Pls pray for me to fulfil my Holy destiny


New Member
Aug 17, 2016
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Hi, I have a HUGE calling on my life, like a massive ministry where I will be used to set millions of captives free like Moses or Joseph did. It is related to the end times strategy against satan and his scheme to enslave humanity. God has shown me and sevral people how He intends to use my servitude for His glory (Isaiah 60 & 61). However the enemy, satan, has seen this bright destiny and has actively and aggressively sought to snuff it out, divert it or destroy it. He has employed an international network of high ranking witches, sorcerers and occultists to wage war on my destiny. They send daily, sometimes hourly, attacks against me. Over the past 3.5 years I have battled on my own and sometimes with a few believers coming alongside me to help me. God has now asked me to seek HUGE numbers of intercessors online to raise up intercessory prayers for me as per what the disciples did with 24/7 prayers to save the life of Apostle Peter from king herod. Therefore brethren, pls pray this simple prayer for me as often as possible "Please almighty God, let YOUR will be done in Deborah's life, in the name of Jesus Christ / Yeshua HaMashiach. Amen. Holy Abba, please release or bind whatever is required so that Deborah can fulfil the Holy destiny YOU wish for her, in the name of Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMashiach. Amen". Brethren, if you are led to fast as you pray for me, please do so, and do consider these scriptures: Isaiah 58:5-12, James 2:15-17, Acts 12:4,5,12, Matthew 10:42, Matthew 25:31-46, John 13:34-35, Isaiah 49:24-26, Proverbs 20:18, Judges 3:2, Psalm 68:1-2