Not sure where to ask this question so I place it here, "has society (including Christians) simply become more cruel and unsympathetic towards otherw?


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May 22, 2013
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The foundational reason is the economy. The Pandemic didn't help much, since things have been going down hill economically (for the individual) since the Harper Administration.
If you are under the power of money, you can be controlled by whoever controls the money.

So, possibly, the problem is not really the economy, but how people have become hooked on money instead of discovering and enjoying loving.

There will always be wrong people in some sort of power over material things. And they can be controlling and nasty, incompetent, dishonest, and you never know when and where these people will show up and mess things up.

This has always been the case. It takes time, though, for each person to find out he or she "has a belly button".

Once you know you have a belly button . . . you can stare at it all the time so you can't do the good and the loving that we always can do; or don't let that belly button keep you looking down!
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Jul 11, 2023
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Just as a general observation, are people less empathetic or concerned for their fellow citizen than say, even just 10 years ago?
More and more people are audibly expressing that observation. So, evidently, yes.

I have noticed a steep decline in humanity here in Canada, just not a very gentle nation of kind, compassionate citizens anymore. Less patience, less interested in others plight etc.
It's a decline that is noticeable, worldwide.

If you share this conclusion, what is to blame? Movies and music? Social media and the anonymity of the internet? We are becoming quite "unChristian-like"...even many of the apparent Christians!
In one word, it's lawlessness. Matthew 24:12

I have heard my parents lament that as children, any stranger could reprove them if they were impolite, or misbehaved, and even report them to their parents.
My parents grew to adults, in a society where that was normal, so they in turn spoke to children about their behavior, and the children were respectful, because it was an elderly person admonishing them.

Today, I often hear how you cannot talk to children about their behavior. I have experienced some of these attitudes, myself.
They roll their eyes at you, or look at you from a side, like, "Who you talking to?"

Some may even curse at you, like, "Why you don't mind your #expletive# business?"

Then you have those who point a finger at you, and go "Pow Pow", It's then you realize, you had better mind your business, because it has happened that either big brother, big daddy, or "little man" himself, just might return, and go "Pow Pow", but with a real Pow Pow. Not a finger.

Even at school, teachers are afraid to discipline some youths, and yes, some teacher have been in fights with children, and some have been stabbed or shot, by the little men in their classroom.
Imagine, teachers are now like cops - "We fear for our lives".
Not to mention parents who actually go to the school looking for the "fool that actually messed with my kin".

That's the children. So imagine the adults.
In fact, you don't have to imagine. We can read about them.
Woman shot at by neighbour for objecting to loud music by DJ dies
Cut down in the prime of life for appealing to your neighbor to be considerate. She was pregnant too.

I didn't want to post a whole page of these incident, but there are scores.
This highlights what people have to deal with, on a daily basis, and why some people "keep to themselves", and mind their own business - making them appear less interested in others.
Even to help a person on the street, who seem in distress, could get you killed, and people prefer to walk by.

It's not that they are not interested. At least those who care. It's that they value their life, and the lives of their families.
Some people have died in house fires, that started mysteriously.

As these incidents, and thousands more show, we live in a violent world, where people are angrier - this is a fact, less considerate of others, more selfish, and the list of negative attitudes goes on.
People who do not see that the world has changed for the worst, and is continuing in that steady, are actually affected by callousness and apathy, and don't realize it.

What is to blame?
People may say movies, social media, etc.
However, while these do add to dulling the mind, to violence, and empathy, they are not to blame for the mind being so susceptible to them.

For example, what kind of mind would allow a person to sit and play a game like Carmageddon?
The mind has to be already sick, and under some kind of influence.
It's a mind that is void of values that are becoming less and less important in this godless world.

The reason for this, is mentioned at Revelation 12:9
The great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

Since we are now in the last days of Satan's rule of this world, we are seeing his influence more and more. 2 Timothy 3:1-5
1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

Which of these marks, are we not seeing, more-so today? None. We see all of them.
We are seeing the effects of Satan and his demons "meteorite like landing on earth", and the anger that Satan has, is being manifested in his world.

Jesus said, concerning the last days, "because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold." Matthew 24:12
This is what we are seeing.
Another proof, the Bible is accurate and reliable.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
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No if anything we are too soft & coddled. Too loving
We’re not taught how to grow up
Taught simply to live and let live, anything goes
Behave like it's the end of the world when the smallest thing doesn't go away, or act like the tiniest thing is all that matters.

No discipline. No humility.

Plus, no care for fellow man has been an issue since Cain killed Able. Has never gone away even in ‘Christian’ communities.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
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Here's an easy experiment. Don't watch TV or go on the internet for 3 days, just socialize with people face to face. Does the world still seem cruel and unsympathetic?
Very much so. Face to face interaction is where most people see the anger, selfishness, lack of love, and fellow feeling.
That's why most people bury their head in a phone, and flick their finger on social media.
Some do so because they aren't interested in people's feelings - perhaps that's a reaction to the deception they see though.
More people are finding it harder to trust, these days.
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Akita Suggagaki

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
United States
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Just as a general observation, are people less empathetic or concerned for their fellow citizen than say, even just 10 years ago?

I have noticed a steep decline in humanity here in Canada, just not a very gentle nation of kind, compassionate citizens anymore. Less patience, less interested in others plight etc.

If you share this conclusion, what is to blame? Movies and music? Social media and the anonymity of the internet? We are becoming quite "unChristian-like"...even many of the apparent Christians!
It is a rise and celebration of of narcissism.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
up there
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The thing is I have noticed is the condemnation and attacks are vicious, seeking total destruction of others. This is coming from the same people who are claiming they want an inclusive and fair society. Its becoming more polarized and violent. Speech is seen as violence. It seems society is taking a step backwards rather than becoming more unified and happy.
The more self interest we have the more the likelihood of these things happening. Responsibilities have been replaced by rights. A Christian might say caring for others has been replaced by self absorption. Of course the end result will be division and strife.
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