Pagan Holidays


Apr 14, 2020
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EDIT: Please do your own research concerning these holidays. There may be some false information or theories on this page I am not %100 sure at the moment, I need to do further research, but as far as I know, what is posted is the truth.

Again, sorry if this is not the best forum for this post but I couldn't find one that would better suit it, please move if needed. Thank you!

Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the church. It was not instituted
by Christ or the apostles, or by Bible authority. Christmas was not observed by
Christians the first two or three hundred years. It was picked up afterwards from
paganism in the fifth century when the Roman Church ordered it to be celebrated as
an official "Christian" festival". Scripture does not tell us when Jesus was born but
gives clues that He was not even born in winter.

December 25th is not the day of the Lord's birth but is actually the birthdays of
the Roman gods Sol Invictus & Mithras. Which we know are no gods but sun/nature
and demon/fallen angel worship. A quick Google search will confirm this for you.

The pagan festival with its riot and merrymaking was so popular, that Christians were
glad of an excuse to continue its celebration with little change in spirit and in manner.

Christian preachers of the West and Near East protested against the unseemly frivolity
with which Christ's birthday was celebrated, while Christians of Mesopotamia accused their
Western brethren of idolatry and sun-worship for adopting as Christian this pagan festival.

Remember, the Roman world had been pagan. Prior to the fourth century, Christians were
few in number, tho increasing, and were persecuted by the government and by pagans.

But, with the advent of Constantine as emperor, who his profession of Christianity, in the
fourth century, placing Christianity on an equal footing with paganism, people of the Roman
world began to accept this now popular Christianity by the hundreds of thousands.

But remember, these people had grown up in pagan customs, chief of which was this idolatrous
festival of December 25th. It was a festival of merrymaking, with its special spirit.

They didn't want to give it up. The recognition by Constantine, of Sunday, which had been the day
of pagan sun-worship, and how the influence of pagan Manichaeism which identified the Son of God
with the physical sun, gave these pagans of the fourth century, now turning over wholesale to
"Christianity," their excuse for calling their pagan-festival date of December 25th (birthday of
the sun god, the birthday of the Son of God.

And that is how Christmas got into Christianity. We may call it by another name, but it's
the same old pagan sun-worshipping festival. The only change being what we call it.

Also Santa being an obvious anagram of Satan. Santa giving worldly gifts to who he deems "nice".
Satan also giving worldly gifts & pleasures to those who worship him.

In the days of the Roman Empire, the month of February was the last and shortest month
of the year. February originally had 30 days, but when Julius Caesar named the month of
July after himself, he decided to make that month longer and shortened February to 29
days while making July a month of 31 days.

Later when Octavius Caesar, also known as Augustus, came to power, he named the month of August
after himself, and not to be outdone he also subtracted a day from February and gave the month of
August 31 days.

To this very day it remains that way. The ancient Romans believed that every month had a
spirit that gained strength and reached its peak or apex of power in the middle or ides of the
month. This was usually the 15th day, and it was a day when witches and augurs, or soothsayers
worked their magic.

An augur was a person filled with a spirit of divination (undoubtedly), and from the word
augur we get the word "inaugurate", which means to "take omens". Since February had been robbed
by Caesars and had only 28 days, the ides of February became the 14th day of that month.

Since the ides of a month were celebrated on the preceding eve, the month of February was
unique, because it was the 13th day that became the eve of the ides that month, and it
became a very important pagan holiday in the Empire of Rome. The sacred day of February 14th
was called "Lupercalia" or "Day of the Wolf".

This was a day that was sacred to sexual frenzy of the goddess Juno (there are no gods,
only fallen angels/demons). This day also honored the Roman gods, Lupercus and
Faunus, as well as the legendary twin brothers, who supposedly founded Rome, Remus and Romulus.
These two are said to have been suckled by wolves in a cave on Palatine Hill of Rome.

The cave was called Lupercal and was the center of the celebrating on the eve of Lupercalia or
February 14th. On this day, Lupercalia, which was later named Valentine's Day, the Luperci
or priests of Lupercus dressed in goatskins for a bloody ceremony.

The priests of Lupercus, the wolf god, would sacrifice goats and a dog and then smear themselves
with blood. These priests, made red with sacrificial blood, would run around Palatine Hill
in a wild frenzy while carving a goatskin thong called a "februa".

Women would sit all around the hill, as the bloody priests would strike them with the goatskin
thongs to make them fertile. The young women would then gather in the city and their names
were put in boxes.

These "love notes" were called "billets". The men of Rome would draw a billet, and the woman
whose name was on it became his sexual lust partner with whom he would fornicate until
the next Lupercalia or February 14th.

Thus, February 14th became a day of unbridled sexual lust. The color "red" was sacred to that day
because of the blood and the "heart shape" that is popular to this day. The heart-shape was not a
representation of the human heart, which looks nothing like it. This shape represents the human
female matrix (the womb) or "opening to the chamber of sacred copulation".

When the Gnostic Catholic Church began to get a foothold in Rome around the 3rd century A.D., they
became known as Valentinians. The Catholic Valentinians retained the sexual license of the festival
in what they called "angels in a nuptial chamber", which was also called the "sacrament of copulation".

This was said to be a reenactment of the marriage of "Sophia and the Redeemer".
As the participants of the February 14th ritual began their sexual sacrament, presided over and
watched by the priests known as Valentinians, the following literary was spoken.
"Let the seed of light descend into thy bridal chamber, receive the bridegroom... open thine
arms to embrace him. Behold, grace has descended upon thee".

As time went on, the Orthodox Church suppressed the Gnostic Catholics and manufactured
"St. Valentine", whose day continues to be celebrated in these modern times.

Christians should avoid Valentine's Day like a plague. In God's eyes, it is still
"Lupercalia", the "Day of the Wolf".
Men become wolves, as they carry on the Satanic rituals of fornication, which means
sexual intercourse without marriage. We have heard of the "wolf whistle", and we all know
that wolves do not whistle. It is lustful men and women, who carry on Satan's blasphemy to
this very day.

The earliest Halloween celebrations were held "not by the inspired early Church, but
by the Druids in honor of Samhain, Lord of the Dead, whose festival fell on November 1".

This festival is an old pagan holiday, masquerading as though it was one of the customs of
the Church. And yet professing Christians allow their children to get into the spirit
of this pagan custom.

Now notice what the Encyclopedia Britannica says about Halloween: "It long antedates
Christianity. The two chief characteristics of ancient Halloween were the lighting
of bonfires and the belief that this is the one night in the year during which ghosts
and witches are most likely to wander about.

History shows that the main celebrations of Halloween were purely Druidical "from the
Druids of Northwest Europe and this is further proved by the fact that in parts of Ireland
October 31 is still known as Oidhch Shamhna, 'Vigil of Saman'. "Saman or Samhain was
the pagan Lord of the Dead among the Druids".

So Halloween was celebrated among the pagans long before Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
This pagan holiday, however, was not celebrated alone among the Druids.

It was also a Roman festival. The Britannica continues: "On the Druidic ceremonies were
grafted some of the characteristics of the Roman festival in honor of Pomona held
about November 1, in which nuts and apples, representing the winter store of fruits, played
an important part".

Notice the widespread pagan custom to celebrate this season of the year.

Among the heathen Druids, Samhain or Saman, the Lord of the Dead, was Satan.

To this day people still celebrate with frolicking fun, a wild night in honor of the devil.
In Galatians Paul says that the heathen who thought they were worshipping the true God were
actually serving demons. Undoubtedly!

The name "Easter" is merely the slightly changed English spelling of the name of the
ancient Assyrian goddess Ishtar, pronounced by the Assyrians exactly as we pronounce "Easter".
The Babylonian name of this goddess was Astarte, consort of Baal, the sun-god, whose worship
is denounced by the Almighty in the Holy Bible as the most abominable of all pagan idolatry.

Easter "bears its Chaldean origin on its very forehead. Easter is nothing else than Astarte,
one of the titles of Beltis, the 'queen of heaven', whose name, as pronounced by the people
of Nineveh, was evidently identical with that now in common use in this country".

The ancient gods of the pagans had many different names. While this goddess was called
Astarte in Babylon, it appears on Assyrian monuments found by Layard in excavations at
Nineveh as Ishtar (Layard's Nineveh and Babylon, page 629). Both were pronounced "Easter".

Likewise, Beltis, or Bel (referred to in the Old Testament) also was called Moloch. It was
for sacrificing to Moloch (1 Kings 11:1-11, especially verse 7, where Moloch is called
an abomination) and other pagan gods that the Lord condemned Solomon, and rent away
the kingdom of Israel from his son.

In the ancient Chaldean idolatrous sun-worship, Baal was the sun god, Astarte his consort,
or wife. And Astarte is the same as Ishtar, or the English Easter.

Also Jesus observed no Lent. The Apostles and the early true Church of God observed no
Lenten season. The forty days abstinence of Lent was directly borrowed from
the worshippers of the Babylonian goddess.

In short, July 4th is actually the pagan celebration of "Old Midsummer's Eve" which is
based on solar (sun) worship, which we know is really just Satan worship. sun=Satan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"In the British Isles, Midsummer Eve, the evening before the Christian Feast of
St John the Baptist, was celebrated on 24th of June. Old Midsummer's Eve fell on a later
date (one which Americans will certainly recognize), after the calendar change of 1752. In
the old Julian calendar, June 24th was celebrated as the Summer Solstice and the counterpart
to the December 25th Winter Solstice.

This calendar change has to do with Pope Gregory XIII (1572-1585), who changed the scope of the
Julian calendar. During the sixteenth century, the calendar was ten days slow, as the Romans'
during the reign of Julius Caesar was ten days behind the sun. Under Pope Gregory's orders,
a more accurate calendar was constructed and the Julian calendar was replaced with the Gregorian
calendar. The correction of the drifting of the calendar away from the astronomically fixed
moments of the solstices and equinoxes was the very reason for the Gregorian reform (so that the
date of Easter could be reliably calculated by the Church). Ten days were "skipped" in October of
1582 to realign the calendar correctly with the sun.

However, many non-Catholic countries did not go along with this calendric change for years, so England
did not adopt the modern Gregorian calendar until 1752 (one hundred and seventy years later). With
the old Julian calendar eleven days behind the new Gregorian calendar, it was necessary to drop the
eleven days. In the 1752 reform in Britain, the old Julian calendar was eleven days off, which
required the change made wherein the 11:59 PM September 2, 1752 was followed by 12:00 AM September 14, 1752.

This was how the people of Europe came to celebrate Old Midsummer's Eve on
July 4th (eleven days after June 23). Many people found it hard to accept that eleven
days had just disappeared, so they continued to refer to holidays by the old Julian calendar by
the word "old" before the holiday. The "new" date of July 4th was actually the "old" June 23rd.
As a result, instead of celebrating Midsummer's Eve on June 23th,
many celebrated Old Midsummer's Eve on July 4th."

The world is at enmity to God.
We are to be in the world, not of the world.

1 John 17:16
"They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world."

1 John 2:15
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

Let us not be partakers of the sinful pleasures and idolatrous celebrations of the heathen world but let us
take hold of eternal life through obedience unto God and His commandments.

Credit to "Last Trumpet Ministries International" for some quotes/information in this post.
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Apr 14, 2020
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I'd consider it sinful to celebrate these once you know the truth of their true origins/purpose.

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world."
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loves "SO'S YER MOM!! posts!
May 18, 2002
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I'd consider it sinful to celebrate these once you know the truth of their true origins/purpose.

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world."
And you have every right to not celebrate them. On the other hand, other people may have a different opinions on the matter. Which is their right as well. I think it kind of evens out if you look at it that way. :wave:
tulc(just a thought, part 2) :)
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Apr 4, 2019
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Do you have different names for the days of the week or do you celebrate pagan gods and the planets by referencing the Sun’s day and the Moon’s day and Mar’s day and Mercury’s day and Jupiter’s Day and Venus’ day and of course Saturn’s Day?

The purpose of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - because God’s amazing plan to free mankind through the incarnation was bringing light into the darkened world. The purpose of Easter (with names that clearly reference Passover in most other European languages) is to recall the sacrifice of our Lord and to celebrate His conquering of death and redemption of humanity with His glorious resurrection.

And if you are married I hope you don’t show your fidelity with a pagan wedding ring.
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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Christmas is the celebration of the Incarnation of Christ. A bad day for the devil, a good day for us, it's good to celebrate.
The date of Christmas was calculated by John Chrysostom from the time of Zechariah's vision of the angel in the temple in Luke 1:5-45. In short, he took the time the priestly division of Abijah would have been on duty in the temple, added six months, then another 9 months, and got around the time Christmas is celebrated on the Julian calendar.

Easter is the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. Possibly the worst day in all eternity for the devil, and one of the best possible days for us. It's good to celebrate it. Lent can either be treated as a good thing, or a bad thing.

Halloween can be sketchy, but costumes and candy are a far cry from the much worse stuff that pagans do. Just as there's a difference between the way Christians and atheists celebrate Christmas, there's a difference between the way Pagans and non-occult people celebrate Halloween.

Valentine's Day is completely irrelevant to me, as I am single. I simply tune it out. If I'm ever not single on Valentine's Day, I'll have to change that, but I will not be indulging in pagan rites in the process.

The 4th of July has nothing really to do with anything spiritual in and of itself. Christians will thank God for the blessings he has given them in this country, both currently and historically. But that's not pagan.

God knows where my heart is at. He knows I'm not honoring false gods or demons or Satan on those days.
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Jul 15, 2014
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The only thing I'm celebrating during Christmas and Easter is my Lord and savior!

Yeah, but apparently you're going to hell for it in some people's eyes, because you got the actual dates of our Lord's birth and resurrection from the dead wrong. :rolleyes:
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Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
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Here's what an actual religious studies graduate researcher says on all this "pagan origins of Christmas" stuff:

Note in case you or anyone else doesn't want to watch the video: only Western Christianity celebrates Christmas on December 25th. In the Eastern churches it is celebrated on January 7th, or 6th if you're Armenian, because they never separated it from the Epiphany like the rest of Christianity eventually did. There's no pagan holiday of note on January 6th/7th, so the "converted Sol Invictus festival" idea doesn't work for the churches in the Eastern Roman empire, the Persian Empire, India, etc.

If you're going to follow Mor Jacob Bar Salibi as some kind of authority due to his musings on this (which are not supported outside of him by any writer of antiquity), you'd think you'd actually become Syriac Orthodox like he was. And then you'd be celebrating Christmas and Pascha ('Easter'). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Apr 14, 2020
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Everything can be verified through thorough research, don't take any one person's word for what they say, do your own research, you never know who is trying to deceive or speak the truth in these end times.
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Jan 10, 2017
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I figure if the Lord can redeem us old pagans there's no reason He can't do the same with old pagan holidays as well. :wave:
tulc(just a thought)
He redeems us based on our repenting and forsaking of sin. Pagan holidays can't repent of themselves. There are multitudes of people who still observe/practice pagan holiday and occult rituals. Thus these holidays remain unredeemable.
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loves "SO'S YER MOM!! posts!
May 18, 2002
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He redeems us based on our repenting and forsaking of sin. Pagan holidays can't repent of themselves.
True, but when a Christian celebrates Christmas and Easter those aren't pagan holidays, those are Christian ones. :wave:

There are multitudes of people who still observe/practice pagan holiday and occult rituals.
...and? Just because someone else does something different on a day, that doesn't mean the Christian is "celebrating a pagan holiday" that means a Christian is celebrating a Christian holiday. Seriously, how does what someone else does on a day make what a Christian is doing "pagan"?

Thus these holidays remain unredeemable.
In your opinion perhaps. And if your opinion is what determined what's right or wrong, that would be something to consider. But as my dad always said: "Opinions are like noses, everyone has one and everyone is free to pick their own." If people don't want to celebrate those days? that's up to them. Just like if people choose to celebrate them, they should feel free to do so, and celebrate with as much gusto as they want. :wave:
tulc(isn't sure why people feel this is even an issue?) :scratch:
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loves "SO'S YER MOM!! posts!
May 18, 2002
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Everything can be verified through thorough research, don't take any one person's word for what they say, do your own research, you never know who is trying to deceive or speak the truth in these end times.
That's true. Which is why I feel free to celebrate all those holidays did the research, decided it was okay...well...except the 4th of July. That one never appealed to me. That doesn't mean I think others shouldn't celebrate it, it just means I tend to not be very interested. :)
tulc(but that's another story altogether) :sorry:
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2017
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True, but when a Christian celebrates Christmas and Easter those aren't pagan holidays, those are Christian ones. :wave:

...and? Just because someone else does something different on a day, that doesn't mean the Christian is "celebrating a pagan holiday" that means a Christian is celebrating a Christian holiday. Seriously, how does what someone else does on a day make what a Christian is doing "pagan"?

In your opinion perhaps. And if your opinion is what determined what's right or wrong, that would be something to consider. But as my dad always said: "Opinions are like noses, everyone has one and everyone is free to pick their own." If people don't want to celebrate those days? that's up to them. Just like if people choose to celebrate them, they should feel free to do so, and celebrate with as much gusto as they want. :wave:
tulc(isn't sure why people feel this is even an issue?) :scratch:
Historically, Christmas and Easter have pagan origins. The Roman Catholic Church simply accommodated them as part of "Christian" practice. They were never Christian holidays. How do you redeem something that God has not been redeemed?
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loves "SO'S YER MOM!! posts!
May 18, 2002
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Historically, Christmas and Easter have pagan origins. The Roman Catholic Church simply accommodated them as part of "Christian" practice.
Or they were adopted, (like we were) and changed into something else, (like we were) and have become holidays that Christians celebrate. Well...those who want to celebrate them any way. :wave:

They were never Christian holidays.
...except they are now, and have been for many centuries. :)

How do you redeem something that God has not been redeemed?
Probably by taking them over and simply remaking them into something different. Doesn't appear to be that hard. I mean, they are just days, right? So a bunch of people look around one day and say, "You know? We already have that day off, why don't we all get together then and instead of doing all that Saturnie stuff, let's have a church service at my house instead?" and next year they do it again And then "BOOM!" Christmas is born! :oldthumbsup:
tulc(a lot of things are pretty easy when it get's right down to it, it's people that seem to make them unnecessarily complicated) :sorry:
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