Prayer for prophecy


Sep 9, 2006
Hi all,

I started a company with some friends. My objective is to support ministry and evangelism. I just want to be a good stuart of the funds God has placed in my hands.

I have struggled lately in being faithful to the Lord in this, especially in the area of making decisions under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God has given us common sense and we need to think and use the tool(brain) God has given us. But there are things and decisions that only God can give guidance. I want to grow in listening to the Holy Spirit. I need decernment of spirits so I make the best decisions and I dont get decieved by people with ulterior motives.

I desire for God to give me influence over my business partners so that I can direct the company in riteousness and truth. God controls hearts and can give me favour of people I do business with.

I need lots of prayer and guidance in how to grow in this spiritual gift.

Tongues, patience, love, wisdom,understanding and boldness are gifts of The Spirit that I desire. Please pray with me.


Sep 9, 2006
Thank you for all your advice and prayer.

I will abide deeply in Him. Lately I have been attacked spiritually. I know this because when I have those bad dreams I feel something rubbing against my left armpit. I initially struggle to talk but end up rebuking it In Jesus Name. Then I keep calling the name of Jesus as I stur from sleep.

I dont have any fear at all because I know that He is near and I have been in much prayer. Why do I get attacked? As I get closer to God, am I not supposed to be immune to these experiences?

I have something else to share. This past weekend, I went to the main building on-campus at the University Of Johannesburg. There is a stair case I climb to go to the top of the roof to pray. Its very high and the view is amazing. On the way up to pray, I came across a pool of blood on the steps and evidence of someone's attemp at taking their life.

I reported this to the security and they searched everywhere but could not find the person. That night I had a spiritual nightmare and felt something press against me similar to the experience that I descrided previously. What is this and what does it mean?
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