My testimony of salvation on the radio!

Dave Darling

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2016
Harrisburg, PA
Marital Status
Hey something amazing just happened! I was just contacted by someone on facebook. My testimony of salvation is all over the internet, I sent it out to probably thousands of people on facebook and it is also on my website. This person has a christian radio show and they really liked my testimony so they want to share it over the radio! This radio station is called The Real Life Radio Show and it is based in Florida. I don't know if they want to share it or if they want me to share it. I just filled out and submitted the forum to audition for their show and sent it in, then they said they will want to talk to me to get to know me better and then if things are OK they will then record my interview with my testimony and then play it over the radio! If you want to read my testimony it is below:

My testimony of salvation- I gave my life to Jesus in the bathroom of a community college I was attending in 2003. I was sitting in class at night and I felt an evil presence come over me like it was trying to take control over me, immediately I got up and ran to the bathroom. I called the pastor of a local church who I was in touch with and for some reason he was still there at 7pm at night, I told him I needed to accept Jesus now. I got down on my knees and he led me in prayer and I asked Christ to forgive me of my sins and I turned my life over to him and I promised I would get rid of my drugs (I was a hardcore drug user). A huge weight lifted off of me, the weight of the world came off of me that night, I felt like I could float away! It was a lifetime of sin! The evil presence left never to return. As soon as I got home I flushed all of my drugs down the toilet ($500 worth in drugs) and then I went back out and threw my drug box along with all of my pipes and paraphernalia into the dumpster at a local truck stop.