persecuted church


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Nov 17, 2022
Nanjing, China
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"Wait for the Lord; be strong,
and let your heart take courage;
wait for the Lord!"

~ Psalm 27:14 ESV

PAKISTAN: Murder Apparently Motivated by Religious Hatred​

Sources: Kross Konnection, Morning Star News​

Farhan Ul Qamar is sitting on some steps.

Farhan Ul Qamar
Photo: Morning Star News

Farhan Ul Qamar, a 20-year-old Christian student, was killed in his family's home on November 9th by an intruder who had been noted for harbouring hatred towards Christians and Jews. The attack came in the midst of a volatile situation further escalated by the war between the Israeli army and Hamas.
The murder of Farhan was not an isolated occurrence in the village of Talwandi Inayat Khan, Punjab. In a previous incident, two Christian brothers, Aqib and Asher Javed, were beaten by locals after they expressed support for Israel. As a result, several Christian families fled the village, fearing additional violence.
It is unknown why the perpetrator of the November 9th attack – identified by police as Muhammad Zubair – targeted Farhan, though there had been a minor argument between them the previous day. Following the dispute, at around 3 a.m. on the day of the attack, Muhammad entered the Ul Qamar home through a window and shot Farhan three times. He then held the victim's family hostage for nearly 40 minutes, refusing to allow them to come near the fatally injured young man.
Throughout the ordeal, Muhammad ranted about his hatred for Jews and taunted the victimized Christian family. After he left, the family screamed for help, but their neighbours appeared to be unwilling to intervene. By the time Farhan's parents were able to bring their injured son to the hospital, it was too late to save him.
Until recently, the family had kept quiet about details of the incident, fearing backlash from local Muslims. Thankfully, Muhammad Zubair has now been arrested by police. The assailant claimed during the interrogation that he thought it was Aqib or Asher Javed who was being shot. However, Farhan's family members attest that the attack was clearly targeted, as Muhammad repeatedly referred to Farhan by name throughout the incident. The family has appealed to legal aid groups for assistance, since they lack the resources required to hire a lawyer. "If we are unable to find good legal representation, I fear the murderer will be let off, and then no Christian will be safe in this village," stated Farhan's father, Noor Ul Qamar.
Life for Christians in Pakistan is dangerous, as militant Islamic ideologies are prevalent throughout the country. Events such as the Israeli-Hamas war can quickly escalate an already unstable situation. For more reports on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan, go to our country report.
Pray that the Ul Qamar family will receive the financial and legal assistance they need to ensure justice for Farhan. May God guide the police in their investigation so that the truth will prevail, and measures would be taken to protect our Christian family in Pakistan from further incidents of violence. Also ask the Lord to minister His peace, love and comfort to each one of Farhan's family members and friends as they mourn the loss of this young man. Additionally, intercede for Muhammad, the perpetrator of the crime, who needs God's conviction, forgiveness and eternal salvation.

CHINA: Trial for an Alleged Illegal Business​

Source: ChinaAid​

Wang Honglan is sitting with another woman.

Wang Honglan (right)
Photo: ChinaAid

Ten Christians from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China are presently on trial due to accusations of running an illegal business operation. The believers had endeavoured to make Bibles more readily available to individuals who longed to receive their own copy. As a result, the distributors purchased Bibles from the government-sanctioned Three-Self Church at near retail price and then resold them to fellow Christians at a price much lower than they had paid, thus losing a significant amount of money.
The believers were arrested on April 14th, 2021, on charges that their business was unsanctioned. The prosecutor claims that the sales of the Bibles over the years have amounted to over 40 million yuan (over 7.6 million Canadian dollars). Although the case was first heard in January 2022, it was repeatedly delayed, in part due to COVID restrictions. The trial finally began on November 20th, 2023.
One of the believers currently on trial is 68-year-old Wang Honglan. An evangelist for more than 40 years, Wang has already spent five years in prison and one year of "re-education through labour" due to her faithful service for Christ. Along with her part in providing Bibles to believers, she has helped many children with their education. Many of the parents of those children were present at the trial to offer their support for Wang. When asked by her lawyer about her faith, the Christian woman recited from the Apostles' Creed, despite efforts by the court to stop her. For Wang, the point of enduring suffering is to bear witness to Christ's sacrificial love.
During the trial, the court showed clear bias towards the prosecution. At one point, the judge admonished a defence attorney, Song Hongtao, for having "too much sympathy" for the defendants. Song immediately challenged the judge, asking why defence attorneys should not have sympathy for those they are defending. The trial concluded on November 24th and, at last report, a verdict is pending. For other reports on the suffering experienced by Chinese Christians, go to our country report.
Pray for a favourable verdict on behalf of Wang and the other nine believers facing the mentioned false charges. Despite the opposition against these followers of Jesus, may the fruits of their many years of faithful labour continue to multiply, leading multitudes more to faith in Christ. Continue to remember our Chinese brothers and sisters in Christ who are presently imprisoned for their faith, asking our Heavenly Father to provide for all of their emotional, spiritual and physical needs.

VIETNAM: Christian Father Beaten by His Son​

Source: Open Doors​

A group of believers is gathered outdoors. Most people have their hands raised.

Believers in Vietnam.
Photo: VOMC

In July of this year, Huu Dat (whose name has been changed for security reasons) became a follower of Jesus, leaving behind a tradition of tribal ancestor worship. His wife and four of his six children also chose to follow Christ.
Sometime later, Huu's eldest son found out about his family's conversion and became extremely angry. He viewed their conversion to another religion as an act of betrayal to the family's ancestral legacy and the beliefs of their tribal group. The son demanded that they renounce their allegiance to Christ and return to the tribal religion. However, the family refused, holding steadfastly onto their Christian faith.
After various attempts to convince his family to recant their belief in Jesus, the son physically attacked his father in late October, repeatedly striking him with a wooden rod. The beating left Huu with broken ribs and a deep wound on his face. The father's pastor reported that he is receiving medical care for the injuries and, despite the ordeal, continues to persevere in his faith. The most recent report indicated that Huu needed to return to the hospital due to experiencing persistent pain. It was discovered that he had sustained other bone fractures, which are now also being treated.
While the incident has been reported to the local authorities, they are refusing to get involved since it's a family matter. In rural and tribal areas of Vietnam, new believers are frequently targeted with harsh persecution and deprived of resources in an attempt to pressure them to reject their faith. For more information on the persecution of Christians in Vietnam, and/or to review previously posted reports, go to our country report.
As Huu recovers from his injuries, pray that the faith of this persevering believer and his Christian family will endure, becoming even further strengthened through the opposition they have encountered. Ask the Lord to touch the heart of Huu's eldest son and that, as he continues to witness the persistent faith of his family, he will respond to the ministry of the Holy Spirit – to the point of coming to repentance and receiving God's gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.


Christian Podcast:The Faithful Exchange
Nov 27, 2023
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Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before you with heavy hearts, mindful of our brothers and sisters around the world who are enduring persecution for their faith. Your word tells us that we are one body in Christ, and when one part suffers, every part suffers with it. Today, we lift up the persecuted church to you.

Grant them strength in the face of adversity, courage in the midst of fear, and endurance through trials. Surround them with your unwavering love and presence. Comfort those who mourn, heal those who are wounded, and provide for those who are in need.

We pray for the oppressors, that their hearts may be softened and their eyes opened to the truth of your love. May your light shine even in the darkest places, and may your peace reign in the midst of turmoil.

Lord, empower those who are free to speak out on behalf of those who are silenced. Give wisdom to leaders and policymakers to advocate for religious freedom and justice around the world.

Above all, we trust in your sovereignty and believe that you are the God of justice. We look forward to the day when persecution will cease, and all your children will worship you freely and without fear.

In the name of Jesus, our Savior, we pray.

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