The Holy Spirit!


Yeshua's love is my life
Mar 29, 2006
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[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]from a great book about Queen Esther, and what we can learn from her.

Daily Devotional by Tommy Tenney, based on his book

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Finding Favor with the King[/FONT]
Trust Your Teacher!
Listen to the King's chamberlain.
Finding Favor with the King, p. 90​
Scripture Reading
John 14:15-27, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit as a Helper and a Teacher to abide with His disciples and teach them all things.

Are you teachable?
Do you recognize the limitations of your own knowledge and expertise? Do you welcome and even seek out the instruction of a knowledgeable teacher? Or are you the type who plunges blindly and stubbornly on, rejecting counsel, and preferring to proceed by trial and error?

Humility is one of the protocols for approaching the King - and one of the characteristics of humility is a teachable spirit. Esther was teachable. Her humble spirit opened the way for her elevation from peasant girl to queen. She knew that she had no clue how to please and win the affection and favor of the king. Knowing this she turned to someone who did know—Hegai, the king's chamberlain.

Hegai knew King Xerxes better than anyone else in the palace. He knew the king's preferences - perhaps better than the king did himself. Hegai had knowledge and experience that Esther trusted. Esther's teachable spirit elevated her to a position above all the other virgins in the harem and won the heart of the king.

Like Esther, you have a chamberlain - a Teacher to instruct you in the heart, mind and ways of the King. Jesus promised His disciples, “I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—the Spirit of truth... But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things , and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.”

The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. He testifies of Jesus. He “bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” With “groanings which cannot be uttered” He intercedes for us “according to the will of God.” He opens your spirits to receive revelation and to understand the Scriptures. He abides in you and gives you unbroken access to the King. He teaches you how to worship. He fills you, gives you spiritual gifts and empowers you for the King's service.​
If you want to find favor with the King, humble yourself as Esther did. Listen to the King's chamberlain. Hegai, was merely a human servant of King Xerxes. The Holy Spirit is divine, and knows the heart and mind of the King because He and the King are one. Don't let pride or an unteachable spirit keep you from getting close to the King. The Holy Spirit is a thoroughly reliable and trustworthy Guide. Trust your Teacher!

Prayer Lord, thank You for giving me the Holy Spirit as my Helper, Guide and Teacher. Holy Spirit, I humbly submit myself to Your instruction. Teach me the heart, mind and ways of the King. Prepare me for His presence!

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Personally I don't see the correllation of a child of God and pagan rulers. I don't see this as a good example of the Holy Spirit. It doesn't say in Esther that God used her to save the nations, the Purim holiday was contested by christians and jews alike.
:sorry: I don't believe the Holy Spirit is the point of Esther jmho
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Yeshua's love is my life
Mar 29, 2006
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Well He definitely used Esther to save her people...His people, the Jews. And Paul said all scripture is profitable for us as Christians too...every part of the Bible, Old and New Testaments.

Hegai as a type of the Holy Spirit is only one aspect of that book btw. I think it's very applicable to our attitudes towards God. I just shared it cause it spoke volumes to my life.
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