North Korean Christians


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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Christians are sent to prison and labor camps, where they are starved, overworked and tortured. The government’s requirement that all North Koreans act as informants applies even to families, as children are taught to spy on their parents from a young age. Therefore, North Korean Christians must be extremely careful in what they say, what they do and even how they pray. When a Christian is discovered, the government punishes the entire family in order to encourage reporting on family members. Despite the threat of persecution and heavy social pressure, Christians in North Korea hold firmly to their faith. Christian and secular analysts estimate that about 30,000 Christians are currently suffering in prison and labor camps.


Owning a Bible or even portions of Scripture is extremely risky in North Korea. Nevertheless, bold Christians work to bring God’s Word to the North Korean people, few of whom have ever had access to Scripture because of the regime’s unceasing efforts to restrict access. Most of North Korea’s underground Christians have found that memorization is the safest and most effective way to keep God’s Word.

(Last night at Bible study we were discussing how the seed gets spread around the world, and one young man said his church has missionaries in S Korea that they pray for all the time. I said it's possible they might even reach North Korea, because the South Korean believers sometimes floated scriptures on balloons the North calls "propaganda balloons" However, then South Korea stopped the balloons 2 years ago!

"However, in 2020, the South Korean government officially passed a bill to criminalize the flying of propaganda balloons toward North Korea, despite criticisms by activists that the attempts of improving ties with the North with such a ban would suppress the freedom of expression for South Korean citizens. The 187 lawmakers who supported the bill pledged that the new legislation was passed to avoid unnecessarily provoking North Korea, to ensure the safety of people living near the border and secure stable relations with the North. Under the new law, anyone flying leaflets, auxiliary storage devices or money towards North Korea without government permission is punishable by up to three years in prison or 30 million won (approx. $27,730) in fines."

Now let's not ask if anyone is still flying balloons with Bibles & scripture. I also heard someone floated scriptures in bottles also, in hopes they wash up on N Korea's shores. Definitely ALL of this deserves much prayer, and ultimately this prayer, "EVEN SO, COME LORD JESUS!" - Revelation 22:20 )