of the Incarnation (MP3) by D. A. Carson
The Two Natures of Christ by Curt Daniel
THE 1689 ON CHRIST (8.2A) (MP3) by Doctrine and Devotion
THE 1689 ON CHRIST (8.2B) (MP3) by Doctrine and Devotion

Jesus the Son of God by D A Carson
Dialogue on the Two Natures in Christ by Peter Vermigli
The Word Enfleshed by Oliver Crisp
What is the Incarnation by William Evans
The Son of God and New Creation by Graeme Goldsworthy
The God Who Became Human by Cole Graham
The Person of Jesus by J. Gresham Machen
The Christian’s Pocket Guide to Jesus Christ by Mark Jones
The Person of Christ by Donald MacLeod

Thank you for this WEALTH of resources!!!

I had stumbled across the doctrine of ESS that the ESV attempts to establish in 1 Cor 11:3, and had intended to deepen my research as to its error. These links will be a great start (and likely finish).
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Still an evangelist
Aug 31, 2017
British Columbia
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Being born as the Son of God just added to His "glory" that He had just as the Word of God.
The Word of God is the Son of God without any diminishing of His Deity as the Word of God.
IMO, even the Son of God had lesser glory that did the Word
... because the Son of God was "part" human!
Am I beginning to get through all the way to 100%?
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IMO, even the Son of God had lesser glory that did the Word
... because the Son of God was "part" human!
Am I beginning to get through all the way to 100%?
My point is that as the Word and the Son, the Lord Jesus is the same and unchangeable in all His Being of both states. To me, His allowing Himself to be in a lower state as human for our redemption added to His accomplishments (glories). I wouldn't think there's anything Jesus can do to lesson anything concerning Him, but will through eternity continue to add to the accomplishments of the Trinity.
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Still an evangelist
Aug 31, 2017
British Columbia
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My point is that as the Word and the Son, the Lord Jesus is the same and unchangeable in all His Being of both states. To me, His allowing Himself to be in a lower state as human for our redemption added to His accomplishments (glories). I wouldn't think there's anything Jesus can do to lesson anything concerning Him, but will through eternity continue to add to the accomplishments of the Trinity.
If I remember correctly, there is a verse in Luke where the good doctor says
... since the Holy Spirit was not present, Jesus could not do miracles.
Hope I've got this right.

But, I've always believed (correctly, I hope) that
Jesus did not do the miracles ... the Holy Spirit did.

While I'm here ...
Jesus was constantly praying to the Father for anointing, direction, etc. etc.
I ask: Does this prove that Jesus was not fully God?
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If I remember correctly, there is a verse in Luke where the good doctor says
... since the Holy Spirit was not present, Jesus could not do miracles.
Hope I've got this right.
Mat 13:58 because of unbelief. It wasn't that He couldn't but that He wouldn't.

But, I've always believed (correctly, I hope) that Jesus did not do the miracles ... the Holy Spirit did.
"Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth" (Mat 28:18). Remember, He's the One God created everything through!
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Still an evangelist
Aug 31, 2017
British Columbia
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Mat 13:58 because of unbelief. It wasn't that He couldn't but that He wouldn't.

"Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,
All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth" (Mat 28:18).
Nope ... Matthew 13:58 ain't the one!

Aaaah ... Technically, Father God created all things
through the Word who was in heaven with Him.

Jesus wasn't in heaven ... 'cause he didn't come into existence
until Mary and the Holy Spirit did their thing.
Remember? "You shall call the little Babe "Jesus" (meaning Savior)"

Now, how's this for rationalization?
(You guys are teachin' me how to do it.)
Jesus ordered the Holy Spirit to do the miracles! (Matthew 28:18)
You're lovin' it, admit it.
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Sep 8, 2017
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Nope ... Matthew 13:58 ain't the one!

Aaaah ... Technically, Father God created all things
through the Word who was in heaven with Him.

Jesus wasn't in heaven ... 'cause he didn't come into existence
until Mary and the Holy Spirit did their thing.
Remember? "You shall call the little Babe "Jesus" (meaning Savior)"

Now, how's this for rationalization?
(You guys are teachin' me how to do it.)
Jesus ordered the Holy Spirit to do the miracles! (Matthew 28:18)
You're lovin' it, admit it.
Yes, love sharing Scripture with you to demonstrate truth!

Jesus' work is according to His title. As the Word He created man, and as the Son He saved him. Same Person, different works according to His position. Different names (Word/Son) but same Person. Though He "was made a little lower than the angels" (Psa 8:5; Heb 2:7, 9), He is still the Word and the Son--"who hath His eyes like unto a flame of fire" (Rev 2:18 - Son of God; 19:12, 13 - Word of God).

Nobody can be greater or lessor than themselves! Right? It's okay, but I still don't understand any significance to the various titles of Jesus, seeing that in any state He is the same Deity as the Word and as the Son.

God's blessings to your Family!
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