Race relations are better under Trump than Obama!

Peter J Barban

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But which way was racial satisfaction going, under Barack?

For all I know, minorities got started up, during Barack's presidency. Possibly, a number of minorities got into office after people saw how Barack did things. He did not seem to try to start a racial agenda, and this could have helped people to trust minorities more. Instead, he showed a family man image . . . it seemed to me.

So, to me it is possible that minority satisfaction increase could be a leftover effect from Barack.

But certain politicians would be glad to piggy-back on this, or help this to keep going, of course.

So . . . why, really, has there been any improvement in racial satisfaction, please? I admit, I can't prove one way or another. And I know ones can make claims, along "party lines", no matter what the really know or don't.

But, thank you for whatever you offer :)
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loves "SO'S YER MOM!! posts!
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We are all winning under Trump!

"New details from a Gallup survey on satisfaction said race relations and the “position” of minorities under Trump are far higher than they were under President Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president."
Race relations and ‘position’ of minorities better under Trump than Obama
Well, before you break out the champagne you might want to not simply take the word of the article and look instead at the actual Gallup poll numbers, they paint a somewhat...different picture then the OP says.
tulc(suggests clicking on the Gallup link in the OP and reading them instead) :wave:
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
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More than eight in 10 African Americans believe President Donald Trump is racist and that he has contributed to making racism a bigger problem in the United States, according to a new Washington Post-Ipsos poll.
The survey, released Friday, also finds that nine in 10 black Americans say they disapprove of Trump's job performance.
8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows - CNNPolitics

The problem for Trump is that white folks don't get to decide how black folks vote. This is why republicans are frantically trying to find ways to keep black folks from voting.

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Essence article dated January 20, 2020.

Shocking: New Poll Finds 9 in 10 Black Americans Disapprove Of Trump’s Job Performance: Even before taking office, Trump touted his ties to the Black community and suggested that he would be a champion for Black America, but the poll reveals that the majority of Black Americans believe that a Trump presidency has made their lives worse. Fifty-eight percent say that what the former reality star is doing for the community is “very bad.” That’s in comparison to a mere 2 percent who said that what Barack Obama did was “very bad” for African Americans. The majority polled — 73 percent said that what the former president did for the community was either “very good” or “somewhat good.”
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Jan 1, 2004


Overall, we rate the Washington Examiner Right Biased based on editorial positions that almost exclusively favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks.

Funded by / Ownership
The Washington Examiner is owned by Clarity Media Group, which is in turn owned by Philip Anschutz, who is an American billionaire entrepreneur who describes himself as a “conservative Christian.” Anschutz is also the owner of the right leaning Weekly Standard and has donated millions of dollars to right leaning causes, including anti-LGBT groups, such as the Family Research Council, which has been labeled a hate group.

Analysis / Bias
In review, the format and content of the Washington Examiner has been compared to The Hill, albeit with a right leaning tilt. They generally report political news as well as local Washington DC news stories. The Washington Examiner frequently utilizes loaded wording in sensationalized headlines such as: Trump’s manic Monday amid the Kavanaugh storm. While the headlines may be sensational, the content of articles are written with less bias and tend to be properly sourced to credible media outlets. Editorially, the Washington Examiner is 100% right. It is virtually impossible to find a single editorial that offers some form of balance. Most editorials have anti-left loaded headlines such as this: Obama, the Great Divider when in office, lacks the credibility to lecture America.

A factual search reveals several failed fact checks by IFCN fact checker

- The Air Force wants taxpayers to fund a fantasy football league. – FALSE
- Ripon College banned a campus group’s display of a poster commemorating 9/11 because “it may offend Muslims.” – MOSTLY FALSE
- U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar described America as a ”rotten country.” – FALSE
- “Obama’s stimulus, passed in his first month in office, will cost more than the entire Iraq War.” – MOSTLY FALSE

Overall, we rate the Washington Examiner Right Biased based on editorial positions that almost exclusively favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks

Washington Examiner - Media Bias/Fact Check
The Washington Examiner is a right-wing political journal that is heavy on psychological projection and denialism. It could be thought of as Townhall.com's more "respectable" cousin, but even then, the site looks like a tabloid desperately trying to pass itself off as real news. It is common to see it used as a source among more extreme right-wingers who seem to like how proper the site pretends to be, despite Media Bias Fact Check stating that their factual reporting quality is mixed after failing numerous fact checks.

On science issues, the site is pretty abysmal. Global warming denialism is rampant, as is myths about DDT bans and other anti-environmentalist rhetoric, leading to the site having a weird obsession with defending coal as being not all that damaging to the environment.
Also, Barack Obama only beat Mitt Romney because of the damned liberal media, with implementing socialism being part of Obama's (and liberals) master plan .....[ Also, they regurgitate "IQ is hereditary" as a mud sling against their imaginary low-IQ alarmist strawmen. Basically the site is what you'd expect from a publication that makes most of its money from winding up wingnuts.

Washington Examiner - RationalWiki
Race relations are better under Trump than Obama!

The OP selected the Washington as its source with a strong conservative, anti-Obama bias!
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Apr 23, 2004
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"April 26: 2015 Baltimore riots erupted in Baltimore, Maryland, United States in response to the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, who died while in police custody." AA rioting against police because of racial issues.
" Riots in Ferguson, Missouri caused by the shooting of Michael Brown and charges against the accused officer being dropped" riots because of an AA being shot.
"Riots in Oakland, California after not-guilty verdict returned in Oscar Grant case" same as above.
All riots were one race rioting because of their feelings of being isolated or abused. Race riots.
List of riots - Wikipedia There were "ALOT" of riots in the world on this site. wow. Only 2 in the US were not based on AA racial. One was because a fest ran out of beer and the other was a Muslim being shot by police. (possibly skin color related, but the article only mentioned religion.)Shooting of Abdullahi Omar Mohamed - Wikipedia
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loves "SO'S YER MOM!! posts!
May 18, 2002
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"April 26: 2015 Baltimore riots erupted in Baltimore, Maryland, United States in response to the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, who died while in police custody." AA rioting against police because of racial issues.
" Riots in Ferguson, Missouri caused by the shooting of Michael Brown and charges against the accused officer being dropped" riots because of an AA being shot.
"Riots in Oakland, California after not-guilty verdict returned in Oscar Grant case" same as above.
All riots were one race rioting because of their feelings of being isolated or abused. Race riots.
List of riots - Wikipedia There were "ALOT" of riots in the world on this site. wow. Only 2 in the US were not based on AA racial. One was because a fest ran out of beer and the other was a Muslim being shot by police. (possibly skin color related, but the article only mentioned religion.)Shooting of Abdullahi Omar Mohamed - Wikipedia
Man...there were a lot of riots listed there. Thanks for the link! :wave:
tulc(loves links to facts!) :)
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Apr 23, 2004
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it was unintentional you saw the list...it's hard to pull out the ones in the USA only. Good to see you again.

I can't tell, was that based on skin color or just unhappy about someone being shot. The story doesn't mention race.
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
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In 2018, FBI reports...

Hate-Crime Violence Hits 16-Year High, F.B.I. Reports
State and local police forces are not required to report hate crimes to the F.B.I., but the bureau has made a significant effort in recent years to increase awareness and response rates. Still, many cities and some entire states failed to collect or report the data last year, limiting the conclusions that can be drawn from the F.B.I. report.

In addition, experts say that more than half of all victims of hate crimes never file a complaint with the authorities in the first place.

Even so, the F.B.I. said there were 4,571 reported hate crimes against people in 2018, many of them in America’s largest cities, involving victims from a wide range of ethnic and religious backgrounds.
Hate-Crime Violence Hits 16-Year High, F.B.I. Reports

So Trump's record is much worse in this regard, also.
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Jan 1, 2004
Race relations are better under Trump than Obama!

Given that Donald J Trump received only 8% of the Black American vote in the 2016 Election, would this President's supporters have us assume that they aren't smart enough to know as to which political party best represents their interests?

2016 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
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Goat Whisperer
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But which way was racial satisfaction going, under Barack?

For all I know, minorities got started up, during Barack's presidency. Possibly, a number of minorities got into office after people saw how Barack did things. He did not seem to try to start a racial agenda, and this could have helped people to trust minorities more. Instead, he showed a family man image . . . it seemed to me.

So, to me it is possible that minority satisfaction increase could be a leftover effect from Barack.

But certain politicians would be glad to piggy-back on this, or help this to keep going, of course.

So . . . why, really, has there been any improvement in racial satisfaction, please? I admit, I can't prove one way or another. And I know ones can make claims, along "party lines", no matter what the really know or don't.

But, thank you for whatever you offer :)

In the wrong direction
he was a divider of the people.

Remember the Rev Wright church?
The Jeremiah Wright controversy gained national attention in the United States, in March 2008 after ABC News investigated the sermons of Jeremiah Wright who was, at that time, the pastor of U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama. Wikipedia
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But who did he claim to be his pastor while he was President, and while he was running . . . if he claimed anyone? His past would not necessarily represent his present.

Also, pastors do not always represent ones in their congregations. Was he with that pastor, because of parental influence . . . including possibly leftover influence, from how they effected him while he was a kid? Or, did he himself make statements which match with what Reverend Wright was saying?

I do not remember ever seeing or hearing anything racist or divisive, by President Obama himself. And what others did and said during his terms does not necessarily represent him.

I don't mean I approved of him; but I need to not bear false witness by saying he claimed and/or meant what he did not.

There are divisions under the lordship of Jesus. And there are people who blame God, even, for what Satanic people do. But Jesus is not the one who is causing the divisions. Plus, people are using what Jesus says or does not say, in order to have their divisions.

So, I would go by what President Obama says, and what he means . . . not at all how people might use it and misrepresent it.

People said Barack was a Muslim with an agenda to take over the nation of the United States, for Islam. Ones guaranteed he would power play to stay in office. But, among other things, if he was okay with gay stuff, no way was he a Muslim according to Shari'a Law. So, my opinion is there has been false witness concerning him, whether he was worthy to lead a country or not.

And, of course, even if race relations are better under Donald, this does not automatically mean he is responsible for this; because many people are not going along with Donald, and are not following his example of how he relates and communicates. Ones could be getting provoked by his example, how they need not to become and relate and communicate; I mean, ones could be using him as an object lesson to drive them to do otherwise.

Donald claimed that Barack had no American birth certificate. I think I actually witnessed video footage of Donald making that claim > he was not asking if Barack had a birth certificate, but he directly stated that Barack did not . . . if I remember correctly; and he did not present evidence. But after Barack's certificate was presented, I never read or heard of Donald admitting he had born false witness.

But even if Donald's claim against Barack could have been considered divisive, this does not mean Americans who uphold the Constitution went along with that or let that effect their perception of Barack. Because we who uphold the Constitution presume accused people innocent until proven guilty. Did Donald uphold the United States Constitution, by making that claim about Barack? I recall him making that a statement, not a question to be investigated. Also > I understand that it already had been the responsibility of the Secret Service . . . or was it the F.B.I.? . . . to check if there was certification that Barack was born American. But Donald, I recall, simply made a claim that Barack was not born American.

But anyone who knows the Constitution and how candidates are vetted would not have accepted that statement, if we applied what we guaranteed our allegiance to uphold. So, no one has divided us who uphold the U.S. Constitution.

So, who are you saying have let themselves be fooled? And by what statements, please?

If someone says not to evaluate Donald by his past, by the way . . . would this not also go for Barack?

I now would say . . . do not let my or your ways be decided by a human politician. If I can be divided because of a wrong leader . . . whose fault is this????
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Goat Whisperer
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But who did he claim to be his pastor while he was President, and while he was running . . . if he claimed anyone? His past would not necessarily represent his present.

Also, pastors do not always represent ones in their congregations. Was he with that pastor, because of parental influence . . . including possibly leftover influence, from how they effected him while he was a kid? Or, did he himself make statements which match with what Reverend Wright was saying?

I do not remember ever seeing or hearing anything racist or divisive, by President Obama himself. And what others did and said during his terms does not necessarily represent him.

I don't mean I approved of him; but I need to not bear false witness by saying he claimed and/or meant what he did not.

There are divisions under the lordship of Jesus. And there are people who blame God, even, for what Satanic people do. But Jesus is not the one who is causing the divisions. Plus, people are using what Jesus says or does not say, in order to have their divisions.

So, I would go by what President Obama says, and what he means . . . not at all how people might use it and misrepresent it.

People said Barack was a Muslim with an agenda to take over the nation of the United States, for Islam. Ones guaranteed he would power play to stay in office. But, among other things, if he was okay with gay stuff, no way was he a Muslim according to Shari'a Law. So, my opinion is there has been false witness concerning him, whether he was worthy to lead a country or not.

And, of course, even if race relations are better under Donald, this does not automatically mean he is responsible for this; because many people are not going along with Donald, and are not following his example of how he relates and communicates. Ones could be getting provoked by his example, how they need not to become and relate and communicate; I mean, ones could be using him as an object lesson to drive them to do otherwise.

Donald claimed that Barack had no American birth certificate. I think I actually witnessed video footage of Donald making that claim > he was not asking if Barack had a birth certificate, but he directly stated that Barack did not . . . if I remember correctly; and he did not present evidence. But after Barack's certificate was presented, I never read or heard of Donald admitting he had born false witness.

But even if Donald's claim against Barack could have been considered divisive, this does not mean Americans who uphold the Constitution went along with that or let that effect their perception of Barack. Because we who uphold the Constitution presume accused people innocent until proven guilty. Did Donald uphold the United States Constitution, by making that claim about Barack? I recall him making that a statement, not a question to be investigated. Also > I understand that it already had been the responsibility of the Secret Service . . . or was it the F.B.I.? . . . to check if there was certification that Barack was born American. But Donald, I recall, simply made a claim that Barack was not born American.

But anyone who knows the Constitution and how candidates are vetted would not have accepted that statement, if we applied what we guaranteed our allegiance to uphold. So, no one has divided us who uphold the U.S. Constitution.

So, who are you saying have let themselves be fooled? And by what statements, please?

If someone says not to evaluate Donald by his past, by the way . . . would this not also go for Barack?

I now would say . . . do not let my or your ways be decided by a human politician. If I can be divided because of a wrong leader . . . whose fault is this????

There's no covering up for that Church and what they teach. I looked into it many years ago. Don't even care to share here some of their (against the bible ways.) Obama knew what they taught and believed, then later when called on it acted like he never knew. Come on -- I know my Pastor very well.

Whatever it was just another
Obama smoke screen.

Does anyone remember what Obama's Rev
said regarding God?

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Does anyone remember what Obama's Rev
said regarding God?
And Barack did not repeat any of it, to my knowledge. And did he keep that pastor, while President, or what?

I understand you are saying he needed to speak out against Reverend Wright.

But I am not aware of anything he did or said, as President, which was obviously racist or a sneaky attempt to surrender America to Islamic rule. Plus, he did not do any reported power play attempt to take permanent rulership of the U.S.

In any case, he did nothing which could fool anyone who knows and upholds the U.S. Constitution. So, in case anyone has been fooled, this is not his fault.

And the same goes under Donald. You did not comment on my recall of things Donald has done or said, which ones could consider to be racially divisive. Again, though, no one allegiant to the U.S. Constitution, and knowledgeable of its basics, can be fooled or divided, either, by Donald.
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