Secularism is Terrible and Christians should have no part of it.


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Jan 23, 2014
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Secularism is terrible.

Christians leaders in America have completely abandoned their flock. They sit by silently while their sheep are led to the slaughter in the secular education system, and generally surrounded by a secular media and a secular ethos that hates everything about the sacred order, ordained by the God of the Bible, and embodied by the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

This is a long time coming.

The history of Protestant evangelicalism in America is a tradition that unfortunately... embraced The Enlightenment... embraced the "Will of the People" and the revolution against the King..... Christians never had any business in violent revolution against monarchs... and now we are lost in the sea of Liberal Democracy... where the Good and the Virtuous is nothing more than the shifting sea of the Will of the People. Which is why we have boys wondering why they can't turn into girls. It's a complete tragedy, and our Church leaders don't know what to do about it.

What is so sacred about democracy? Nothing. It's been a disaster.

What is so great about the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence? These are not sacred documents to me. What has the religion of modern Liberty done for the Christian community? It has only atomized us into nothing... where we can't even defend our own families from the onslaught of lies that saturate us from a million different directions.

What is so great about the "separation of church and state" ? Really? Why do Christians celebrate this? I would rather have our nation bow down to Jesus Christ our King... a million times over. Secularism is not clever to me in the least. It is diabolical.

I am completely fed up with the entire project of modernity. It's become a joke... and yet sadly, our Church leaders continue to lead us down this path of secularism and liberalism. They teach us that Christianity has no place in politics, that it only exists in the private belief of the individual believer... They offer us no shelter for our children. They encourage our kids to pursue higher education in an ideological system that is obsessed with the rejection of Christ. Christ becomes nothing more than a kind of moral therapeutic deism... a good luck charm in our libertarian pursuits.

But our Church leaders are in love with the secular order. We defeated Nazism and Communism! We are the City of Light! Liberal Democracy! Sacred Democracy..... No... No... God, No.... What a perversion of the Gospel. God's order is that women are to be submissive to men. But Secular Christianity hates this order. We love women's liberation. We love our pride. We hate submitting to God's word. We want our kids to get good jobs and makes lots of money. We worship money. We worship the Free Market. We worship commercial success and entrepreneurship. We worship individual liberty and individual property. That's American Liberty, baby.... The Will of the People! No King is gonna tell us what to do! Individual Liberty! Kill the King!!!!

I'm just so done with it. You can have your Statue of Liberty. You can have your Constitution. You can have your progress. You can have your pride.

I want to worship the King. I want to surrender to my Creator. I want to keep my children safe from the wolves. I want to hide in God's Word, not mix it up with the civil religion of liberalism.

Just had to vent. Thanks for reading.


Continue Well 2 John 9
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Jan 27, 2009
Notre Dame, IN
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What is so great about the "separation of church and state" ? Really? Why do Christians celebrate this?
What's so great about it? Nothing. What is the greatest thing about it? Fear. Fear in the hands of Christians petrified they will be accused of trying to start a theocracy which it is not, but they lack initiative to proceed due to their novice skill level in the word.
I would rather have our nation bow down to Jesus Christ our King... a million times over.
To whom are you referring to as "our"? If only the Christian remnant nation, then yes, "In God We Trust", for Christ who is God, shares his entity with no one!” But the word doesn't stop with handling of His divinity, ", ,You have reigned as kings without us—and indeed I could wish you did reign, that we also might reign with you!" (1 Corinthians 4:8)

Now soundness can step forward to address widespread tranquility with such authority. No, we don't force the unwilling to bow down (that will happen soon enough) because the word does not compel Christian authority to construct a theocracy, only tranquility from "evil" (Romans 13:3).
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Jan 4, 2024
United States
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Secularism is terrible.

Christians leaders in America have completely abandoned their flock. They sit by silently while their sheep are led to the slaughter in the secular education system, and generally surrounded by a secular media and a secular ethos that hates everything about the sacred order, ordained by the God of the Bible, and embodied by the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

This is a long time coming.

The history of Protestant evangelicalism in America is a tradition that unfortunately... embraced The Enlightenment... embraced the "Will of the People" and the revolution against the King..... Christians never had any business in violent revolution against monarchs... and now we are lost in the sea of Liberal Democracy... where the Good and the Virtuous is nothing more than the shifting sea of the Will of the People. Which is why we have boys wondering why they can't turn into girls. It's a complete tragedy, and our Church leaders don't know what to do about it.

What is so sacred about democracy? Nothing. It's been a disaster.

What is so great about the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence? These are not sacred documents to me. What has the religion of modern Liberty done for the Christian community? It has only atomized us into nothing... where we can't even defend our own families from the onslaught of lies that saturate us from a million different directions.

What is so great about the "separation of church and state" ? Really? Why do Christians celebrate this? I would rather have our nation bow down to Jesus Christ our King... a million times over. Secularism is not clever to me in the least. It is diabolical.

I am completely fed up with the entire project of modernity. It's become a joke... and yet sadly, our Church leaders continue to lead us down this path of secularism and liberalism. They teach us that Christianity has no place in politics, that it only exists in the private belief of the individual believer... They offer us no shelter for our children. They encourage our kids to pursue higher education in an ideological system that is obsessed with the rejection of Christ. Christ becomes nothing more than a kind of moral therapeutic deism... a good luck charm in our libertarian pursuits.

But our Church leaders are in love with the secular order. We defeated Nazism and Communism! We are the City of Light! Liberal Democracy! Sacred Democracy..... No... No... God, No.... What a perversion of the Gospel. God's order is that women are to be submissive to men. But Secular Christianity hates this order. We love women's liberation. We love our pride. We hate submitting to God's word. We want our kids to get good jobs and makes lots of money. We worship money. We worship the Free Market. We worship commercial success and entrepreneurship. We worship individual liberty and individual property. That's American Liberty, baby.... The Will of the People! No King is gonna tell us what to do! Individual Liberty! Kill the King!!!!

I'm just so done with it. You can have your Statue of Liberty. You can have your Constitution. You can have your progress. You can have your pride.

I want to worship the King. I want to surrender to my Creator. I want to keep my children safe from the wolves. I want to hide in God's Word, not mix it up with the civil religion of liberalism.

Just had to vent. Thanks for reading.
You're forgetting some major Christian principles. First, every intent of man's heart is evil-no matter who it is. We are warned over and over in scripture that false teachers will infiltrate the flock, so it shouldn't come as any surprise that this is what has happened in the church. And as for non-believers, well think of the time before the flood or after the flood and the city of Sodom-God will judge. And, yes, Christians are imperfect beings and can do some very bad things from time to time. All the coruption of the world around us is all of our fault.

The second principle that you might want to consider is that God is working everything out for His end and glory. We look at things around us and wonder how this could be God's purpose? Yet God has a purpose and plan for everything. We are just specks in that plan and will of HIs.

Christianity is looking into our own heart and submit ourselves to God on a daily basis. All one can do is to be faithful to Christ and look to their own walk. And turn off the news. ; O)
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Continue Well 2 John 9
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Jan 27, 2009
Notre Dame, IN
United States
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All the corruption of the world around us is all of our fault.
Hello 'HarleyER', welcome to the forums!

True, one of the most underestimated Church failures to understand is, at what point of recovery has the (Acts 20:29) foretold attack left the Church in? Did it succeed till up to the present in the removal of (2 Timothy 2:2) "faithful men" we are committed to be under by Apostolic decree?

I suggest it took an amazing turn south, yet look at the the word of God and it's many confirming points that have survived. God is in the habit of preserving and raising things up and bringing things to pass, such as "faithful men".
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