The Culture Of Study



[1 Timothy 4:13]; Till I come, give attendance to reading, exhortation and to doctrine.

Why and how was Eve deceived? The Bible says that it was by subtility. You see, subtility is a form of craftiness. Look at how the enemy does it in the garden. The scriptures say that the command as given by God was, 'You shall eat of every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil '. But when the serpent approaches Eve, notice his language, 'Did God really say, you must not eat of any tree in the garden?'

It was the slightest twist that could easily manipulate an ignorant mind. But more importantly, why does he come to Eve and not to Adam? He knew that Eve was not the direct recipient of the commandment. She heard it from Adam. By implication, she is that Christian that did not read the Bible for herself. Those are the ones the enemy preys on. All it takes is the slightest change in what the word really said or a deliberate omission.

And so, a man will preach, 'be ye not equally yoked' when the language is 'be ye not unequally yoked'; He will preach and say, 'and the truth shall set you free, yet the language is, 'ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free,' He will tell men that they have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and not mention that the next verse says they are freely justified; He will tell them to work out their salvation with fear and trembling but neglect to mention that the next verse says 'But it is God that works in you both to will and to do'.

Read your bible yourself, child of God. Only babes are fed and only so up to a certain point. In fact, in the place where they are fed, it is primarily milk. When its meat, they ought to have grown to a place where they can eat for themselves. It means that depth of revelation can never come to he that depends on another man to read the word for him.

Scripture Reference

2 Corinthians 11:3, Colossians 3:16, Genesis 2:16,Genesis 3:1

Depth of revelation can never come to he that depends on another man to read the word for him.