
Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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I honestly believe we're going off the rails in our attempt to correct societal wrongs. The pendulum is swinging and Christians have entered the fray and instead of being beacons of light we're part of the problem.

I'm not personally bothered by those who prefer traditional roles within their relationships or marriage. It's not for me to decide. But when we co-sign untruths under the guise of biblical masculinity and biblical womanhood I draw the line. Don't put the Lord in that mess.

The delight in subjugation is alarming. Christ doesn't have His foot on our neck. As time passes the discourse gets cruder and more degenerate. And Christians are right in the middle. Detractors exist but they're the minority.

This is one of the reasons I don't support content that pokes the bear. How many videos do you need to watch to understand gender wars? How many times do you have to hear someone's struggling. After a while it's no longer informative.

People often ask themselves how did I get to this place? You get there through tiny steps and small compromises. And little offenses we won't relinquish. The more we feed them the more we crave validation. We want to know we're not alone and that's when we fall into his trap.

On our own we're bad enough but in a group we're worse. There's always someone further along. Someone who crossed a line we've never imagined. Someone who gives voice to things we're too afraid and ashamed to admit. And through their influence we're emboldened and before we know it we're just like them.

It may surprise you to learn there are people implementing that image. Mothers who defer to their sons. Children who usurp their parent's position because they're male. This is satan's order not God's and it won't be thwarted until men speak up.

This isn't where it ends. I've heard this before and the delivery was more extreme. But the end result is the same. The cessation of rights and autonomy. That's what I'm hearing now.

Women shouldn't work.
They should only be educated in things pertaining to the home.
They should hold no positions of authority.
Own no property.
All resources are transferred to the spouse (including inheritance).
They're less than men (valuable, important, etc.).
They exist for four reasons (breeding, childrearing, domesticity and sexual duty).
Where are you seeing this exactly? Those are not positions that I hear in polite company.
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May 20, 2015
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'Godly home' can mean many things to many people. There isn't a defined standard and our interpretation of what it entails may not have occurred. Which results in inconsistencies.

Every home is different and that has a significant impact on how free will is interpreted and expressed. Some have a greater sense of duty to familial principles than others. It can be the result of positive experiences, expectations, personal code or a combination of all three.

When I look at nature I observe a principle I try to emulate.

Good soil + Good Seed + Good Care = Good Outcome

I can't account for the unexpected. But I have a say in the soil. I can improve its condition. I have a say in the seed. I can choose with my flesh or let the Lord guide me. I have a say in the care. I can water it with prayer or neglect it. The outcome is a combination of those decisions.

I focus on the things I can control. I don't worry about the rest. If I get that right I'll improve my circumstances as a result of putting my faith in action. I don't dwell on obstacles. I focus on solutions.

I agree. It is good to focus on what you can control to create a good environment. That combined with prayer.
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Jan 16, 2019
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Where are you seeing this exactly? Those are not positions that I hear in polite company.

I saw the first reference to mothers and sons on Twitter and dismissed it in light of the source. But I've noticed engagements between them and 'professed Christians' and disregarded it. However similar verbiage was cropping up elsewhere. You'd see bits and pieces in trad posts and far more under patriarchy hashtags. That's where the blurring seems greatest.

It isn't influencer content. They're everyday people sharing their thoughts. I looked at their feeds too. They're married with children and tick many of the boxes from the trad camp but their philosophy is more extreme. Following them brings the others in because they're saying similar things.

There's a pattern of moral decline. Once the position on women shifts the rest moves in tandem and greater liberties follow. While men are the dominant voice women aren't silent. They're in agreement.

As for the ones I disregarded, they don't follow the Most High. They follow a self-created god who permits them to live as they please under the guise of Christianity. They're deceiving themselves. The others aren't that far gone but they'll get there eventually.

That's why I posted the spiritual roots of patriarchy. It's the same influence that's why there's overlap in the ideologies.

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Jan 16, 2019
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I agree. It is good to focus on what you can control to create a good environment. That combined with prayer.

Christians wrongly assume that possibilities and positive thinking are new age concepts because they tout them. But occultists have always understood the nature of spiritual laws far more than believers and operate with that in mind. When they read the bible they know they're seeing a series of laws in action. The bible is rife with cause and effect.

For example, man was given dominion over the earth. That wasn't predicated on belief in God or Christ. It's bestowed because he's man. That's why you see references to the earth and elements in paganism. They know they have authority that's why they call them and give them directions. Much like Christ rebuked the wind. They have to heed our voice because we have authority.

The devil isn't stronger than God but his people use the bible effectively. Prayer is one of many tools we have in our arsenal. That's why I follow a biblical year. There's deeper truths you'll never hear from the pulpit but I seek them out and apply them.

You can have a beautiful marriage in this sin sick world and raise God-fearing children within it if you use what you're given. But if you're waiting on others to unpack those mysteries you'll be waiting forever.

The Christian walk is offensive. Consider that with sports in mind. What does the offense do?

Whereas most Christians move defensively. They're responding to what happened at home, work, etc. They don't get ahead of the devil and thwart his moves before they occur because they don't think strategically.

There's your hint. :)

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2015
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Well, I don’t really ever concern myself with what the world is up to. Not really seeing much evidence of this ‘patriarchy’ people talk about either. That term has devolved into an agenda-driven media buzzword, it’s intent being to make women resentful of men. It was an effective maneuver of satan.

No offense if anyone does enjoy this stuff, it’s just my preference..whatever Internet influencer people talk about, be they ‘christian’ or not I can’t be concerned with. If they are on the internet grandstanding about how great their ‘traditional’ life is, I have to question how ‘christian’ they really are anyway. Besides, things on the internet aren’t always what they seem, can’t believe everything ya see or hear (John 7:24). Think about it, if they really were hardcore ‘traditional’ they wouldn’t be on social media boasting about how traditional they are.

Never saw any of this stuff in the Bible about sons leading mothers and today I am so grateful to God I didn’t lead my sister LOL. But God did put it on the men to lead spiritually, and within marriage.

“Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”
—1 Timothy 2:11-14

Also 1 Corinthians 14:34, Colossians 3:18, Ephesians 5:22, Titus 2:5.

Even in mixed marriages where the husband is pagan or atheist, the Christian wife is to be submissive, so that the husband may be won over to God by her godliness. 1 Peter 3:1.

Unfortunately, false teachers crept in and took those verses (and many, many other unrelated verses) out of context, to present their own false ways as spiritual truths. You want to see ‘patriarchy’ as it is defined by the angry socialists, or observe ‘male superiority’, feast your eyes on this ‘sage’ ‘wisdom’:

Martin Luther:
“For woman seems to be a creature somewhat different from man, in that she has dissimilar members, a varied form and a mind weaker than man. Although Eve was a most excellent and beautiful creature, like unto Adam in reference to the image of God, that is with respect to righteousness, wisdom and salvation, yet she was a woman. For as the sun is more glorious than the moon, though the moon is a most glorious body, so woman, though she was a most beautiful work of God, yet she did not equal the glory of the male creature.”
Commentary on Genesis, Chapter 2, Part V, 27b.

That is just too interesting he makes those sun and moon references. It also sounds sort of gay LOL

John Calvin
“On this account, all women are born that they may acknowledge themselves as inferior in consequence to the superiority of the male sex.”
Commentary on 1 Corinthians

“Since, therefore, God did not create two chiefs of equal power, but added to the man an inferior aid, the apostle [Paul] justly reminds us of that order of creation in which the eternal and inviolable appointment of God is strikingly displayed.”
Commentary on Timothy, Titus and Philemon

John Knox
“Woman in her greatest perfection was made to serve and obey man …”
The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women.

“Nature I say, paints [women] further to be weak, frail, impatient, feeble and foolish: and experience has declared them to be inconstant, variable, cruel and lacking the spirit of counsel and regiment [or, leadership].”
The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women

Truth is, if some random dude said things far less harsh he would be referred to as an ‘incel’ or something. But unfortunately these deceivers are uplifted within the religious system. Same for the church fathers (so-called) who also had unkind things to say about women. Such as Tertullian, who referred to women as the devil’s gateway. And this ‘gem’ of ‘wisdom’ from Augustine:

“I don’t see what sort of help woman was created to provide man with, if one excludes procreation. If woman is not given to man for help in bearing children, for what help could she be?”

I don’t recall Christ or any of His disciples talking about women that way. The tone is controlling, degrading. Submission in a biblical marriage is voluntary, and the husband respectful, honoring of the wife. That’s easy to see by reading 1 Peter 3 and Ephesians 5 in their entirety.

So, I am not for this internet influencer trend of ‘traditional’, or the slave-master relationship endorsed by the gurus of the religious system. God’s Word has the answers.

“Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.”
—Psalm 119:2
It is really telling when someone derails every thread with their own personal agenda. You have an obvious agenda to undermine any Christian leader of significance throughout the history of the church. Every thread you post now is an attack on someone or a group of people. It's very uncharitable and un- Christian. Your contention and pride is so toxic and destructive to everyone else here. You have essentially nuked all discussion in this subforum, because everyone is tired of arguing with you and all discussion ends. When a Christian acts like this, know for certain they are on the path to destruction and outright heresy. It won't be long before you start to deny the divinity of Christ and other core doctrines. I have seen others tread this path and it ends very tragically. You need to humble yourself and repent.

This is the spirit of pride and self- smugness that pushes the restraining and convicting presence of the Holy Spirit away. Your posts are far worse now than they were a year ago. You are so vicious in all your condemnations of church leaders and pick apart every aspect of their lives. Even the lives of those who died for the faith. Is that the spirit of Christ ? Does Christ teach us to be incapable of charity? You have essentially put yourself in a dangerous position and I urge you to repent and knock off this nonsense and crusade. As you can see, most people avoid your posts, because you are not a man of reason and you are nasty and sarcastic and passive aggressive. Maybe instead of attacking martyrs and church fathers every day, start repenting for your own behavior. It's far worse than any behavior you are condemning in others.

You mock Matin Luther and call him a false teacher that crept in unaware. Firstly, he didn't creep in stealthily. Right or wrong, Luther had guts and boldly proclaimed his views. He defied popes and emperors to stand by his conviction of the doctrine of Justification by faith
What have you done ? It's great that you sneer and criticize all these other Christians for not having every point of doctrine correct. The only reason you even have a copy of an English Bible is because of the reformers you hate on. So maybe next time while you are gleefully pointing out the doctrinal errors of others and quoting scriptures to bash them, remember you can only find the scriptures in your own language because of them. Grow up and show some respect. Stop embarrassing yourself with your nonsense.
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